Well in case you didn't see, there was a little thing I had with the mods,and over the course of it i realized that the mods rock and the site is the best on the web. You MODS rock lol you made me look like a total dumbass in the midst of my fit! :chaz:
One moment he was swearing at the mods and the next he's loving them....A sudden change of heart perhaps???
Most of us are teens as well. [/b][/quote] really? i kinda pictured most of you all around 21.Well you're probably alla round 19, more mature than a 16 year old. But don't think of me as the dumbass 16 y/o who lost his temper, think of me as lp_hybridtheory_xero, the dude with the SIB '3' post that got tons of replies (if you must know, i am proud of that post )
i'm 17, derek's 17, bryan's 16 (i think), will's 15, omar's 15, alex is in his twenties, todd is 16 (soon to be 17!). so, the average age of our staff is, like, 17.4 or something, rofl. we're just an incredibe super-mature species of lp fans. (pfft...lol.)
My name's Will. That's what most people here call me. I might as well change my username to Will, hehe. I'm 15.
Yes we may come off as strict sometimes. But we are actually very friendly. We just treat these forums as a community. And we're the police force, doing our job to make this community clean and peaceful at all times. You can call us the LPAPD. Linkin Park Association Police Department. I gotta say, thanks guys. You dont realize how good your support really makes us feel. We have jumped to being COMPLETE NOBODIES the number one LP fansite on the web, all thanks to you guys. Maybe we arent the #1 site, but the statistics make me feel like we are. 4.5 Million hits last month(82,000+ visitors) and a whopping 200,000 downloads of Somewhere I Belong. If we arent number 1 statistically, you guys sure make us feel like it. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of this guys. I promise we'll NEVER quit as long as we are LP fans. You, our visitors, have really made my day. I'm going to go to sleep really happy tonight, thanks guys. It feels good to know you dont bust your ass off everyday, for nothing. You guys are the best. Keep supporting the band, like we do everyday! *high five to all of you*
Yes, this is the most informative [LP] site I have ever seen! More members in the forums than any other site. And the admins are cool
The great and wonderful Alex owns this site [/b][/quote] Who is Alex, does he have an alias on the forums, does he post?