I know, but I want this album to sell good. I know albums don't sell much anymore as it is, but I just want to see the guys get another #1. They deserve it.
Yeah, the deserve another good selling Album. Hope they will get sometime th 100 Million. That would be cool. I am happy so far with GATS , UIG and Wastelands. And so far i read all the reviews they are the weakest so far 8 Days left *.*
Keys To The Kingdom, All For Nothing, War, and Mark The Graves are the standouts for me. I didn't include Rebellion here because we have all heard that but assume for a second that it was still unreleased and I would put it on the list as well.
Could you please tell me where ive ever asked this? Thats true. NEVER stop being stupid and saying ive been asking the same questions because i didnt There are many other people asking the same questions but ive NEVER asked about the energy of the Songs I once asked whats the heaviest song Heavy =/= energy There are Songs like "The Catalyst" which arent heavy but have a lot of energy Please prove that i somewhere asked this and if you dont find anything that has to do with energy then admit that your statement was BS
Niko, you have to admit , that many of your last forum posts ask over and over again about heavy Tracks. Maybe not the same question, but very similar ones. For example: Today, 02:13 AM Thread: "The Hunting Party" Full Review by Metal Hammer by NikoLpSoldier 06-03-2014, 02:41 PM Thread: The Hunting Party: Full Album Track By Track Impressions by NikoLpSoldier Well , you said it on your own here that you asked often for something until you get an answer.
well considering I like both of those more than GATS and still love GATS, then for me GATS will probably be the worst. And if GATS is the worst that is one Amazing album Agreed!
The only reason I want it to leak is so that I can know if I should buy it, but then there's spotify...
But this doesnt have anything to do with my New question, get it? I didnt ask for HEAVY Songs right now okay? And i said that because there were so many people asking about the screams. I didnt ask about them in that Post i asked to make it stop by we i meant ALL of us who were asking about Screams in the SAME thread You noticed that you just showed me just ONE time i asked about the heaviness? NOW i asked about the ENERGY
Well , i think there are some similar questions you ask , but maybe it just me btt 8 days left, that Album will be amazing.
Because so far there is only one great song? I won't buy an album filled with songs I dislike. Pretty obvious why I wouldn't buy it.