As the title states. The rules that aren't actually rules but are good points to live by while frequenting this forum. 1 rule per post. 1. Do not take Minus seriously.
4. Enter the shoutbox at your own risk. Especially if the shoutbox is inhabited by quite a few bold, colored names.
7. Yes, for fuck's sake, Ree is a girl. And yes, as hinted at in Timothy's signature, she has a penis. And yes, this has everything to do with the previous rule discussing pushpops.
12. When HypnoToad posts in the shoutbox, everyone present must shout "GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD" at least 5 times.
#13 Hybrid will probably talk about your mom. And it is probably true. Don't get your dick caught in a blender over it!
15. You are allowed to say Meteora is the band's best album, as long as you can justify it with more than just fanboyish bullshit.