The guys need a new singer

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Chris loves LP, Sep 29, 2017.


Should they find a new singer?

  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No. They should continue as a 5-piece

    54 vote(s)
  3. No matter what they do, they are done

    6 vote(s)
  1. #81

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    If Austin Carlile is in good shape right now, I think Mike and the band would give him a shot to audition. But it's not gonna happen.
  2. #82
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    The singer is gonna have to be able to carry all these pop vocals that Chester nailed so well on their songs. He can't just scream his way through and then sound just passable on the ballads and melodic songs.
    Sasuke and Knt.Slbs like this.
  3. #83

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    We all know some things are just true:

    1. No one will ever replace Chester even if they "replace" him
    2. They could assemble a set where Mike is the lead vocalist
    3. Mike will never belt the chorus of Crawling in the original key in a way that even comes close to the way Chester did, same with many other songs
    4. It's possible that we're gonna get shows with guest vocalist who might even join the band for multiple tours to fill in Chester's part
    5. It's possible the band will never acknowledge a steady vocalist as a new member of Linkin Park
    6. It's possible they will
    7. It's possible their albums will look like EDM/rap albums where choruses are sang by many guests, and live shows give us different combos of guests

    As for what they should do, I think it's just up to them. As far as their popularity goes, who knows. They'll might never beat the popularity of Heavy, or they might collab with Coldplay and the Chainsmokers and have brand new number 1 hits. It's all just up to them.
    Knt.Slbs likes this.
  4. #84
    Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Agreed, LP are far more pop then metal so no point in bringing in a metalcore vocalist unless their clean/pop vocals are on point.
    Knt.Slbs likes this.
  5. #85

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Do you think Julia Michaels would change her mind to release her version of Heavy during OML sessions?
  6. #86

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    If feels like the band has come full circle now and become Xero all over again. Mike always said he never wanted LP to be full hip hop cause that was what FM was for, but now i think we will see mike bring alot of FM flavor into the band now, if they continue. Me personally i think they should hang it up and call it a career, they dont have anything left to prove, the Success of HT speaks for itself. They are the biggest band of the 21st century, and they will live on forever.
  7. #87

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    They just can't abandon Linkin Park. It's like they abandon Chester as well. To move forward as 5 piece or with a new vocalist is fine with me. As long as Mike Shinoda is still alive and making music, LINKIN PARK is far from over. He's the reason why the band is so popular because of Mike's production and songwriting ability and Chester was the one who put them to mainstream success. The thing is that, the only person who can revive LINKIN PARK is no other than Mike Shinoda. That guy is a musical genius! Who produced Reanimation? Who is the man behind the creative direction for A Thousand Suns when Chaz was busy touring with DBS at that time? It's Mike.

    I feel like the band is little bit restricted to experiment and they are afraid to release an album without screaming during post-ATS era because of the lukewarm reception of ATS back then. That's probably the reason why LT and THP were little bit forced (?) because the band felt it how polarising ATS was.
    Hybrid, LP Soldier 01 and Sasuke like this.
  8. #88
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Honestly, the screaming is not really as high of a priority on the list as it used to be. If you take THP out of the equation (because really it was always supposed to be a 'niche' album, and not an indicator of a new direction), the band has been steadily progressing away from screaming for quite some time now. In reality, the only reason it would be important for a new vocalist to have a decent screaming voice is to handle the older discography, because OML had virtually no screaming. The band could very feasibly go in a less aggressive direction, and it wouldn't be out of place because that's what the band was already doing (THP excluded).

    So a good 'overall' voice to me is far more important than someone who can scream decently.
    Avo likes this.
  9. #89

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Screaming is a part of the band, its no different that any other part of the band. OML has to be one of the most hated LP albums more than ATS. I despise both albums and it has nothing to do with Chester. Mike and the band knew that alot of fans hated OML(excluding the song) from all the negative feedback they got. He even said after OML came its funny that fans dont think the band will make any more rock songs anymore or something along those lines. The majority of the fan base wanna hear the classic and fan favorites. Thats the whole point ppl buy tickets and go to their concert. And if not and fans dont get to hear the classics and fan favorites than alot of people wont go to their shows, than this is truly the end of Linkin Park especially with Chester gone. I think if they bring in a new singer he should be versatile who can sing and scream if they want to continue.
  10. #90

    zazofazo Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2014
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    If fans are so selfish and entitled to themselves, then they don't deserve to hear what they want. The band can do whatever they want and I bet that the fans will be more receiving. Take a look at the comments on youtube. No LP fan is bashing OML right now ( even some people calling Heavy "Masterpiece" ).
    Stop being selfish and demanding in times like this and respect the band decision.
    It's not about us. It's about the band who've lost a friend and brother. Hope you understand ( not hating on you btw).
    Avo likes this.
  11. #91
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Ok and that makes a little sense, but...

