With no official news yet besides a few off hand comments and updates to Facebook and Instagram, I think it's safe to say Fort Minor is expected to have a new release at some point in the future. I was talking about this with a friend and in that conversation we brought up some interesting points to further discuss here. We both recognize Mike is unlikely to shift the spectrum of hip hop and rap with intricate verses and a cold flow. Still, Mike's first stint as Fort Minor was post-Meteora, pre-Minutes To Midnight, also known as when the band was first introduced to producer Rick Rubin. Rick played a revolutionary role in the evolution of Linkin Park as a band. It's no secret that Mike is the creative head of the six members, so he learned a lot from his experiences with Rick. Maybe his time using the "donna-na-na" tactic of using jibberish in place of real lyrics to develop a flow will help Mike raise above mediocrity? I know Mike will deliver om the instrumentals of a fresh Fort Minor album, I just hope he brings the bars and challenges himself. Regardless of opinions, though, I am eager to hear new Fort Minor after a decade long hiatus!
I have no doubt that the beats will be great. I do doubt that Shinoda will deliver good raps and, strictly because I have my own ideas about this, I'm pretty certain his choice of guests will disappoint me. On the other hand, I'm really glad that Linkin Park are taking that break. They've earned it and they really need it as a band.
So in the most "it's happening, but I'm not going to tell you yet....but hey check my social media accounts hint hint" answer of all time...Mike has finally answered about FM: If that isn't a 'hint hint' answer, I don't know what is .
Well, I think that's not what he meant? To me, it sounds like, 'if I really wanted to come back with FM, I'd have announced it on twitter or facebook already' sort of a tone. I'm ALWAYS wrong about these things so I guess you guys are right.