I have a reason that both of these rumored are probably not correct. 1. I don't think they would name it until they find out what the cd sounds like. 2. The morning after will not be featured on it (Chester said in a chat). 3. If the morning after isnt in it and the cd is called the morning after, fans might think that it is featured in it. But will be let down. 4. Runaway shadows could mix fans up with Runaway.
'Runaway Shadow' would be a good name I think. LP has had a "shadow" of being a pop-type band who is only in it for money. and with all of the concerts they do and what they do for fans, they're trying to get the shadow of that to run away. i dunno...just me thinking out=loud :chaz:
ummm...why do you insist on killing threads or put them to rest? and the thread was already pretty much dead till you posted