    the biggest reason those songs are popular, the voice... is dead. They literally can not replicate Bennington vocals to 100% efficiency anymore, much less the enormous difficulty of trying to land one guy who can get even remotely close to him. That era of the band is without question done, and if we're going to bring fan expectations in it, I think the fact huge chunks of them realize the singer of all those songs they love (in all fairness, likely THE reason the liked them to begin with), isn't around anymore. There's a case to be made a replacement should be about to roughly land in the area of how Chester could perform them vocally, sure, but let's not kid ourselves and think all of these fans are under the impression they're going to land a similar enough sounding replacement and carry on like normal. They're all well aware all of those classics and favorites will likely never be performed the way they want to hear them ever again.
    Sasuke, Hybrid and Avo like this.
  12. #92

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Mike can sing and rap. No question about that, but if they need someone to retain the signature sound with 2 vocalist in a band, then a new singer is required.
    If Aaron Pauley is not with OM&M, he is the perfect choice for the band. He can sing high notes, he can scream and he's badass.
  13. #93

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    I'm not saying the band cant do whatever they want, they been doing it for the past 17 years. I know ALOT of LP fans who still dont like OML and thats perfectly fine, again I can bash it all i want and it has nothing to do with chester, they made the album and i despise(sound wise not lyrically) it nothing can change that fact. I still support and respect the band in whatever they do.
  14. #94

    TobinOverflowsBest MY NAME IS MATT LPA VIP

    Jan 26, 2014
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    For what it's worth, STP are doing auditions and from what they've said, they wanna hire someone who is an unknown, somebody without any previous reputations or expectations.

    Might be a route that LP take. That being said, I watched an interview with STP today and they said that they had over a thousand applicants. You can only imagine how many people would apply if LP put out the job advert :lol:
  15. #95
    Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    I'm pretty sure LP could hire a technically proficient singer who could do a decent job of performing
    the hits. There are enough out there who can get close enough to do passable versions, although of cause no one will be the same as Chester.

    What is by far the most important thing imo is that any new singer can connect on an emotional level with the songs, and is ideally someone who knew Chester, was a big fan of the band or at least has experienced/can empathise with some of the stuff Chester went through. Chester poured everything into his performances in a genuine and heartfelt way that some paint by numbers vocalist without any emotional connection will not be able to replicate.
    Doridorica likes this.
  16. #96

    insanefanboy RIP Chester Bennington

    Apr 15, 2011
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    THAT'S why I don't like LT!!!! FINALLY after 5 years or half a decade of wondering and thinking why LT seriously underwhelmed me, I get it: it was forced!!! because people were (somehow) polarized by ATS! I couldn't put my finger on it and now finally, finally as I read your post it hit me! Yeah that makes sense! THANK YOU! I always thought it was rushed until now (well maybe it was perhaps?)

    I want to say quickly THP didn't feel forced at all, it felt like the album they wanted to make, just like ATS did and I'm saying this now because I just listened to the entire album and still love it just as much now as I did then. I'm saying this because as much as I really feel they shouldn't continue unless it as a 5 piece (please) I have killed my inner fanboy (and his entire army of clones) and am going too totally contradict myself now, and say IF and only IF someone who is a HUGE LP fan, and has preferably worked with them recently takes over NOT as a replacement and it just an occasional thing, every now and then, I wouldn't despite it. I wouldn't like it, but I would still give them a chance. Can you guess who that might be? No? It's a girl. Hint.

    Still though 5 piece please.
    Knt.Slbs likes this.
  17. #97

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Damn, right. LT was so heavily compressed by Marroquin. It's like their vision to create a folk album turned into disastrous, noisy album. The album has no coherence of sounds, it's like tons of random samples put in the tracks and drowned the songs with loud guitar. "There you go! Enjoy our new album, LIVING THINGS!" I'll take Primo or Three Band Terror any day instead of listening to I'll Be Gone or Until it Breaks.

    "so Linkin Park's good Acoustic Guitar work is in a demo?" - youtube user commenting to Three Band Terror.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2017
  18. #98
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Even before it was released the album was seen as a kind of "back to familiar ground" album, even Kerrang made light fun of them in an article prior to release.

    Living Things was supposed to be "folk"?
  19. #99

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Primo, Castle of Glass, Roads Untraveled, Skin to Bone.
  20. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I think we both have very different interpretations of the word 'folk'.

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