From what I've read and heard so far, it seems as though a leak, or at least some pre-streaming could possibly boost sales of the album - could potentially swing people on the fence. Things are going to leak regardless so why not spin it into a positive. Great review by the way! So pumped for this album - what's the mixing ACTUALLY like on the final thing?
If was hard to tell with them blasting through the speakers. But from what I heard it was actually pretty good.
I bought the version of LT, the iTunes digital version and then a physical copy from BestBuy. I downloaded the leak within 10 minutes of leaking but I don't feel bad at all. I will do the same with this album. I already pre-ordered digital from iTunes and will be picking up a physical copy just for collection. Incoming leak by Saturday I would guess.
I've bought every LP album since MTM and its gonna stay that way for me. LP never disappoints, so I'll always buy their latest release. Most likely in physical form too. I wish I had bought MTM in physical form.
LP is the only band that I buy a physical copy of their albums for collection. It's been that way since HT and it'll always be that way. I've never regretted having bought an album of LP.
Neither have I. I have a good amount of faith in the band, and faith that I will always understand what they're going for with a new album. I never worry that I'll regret buying their CDs.
I confess that the only LP record I haven't bought (not intentionally) was RECHARGED. I'll definitely have to fix that when I go to get THP.
I'm pretty sure I've stated why multiple times, possibly in an unintentional way. Maybe I just don't realize it though. Honestly, I could see why you would be upset/wondering if I were the only one, but I'm not. There are plenty of us here that are frustrated.