I've had a couple internet relationships. One actually lasted for about a year. Some were just crap, now one of my ex's on the net won't let me be. And she's not a pedophile type stalker, she just is a ugly little *expletive* [/b][/quote] Not blocked her or anything? I hate that problem, when he's suddenly everywhere, and flirting with girls who he broke up with you for
hmm i have had lots of happy times. but now its the shits.......impregnat and my bf was like "i did my part and wore the condom its your fault" were no longer together the EFFING A HOLE
That's really annoying. It's not "your fault" at all! He should be right there with you supporting you, even if you're broken up. I sort of know what you're going through... my dad went off to Italy with another woman when he found out mum was expecting me. However, her dad (who's very scary) rang up his Dad and said that if he didn't get back here now...well, he said lots of things you wouldn't expect your grandparents to say. So yeah hon, don't feel like you're alone because sadly, many women have been through that. Good luck in whatever happens in the future.
several things I half remember 1. This summer in france with mates 2. Last winter when I saw someone I used to really like to hang out with 3. Both of my years in college 4. A week or so ago, but I wont go into that
Not blocked her or anything? I hate that problem, when he's suddenly everywhere, and flirting with girls who he broke up with you for [/b][/quote] Well there are days where she was nice as all hell and talked to me and days where she was just a bitch.
Definately not any of my birthdays, those days it's like people DELIBRATELY avoid you, if you know what I mean (if you don't know what I mean, I'm glad you don't). *Feels like has achieved the "Emo goal"*.
Lucky you... 2 reasons why I can never see them. 1. They won't come to Tasmania! 2. There is no way in hell my mother would let me go to a concert after what they have done!! Why'd she have to find out... Any ways, the happiest time of my life would probably be when I went to 'The Rock Challenge' in Tasmania and watched our school band perform which had the guy I like playing in it...I remember being proud of him for that... That was the happiest time of my life until afterwards when he got with some chick, but oh well, shit happens.
Lucky you... 2 reasons why I can never see them. 1. They won't come to Tasmania! 2. There is no way in hell my mother would let me go to a concert after what they have done!! Why'd she have to find out... Any ways, the happiest time of my life would probably be when I went to 'The Rock Challenge' in Tasmania and watched our school band perform which had the guy I like playing in it...I remember being proud of him for that... That was the happiest time of my life until afterwards when he got with some chick, but oh well, shit happens. [/b][/quote] What did they do? :wth:
What did they do? :wth: [/b][/quote] Two words - Bück dich. Happiest time of my life was a concert too - Slipknot. I met new people, and it was like one big family, the maggots.
- Kissing my bf on a playground jungle gym in the middle of the rain. - My old friends at Manatee High. - Having my bf make me noodles when I was sick lmao. - David when we used to go to school, anime, and drama together. - Going to Lakewood High and only making two friends, but which who are still the most awsome in the school lol. - Getting my dog Squire. - My bestfriend Michele, and our stupid/fun memories lol.
i think back before i was a little kid, before things started to get difficult, i would say back to the middle of first grade. when your only concern was getting to a swing before everyone else did at recess.
-when my parents were together -when i used to live in New York -the last day of 6th grade with my 3 best friends -this summer when i went to visit my lonely dad in New York oh and also the last day of 5th grade i know its a couple of good days but hey thats life
Two words - Bück dich. Happiest time of my life was a concert too - Slipknot. I met new people, and it was like one big family, the maggots. [/b][/quote] 3 words: Don't speak german.
God, I dunno. Probably when I heard "Feel Good Inc." for the first time..this last summer. Pretty much alot this last summer. Did nothing but hang with friends.