What is wrong with you people? Unless I missed something, there is no reasonable explanation for not having a thread on The Walking Dead. For those who tuned in for the season three premier, what did you think? Please remember to use tags, just to keep everyone happy . > I enjoyed the first episode, loved the big "holy shit" ending. Bring on next week.
I thought the season 3 premier was surprisingly good. In the previous two seasons, it felt like the writers did everything in their power to make most of the characters bitchy, irritating dimwits with nary a likable trait. I was supposed to care about these assholes? But I think it was a good idea for a lot time to pass in the story between season 2 and season 3. It let the characters evolve without making the audience endure hours of painful dialogue and the typical Walking Dead soap opera nonsense. Maybe this show will finally live up to some of its potential.
Invisible tags? Come on, what's the point of a thread where you have to hide everything you say? And why would anyone enter a thread about a show that has just broadcast without wanting to talk about what happened? Also what constitutes as a spoiler? Information from season 1 & 2? From the comics? It's all too unnecessarily restrictive and if it's aired and you haven't seen the episode why come to a thread about it? Seems dumb to me, imho. In fact previews - future information on plot-settings and comic information are the only things that are technically spoilers which should be tagged. As for the premiere it was great. That's all I can say without "spoiling" Unless I use tags and I've already stated I think that's dumb so I won't be doing it.
I was initially going to have the thread without tags, but I was considering those who may not be keeping up with the current season but have watched the previous three. If you don't want to use the tags, just write spoiler up the top to warn people.
The season 3 episode was brilliant! It had less drama and more zombie killing like the first season. The ending was definitely something I didn't expect, and this person is probably fucked
Can't wait for the 2nd episode now. I've watched the 1st and 2nd seasons too, and IMO they are only getting better with this one
I think people are getting ahead of themselves with this season being so action-oriented. It won't be. That said, the dramatic moments for the prison arc are far better than they were on the farm.
Probably. The premieres have all been pretty good, but as soon everyone starts talking, everything goes down the shitter.
That was even better than the comic version. At first I thought a subplot would develop and it'd be done later, then I thought maybe in-episode, but then a split second later... Oh fuck yes.
I don't know. I was kind of bored. A lot of stupid stuff is going on still. Carl seems like the only sane person there now.
Spoilers. You've been warned. This weeks episode was fantastic. Absolutely lost it when Rick stated "shit happens," and fucked that guy up. I found myself without nails after the episode because everything was going to well for the episode to end, but turns out it did. Keen for next week, although [for those that watched the next week preview] I'm really unsure about this Governor situation, and fucking hell Merle will be back.