The Innerpartysystem Thread

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by Agent, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Its.. Not.. Getting.. Any.. Better..
  2. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I'm underwhelmed by this new video. ;" Need PENTA to return for Innerparty's signature videos with all their seisure-inducing goodness :3
  3. The Doctor

    The Doctor I wear a fez now. Fez's are cool. LPA Super Member

    Mar 20, 2003
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    I know this is old but the band just sent out an email saying they are on an indefinite hiatus. I'm legitimately upset about this!
  4. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    1. I had no idea there was a thread for this band

    2. WHAT? NO! WHY????
  5. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Wait...WHAT! :( This sucks!
  6. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    by InnerPartySystem on Wednesday, 03 August 2011 at 21:41
    We find ourselves struggling to find the right way to start this statement to you all. Maybe a clever anecdote, or short story with some witty but true moral is in order? Nah, lets just stick to the facts. You all have been beyond amazing to us, and you deserve nothing less than the honest truth.

    innerpartysystem is going on indefinite hiatus. We aren't breaking up nor do we hate each other. As a matter of fact, we are all great friends. BROTHERS. Our experiences with this band and the people we've met over the past 6 years have shaped us into who we are today. We will without a doubt look back on these times with nothing but positive thoughts and feelings.

    While we will always treasure our time as innerpartysystem, we as individuals have chosen a path different from the one the band originally set out on. We can't stress enough that this is a very positive move for us. As we've grown, we want to move on to new projects that keep us excited about making music. Such is life. We promise, there will be music coming from all 3 of us separately, at some point.

    So, with that being said, here's some facts...

    Will there be a last show(s)? Of course! We want this send off to be a party! We are playing August 26th at Building 24 in Reading, a special outdoor show in Hoboken on August 27th, and we're making a trip out west to see our friends in Denver at the Bluebird Theatre on the 28th.

    Can I cop any IPS swag at a super sweet discounted price? Absolutely. There will be a mega indefinite hiatus sale at both our US and UK merch stores starting early next week.

    "Indefinite Hiatus"? What the hell does that even mean? It means we are taking a break from Innerpartysystem. Beyond that we don't really know.

    Until next time. . .

    Follow the future:

    Jared -
    Patrick -
    Kris -

    ah man this sucks major ass
  7. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    If they really wanna pursue solo careers, I'll be following them. They are a bunch of talented dudes.
  8. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    ditto :)
  9. dragon ninja

    dragon ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    What the hell? I'm not really in tune with all things IPS, but I saw them live this year and I enjoy their music... where did this come from? I thought they were supposed to be working on a full-length and I was really looking forward to hearing a recorded version of 'Lobotomy'...
  10. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    It came out of nowhere. I got home from campus yesterday afternoon and all my friends were discussing it, and, the next morning - today - we got the email and all was confirmed and cleared up. I guess I'm thankful, because waiting for that was not fun

    I'd watched a video interview that had been put up only a week ago and there was no indication of any of this :x

    So, yeah, I'm never going to see the band perform live. For anyone who doesn't know, Jared and Kris both recently kicked up new projects; I'm strongly hoping Patrick will follow suit and put out stuff soon.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  11. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I was fortunate enough to see these guys live three times.. and what can I say? they were amazing live - so I'm kinda bummed for you now :mellow:
  12. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    They're now the second of my four top favourite artists to go on "indefinite hiatus" before I got to see them live, and they never put out a proper live release either ... but I have recordings of live streams from two shows earlier this year and I guess they'll have to do
  13. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    This is one of the worst pieces of news I've ever gotten.
  14. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    It sucks, yeah. ;/

    But I'm saying positive, sort of - if Patrick releases music in the wake of this, I'm guessing his work will resemble what we heard from Innerpartysystem the most and, hopefully, won't be too bad a substitute for an Innerparty full-length.
  15. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    God, this sucks. I was really looking forward to another EP...
  16. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I Just posted this on the IPS Boards:

    So the band played their final show last night.

    Almost four years ago, a small band from the other side of an ocean caught my attention with their pulsating mix of electronica and rock. They would go on to inspire me to taking up synth as an instrument with their debut album which, to me, is one of the best albums that has ever been created and without a doubt one of the most impressive debuts in recent time. These guys from a small town in Pennsylvania have had me hanging off every last bit of audio production that's come from their direction since day one and, even with an altered style and the loss of a member, I was very much looking forward to hearing the follow up to Never Be Content. The fact that I will never get to hear it is such a downer for me. On the upside, I'm very much looking forward to what the guys bring to the table individually because if it's even a fraction as amazing as the stylings of Innerpartysystem then it's going to be fairly awesome.

    It's only just sunk in that the band is well and truly over with and, although Jared in particular has made it clear that he doesn't forsee playing with the band again, I will always retain some hope that we haven't heard the last of the band's music. I had the privilage of hanging out with the band after a few of the London shows which showed me how down to earth the guys are which is something I respect tremendously. I can't speak highly enough of how much it is evident to me that they really do appreciate every little bit of support the fans have given them. I know I will continue to support each of their solo careers which means as soon as any one of you guys announces a show in London, I'm there.

    With that in mind I just want to say thank you so much for the awesome music, amazing live shows and above all the inspiration to succeed. Maybe one day I'll be able to look back on a music career and know that it was you guys whose music proved such an influence that it gave me something special - a dream to persue.

    Thank you Patrick, Jared and Kris (and Jesse!). Good luck with everything.

    Live shows attended:
    Projekt Revolution, Milton Keynes 29/06/08
    Barfly, London 07/10/08
    o2 Academy, London 05/02/09
    Apple Store, London 06/02/09
    Casbah, Coventry 26/02/09
    Madame JoJo's, London 20/01/11
    Xoyo, London 01/06/11

    For the record Jared said on fb last night was most definitly his last show with the band so this whole indefinate hiatus is for real.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  17. The Doctor

    The Doctor I wear a fez now. Fez's are cool. LPA Super Member

    Mar 20, 2003
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    This is really depressing because they have evolved into my top favorite band, alongside LP. I still talk to the guys once in a while on Facebook or something but it's unreal.
  18. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  19. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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