I find them for cheap. A lot of this purchase came from a thrift store named Savers. But most of the time, I get the music from a place in Arizona called Zia Records. Insane store that sells Music/DvDs/Books and even a little videogames. You can find a lot of used CDs for $3. Even some new CDs can be cheap but generally have to find the used ones. They also have special bins like 4 CDs for $10 and 99 cent bins. It's crazy! EDIT: All 11 CDs cost me a total of $35 dollars. The most expensive CDs were Nirvana and Kanye West at $6 each, the rest were all $3 or less.
That's so awesome!!! I get my license tomorrow. One of the first things I'm gonna do is go buy some CDs. It's a '99 Volvo S70, and it doesn't have an aux chord This will be the first time I've ever purchased a physical CD
Nice! That's exciting! Buying Physical CDs has become an addiction for me now that I can find them cheap. I have until Summer of 2016 to get my physical collection as big as possible, I expect myself to buy a lot of CDs next year during my senior year of College. What CDs do you plan to buy?
Get ready. Best $64 ever spent: Blake Shelton- Blake Shelton Blake Shelton- Blake Shelton's Barn and Grill Blake Shelton- The Dreamer Blake Shelton- Purse BS Daft Punk- Discovery Foo Fighters- Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace Incubus- Make Yourself Kenny Chesney- All I Need to Know Kenny Chesney- Everywhere We Go Kenny Chesney- I Will Stand Kenny Chesney- Just Who I Am: Poets and Pirates Kenny Chesney- Lucky Old Sun Kenny Chesney- No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems Kenny Chesney- The Road and the Radio Kenny Chesney- When The Sun Goes Down Nirvana- Nevermind The Velvet Underground and Nico- The Velvet Underground and Nico (Rarities Edition) Anti- Fall Sampler (Free) Life on Planet MU (Free)
Stevie Wonder - Songs In The Key Of Life (2LP) A gift my cousin got me. One of my favorite soul records. Only downside is that it is missing the 24 page lyric book and 7'' EP it originally came with.
Death Cab For Cutie- Plans Foo Fighters- In Your Honor Goo Goo Dolls- A Boy Named Goo Innerpartysytem- Innerpartysytem Kenny Chesney- Me and You Kris Allen- Kris Allen The Offspring- Ixnay on the Hombre The Offspring- Smash Red Hot Chilli Peppers- Californiacation R.E.M.- Reveal Sum 41- All Killer, No Filler