I don't fear death, but I do fear what happens after death. How will i be remembered? Will I even be remembered? How long will i be remembered for? Will I be appreciated for the good in my life or the bad? Its these questions that perfectly relate me with "Leave Out All The Rest". "After my dreaming, I woke with this fear. What am I leaving, when I'm done here. So if your asking me i want you to know. When my time comes, forget the wrong that i've done. Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed and Don't resent me and when your feeling empty, keep me in your memory. Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest..."
Definitely From the Inside and Leave out All the Rest. Two songs I've always been able to easily relate to, although I love the meanings of nearly every LP song.
Jesus. Hybrid Theory in itself is still the most relatable album I've ever heard in my life The Little Things Give You Away, Breaking The Habit (Nothing drug related), Burning In The Skies, and Waiting For The ENd all hit home also The Reanimation version of Pushing Me Away reminds me of high school heartache
I can honestly now say that In My Remains, Powerless and Castle Of Glass all relate to me on personal levels now. I'll make a list of all LP songs that I relate to personally from all 4 albums, I won't count b-sides and demos. Crawling Easier To Run Numb (Sadly) Given Up Leave Out All The Rest What I've Done In Pieces Burning In The Skies Iridescent The Messenger (When I am away from my family) In My Remains Castle Of Glass Powerless
Iridescent. I don't know why the lyrics get to me but the imagery and emotions it generate always blows me away because i can't help but imagine the bombs that dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the people that experienced it. I had such high hopes for the music video but it was murdered so violently by irrelevant Transformers.
Iridescent, Burning in the Skies, Waiting for the End, The Catalyst, Leave out All the Rest and from Living Things it is Roads Untraveled .
Great post man, I know exactly how you feel. Hybrid Theory has helped me through SO much in my life, that's why I consider it one of my favourite albums. But for my song choice, I will have to pick Breaking the Habit. "clutching my cure, I tightly lock the door. I try to catch my breath again. I hurt much more, than any time before. I had no options left again" Actually, I can't just pick one! Breaking the Habit, Shadow of the Day, and Waiting for the End are the only songs that really make me feel overly emotional when I hear them. I dont know what it is, but sometimes I find myself having to skip WFTE, it's such a beautiful song though.
Iridescent, Leave Out All the Rest, Waiting for the End Iridescent really struck me because it reminds me of the struggles I had to overcome in the past yet I still get trapped in the cycle and it never ends. I've always been a loner all my life and still suffering from depression. I'm already 21 and I can count the friends I have with 1 hand so I just use music and the internet as my outlet. "Do you feel cold and lost in desperation, You build up hope but failure's all you've known", I've always felt this way, "You felt the gravity of tempered grace, Falling into empty space, No one there to catch you in their arms" describes how I've always wanted to get out of this mess, wishing someone would save me from the pits but it's just not happening. The same for LOATR, "I dreamed I was missing You were so scared, But no one would listen 'Cause no one else cared", I want to make an impact and leave a mark but in the end, it doesn't even matterrerrrrr no one really cares. Still you hope that when you're gone, you want people to overlook your faults and realize that you actually did something worthwile since I've always felt like a failure. Waiting for the End like Iridescent, made me break down on first listen. It may sound like a break up song to most of you but I've never been in a relationship so I can't relate. I interpreted it as wishing everything would just disappear and you're hoping for something better but it won't come. I like the 2nd verse the most "We say Yeah! With fists flying up in the air Like we're holding onto something That's invisible there, 'Cause we're living at the mercy of The pain and the fear Until we dead it, Forget it, Let it all disappear." especially the last line. You pretend everything is okay and going smoothly but in reality, I'm just riding on the stream because I don't know my purpose but I keep holding on that invisible thread, hoping it will change somehow, but it's pointless because it's invisible and doesn't exist. The other incredible part of the song is when it starts to build up to the climax where the first verse and the chorus overlaps and Chester shouts "Holding on to what I haven't got!!!!" and at that point you just want to give it up and let go.
This thread is awesome. Makes me go back and listen to the songs from a whole different perspective. Helps me understand the message that is being conveyed and appreciate it so much more.
Right?! Especially HT songs, back in the day I didn't bother reading the lyrics and most LP songs were just headbangers and the raps you just memorize for the sake of, you know.. to sing along. It's easy to dismiss LP's lyrics 'coz they're pigeon-holed in a been-there-done-that genre, but I'm glad I was wrong Another thing I like about LP songs is that they're very relatable and not the same love shit that every other band is into
Dedicated. "Don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night." Why? Because way too often I tend to let other people decide whats wrong and whats right in my life, my happiness depends immensly on other peoples opinions. I got that sentence tattooed on my foot and whenever I'm about to feel bad due to other people again, I read that line and remember that at the end of the day it's me I have to be comfortable with.
LEAVE OUT ALL THE REST Although i'm only 14 i feel the same as Broman. I think LOATR's music video is the best mv ever made, cause i'm fascinated of the possibility to travel across the universe and all space things in general, while also being scared of the thought that the universe is endless, cause i think it's illegitimate and the coaction of these two themes makes it perfect, cause i'm scared and fascinated at the same time of it (LOATR's MV). I remember back in 2008, when i didn't have a computer i watched viva the whole day, always hoping LOATR will be shown again.