Comparing these to the notes I had for track-lengths (that I wasn't permitted to post in my original review as they weren't final versions of the songs), these track lengths are very close. I'm willing to believe this is definitely legitimate. That being said, I predicted 45 mins and it was right. I am awesome. Kinda wish a few tracks were longer, but I'll have to see how they fit into the total sound of the album before judging.
I'm just happy that this is practically the same length as ATS almost. That's going to make this album quite enjoyable.
I never said they were bad or good, I'm just simply stating that they're not really "songs". Despite the 2 minute difference you will still get more out of THP than ATS song wise at least. Also, there's a difference between just interludes and actual songs, it has nothing to do with being impressed by a song or not.
The Hunting Party is definitely A Thousand Suns in terms of mindset and inspiration at the same time recaptures the vibe of Minutes To Midnight... Bring it On!
I'm okay with this. But not too fond with War being 2:11... I hope Mark The Graves and A Line in the Sand are enough to keep the "I want long songs" gang satisfied. Great news, Mark (hahahaha I was going to make a pun and then I saw your name change lmao )
the longer the better? (lol) i think its quality not quantity brah i'll take 2min of dopeness than 5min of trash
You guys notice that every Linkin Park album ends with a 'soft' song or at least a song with a soft vibe, so ALITS may just be that, I was hoping for songs that have a long track length like GATS but are heavier and more aggressive than it. It is also worth noticing that the track length of Until It's Gone takes into account the interlude with the baby voice, I'm hoping that is the case for most if not all the tracks with their track lengths included here.
Awesome. Overall I'm pleased with this. All my favourite albums are between 45-50 mins, so it's the perfect length really. Shame there are a couple of really short ones, but if there turn into great tracks like Victimized then I'm all the more pleased!
Does anybody still remember last year June 2013 where there was written in the notepad "WATER MULTI TAXIS"? Was that a demo being trashed by Mike later that year? it's nowhere to be seen on the board (Just a thought).
Too short! I don't mind, as long as the whole album would be epic. I think Mark the Graves and A Line In The Sand compensate that. Now, give me the album!