The ""Truth"" about Marilyn Manson

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mechanical Christ, Nov 18, 2004.

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  1. #21

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Well heres my opinion;
    Marilyn Manson uses hig goth look as a Gimmick he has demanded that he IS NOT a satanist.Also its very strange that some of those photos on that webpage look absolutley nothing like Marilyn Manson,even if hes supposed to be younger etc. Its not him.Also photoshop could easily have been used in some of those pictures to make Manson look satanic which is probably why those photos are in black and white to cover up the evidence.About the suicide thing,famous rock artists will do alot of things for publicity wether its biting a bats or a chickens head off,Sh**ing on stage or in this case encourageing teenagers to commit suicide,theres been far worse than that. The burning cross symbol on that stage could be absolutley anything,its more than likely that was a different gathering to some anti-christ belief show and not a Marilyn Manson concert. Manson uses his goth beleifs as a gimmick and nothing more,its actualy been proven that he himself goes to chruch (not a damn satanic one) and is a religous person with beleifs in christianity.

    My thoughts are that this website was started by an over paranoid religous person (no offence to any religous people) who hates Marilyn Manson.Such a thing wouldn't be allowed in the media.Just for the record Mariyln Mansons hero was NOT chris Manson,I beleive he looked up to black sabbath and Jimmy Hendrix (As said in a TV interveiw)

    Now thats just Manson I'm talking about,don't get me started about that article going into Curt Cobain and John Lennon because thats going too far! Curt Cobain was a great musician and a heavily religous person and I doubt someone from the beatles had any interest in satan.

    That website has actualy p***ed me off with its claims and I hope my point has been made.
  2. #22

    Razan SUGAAAR!

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I never thought of the Beatles as a satanic band either!

    The pictures don't look like him at all.
    I never noticed it but the structure of his face is different like a triangle. Definately not him.

    As for Curt Cobain how do we know he even did that?

    The article doesn't make sense they only take rumors and never put facts into consideration.

    As for smashing his cd's who in their right mind would smash a cd they bought! If they bought it they would obviously like it..just not logical.

    I thought killing people was bad...why did the reveren offer MM a gun to practice what he preaches (kill himself).
    The reveren also encouraged people to go into the crowd shoot MM and run away! Not the holy way is it!
  3. #23

    Whimsicality I broke the dam.

    Mar 22, 2003
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    *dies laughing*

    That site is so full of shit it's hilarious. I love how they make a big deal about not sending negative email because everything on the site is "factual" yet a lot of it has been blatently disproven...
  4. #24

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Ridiculous religious fanatics.
  5. #25

    Vampire Banned

    Nov 18, 2004
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    :preach: The perfect emoticon for Mr. Reverend.
  6. #26

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Aww, just like good Christians, they ignore anything they don't agree with!!!
  7. #27

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    So understanding of us!

    They're like communists, agree or die.
  8. #28

    Ryan You Greasy Bastard LPA Super VIP

    Feb 17, 2003
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    So understanding of us!

    They're like communists, agree or die. [/b][/quote]
    Yah that's pretty pathetic. They want to try to foce you all this bullshit but aren't open any criticism form what they say. I

    t such crap that they think that Marilyn Manson had anything to do with the colombine massacre. First they blame it on bullying then they blame it Manson. What's next, are they gonna try to say that Martha helped those boys out by hooking them up with abunch of insider information. :rolleyes:
  9. #29
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    So is this going to turn into another religion bash-fest? If it is, then I see no reason why it should be open.

    Now, I know I'm probably going to get warned for this, but SOMEONE on here needs to be the voice of reason. When you have admins that are violating their own damn rules, that really tells me something about the people that run this place. Mark, Will, come on. Show some tact, will ya?
  10. #30

    Vampire Banned

    Nov 18, 2004
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    I've gotta agree with Cameron on this. Some of you are making the assumption that all Christians are like this -- it may be the stereotype but not the full truth.
  11. #31

    Link04 Ambient

    Mar 25, 2004
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    This site makes me absolutely furious. It's people like this that give Christianity a horrible name:

    "We as Christians, can not hate individuals, but we certainly must hate sin, and the actions that individuals like Brian Warner do. We have to take a stand against what he does. If you do not agree with this, then you are no Christian. A true Christian will stand against what Marilyn Manson advocates."

    Absolute and utter bullshit. I'm a Christian, and I believe this man needs to actually know what "the anti-christ" means before he throws it around in an article. The anti-christ is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, yet is the ultimate deciever. When this thing comes, (if he alread hasn't) I'm sure an ignorant sheep like the author will be one of his followers.

    And lastly, I agree with Cameron. The generalizations by Will and Mark were, imo, unnecessary.
  12. #32

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Sorry, I was just being sarcastic. Just my way of replying to something as ridiculous as this site. :)
  13. #33

    Link04 Ambient

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Yeah, I'll most certainly give you that, the site is 100% manufactured bullshit.
  14. #34

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I didn't read the entire article, but from what I skimmed, this is just a blantant attack where the article is just out to bash the person and not actually give heresay to the actual man behind the gimmick.

