The online Linkin Park store on the Warner Bros. Records website now has a listing for a vinyl edition of "The Hunting Party". The release will see the album split into two vinyls and adorned with new cover art. It is set to become available on September 16 and is currently available for pre-order. So far, it has seen any mention on or any other official Linkin Park channels. This cover image was originally revealed on Instagram two months ago by Brandon Parvini, who, with Ghost Town Media, helped to develop the imagery for "The Hunting Party". UPDATE: Shop Radio Cast's listing reveals the tracklist for the vinyl release, giving us details about how the album is split between the vinyls: UPDATE 2: Australia's JB Hi-Fi has a listing for a white vinyl edition of "The Hunting Party" in contrast to WBR's black vinyl. Whether or not the cover art will be same for this edition is not yet clear. Source: Warner Bros. Records online store via Filip
Fuck dammit that cover is SICK. And us who bought fucking special edition got the same pedestrian album you buy in the store with a booklet on the side. I'm having a problem with the packaging team's decisions this album cycle. PS I'm changing my digital album cover ASAP.
Fucking awesome cover! This should've been the original cover! I might buy it. I intend on getting a turntable at some point anyway.
I don't have the means to play vinyls and the only person I know who did moved out of his home some months back without his record player ... *sigh*
That is a beautiful album cover, at this point it would be a toss-up for me which version I like more
I'm kind of on the fence about pre-ordering it right now, just in case any special editions come out.
Oh good, now I can purchase the vinyl and get that whole thing off my chest (I've been holding out because I'm just that anti-jewel case). I'll wait on pre-ordering to see if there are any other packages or (more likely) slightly cheaper options out there. But this will definitely become an addition to my budding vinyl collection!