    Manson's appeal is what makes him a stand alone character in the media today. Manson bows to no one's words and will say what he wants when he wants, and he shows off he isn't afraid to say that religion is non-sense.

    But wait, let it be known that Manson uses this as a gimmick in some ways. He may have some same views as in his music, but people like this article author fail to realize one thing... He is an entertainer.

    Much like any other entertainer, Manson plays the same role as a gangster would in a rap video. The only difference is that Manson doesn't take on bitches and ho's, no, he takes on a sense of rebellion against religion or acts of it.

    Extremist like this guy fail to realize Manson does what he does because people love it and people hate it. Much like surrounding controversy with Eminem. You can say in a song to "smack a bitch," but you can't preach individualism or any type of possible atheist qualities. It's something I don't understand about our society today.

    Now again, there is a lot people don't realize about Manson. Manson is in fact a very intellegent man and he is able to explain himself without cursing anyone out or planting any type of ulterior motive in other people's heads. Also, I find it hilarious how Manson was in fact a jock in high school. Now if you think about it, one of the jocks in your school could be the next media named anti-christ, and anyone who thinks the way this author does should be shakin' in their boots, I think.

    But yeah, I guess since I have actually taken extra steps to understanding Manson because I had heard before hand all the horrible things about him and I must say he is actually no different between me or the person sitting next to you on the bus. The only thing that's differing is the fact we think differently, but if we all thought one way, then what reason is there to live? I think diversity is one of the best things life can offer you and if you're just going to shove that away and out the window, then you're not really living a good, open life. But that's just my opinion.

    I just think guys like this need to realize that the only people you have to blame for things are the parents. I was brought up to understand the line between reality and fiction. I was told the difference between what I see on TV and heard on the radio aside real life. If children today cannot understand the difference, then I think that's a parent's fault for not teaching them what they should know. This world evolves quickly in technology and media and the youth is being corrupted due to the lack of understanding that parents should give their child. So before a parent or anyone for that matter blames an entertainer for doing something they do, they should take a step back and think, "Did I raise my child to know the difference?"

    Just my opinion, though.
  15. #35

    x3r09 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    why is it always ALL Christians that get blamed for one person saying something?

    i really don't like marilyn manson. but i honestly do think that he PROBABLY (not defintely though) is resposible for some "behavior", not columnbine, but then again i don't know. all i have to say is. does it really matter? people will think of marilyn manson the way they want to. and i think their opinion is just as valuable as mine.

    but please...stop with the "Christians are stupid" stuff. all this is doing is creating tension between the Christians and the non-Christians. but we are on these forums to have fun..not to start fights :D
  16. #36
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Yeah, I don't quite understand it, either.

    @ Will: *explodes* USE.SMILEYS. :lol:
  17. #37

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Okay, so point # 1, people.

    Trent Reznor or any of the members of Nine Inch Nails would never give Manson a blowjob on stage. Call me crazy, but I don't think Reznor would do that. He's much to serious about his work and how people perceive him and his art.

    As for Manson preaching at the Church of Satan, that's false as well. He was an Minister there, yeah, but he's never preached before.


    What the fuck? I know it's the Church of Satan, but I'd like to think you wouldn't just wear anything when you go to the Church. That's a fucking screen cap from a video. Ugh. Also, it looks like Manson is holding a goddamn cake.

    Rapes women on stage? Don't you think there would be news articles all over the MTV site, and CNN and shit? Ugh again. This isn't fucking Black Metal people. :rolleyes:

    I believe the two kids who shot the kids at Columbine were fans of Rammstein, and the cops found online postings and journal entries or something saying how much they loathed Manson. Shit, go watch Bowling For Columbine. Manson makes a good point in that little piece about him. And wasn't the Trenchcoat Mafia just two people?

    And you know this is 100% bullshit, when they say that The Beatles were all OMGSATANWORSHIPERS. And this site even goes as far as to claim Kurt Cobain was a Devil Worshipper, or atleast Anti-Christian aswell.

    Also, to my knowledge, Marilyn Manson has never put out a DVD called 'The Birth Of The Anti-Christ'. It's probably one of those unofficial biographies.

    Anyways, I'm done.
  18. #38

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I honestly thought the three exclamation points would give it away since I never use three. :lol:
  19. #39

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Nobody said christains are stupid,Some people were just saying that its not right that some peoples religous beleifs are conjured up into a whole webpage of hate for 1 man without any proper evidence to back up its points.No ones saying christians are stupid,we're just saying this one is :lol: but remember 'Judge not unless ye be judged' and this is judging MM.
  20. #40

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Christians as a whole aren't stupid, but this Christian is mighty stupid.
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