How can I get the full experience? i mean legaly... my mp3 player does this odd pauses between songs so I really want this full experience but I cant seem to find it, I know its on LPs myspace for streaming...
I already bought the standard and deluxe versions physically, I can't afford to get the iTunes edition as well, and I need that Full Experience! Damn, damn, double damn.
linkin park was suposed to realese a version of ATS as one single track, the whole album in one file in order to make people listen to it from begining to end and it was called "A Thousand suns: The Full experience" but no one seems to have it, you can stream it on LPs myspace though.
I got the tracks separately (in MP3 and in lossless) and Winamp/iTunes have indeed very smooth playing. I got my full experience, and it's fucking awesome! Clean and flawless!
The MP3 download from has the full experience as a separate track. from the other 15. And it is awesome.
On iTunes it actually goes between songs fluidly and leaves no spaces. I think you have to set it on that though. It is pretty awesome.
well I finally got it! thnx for your responses! btw this album is awsome, im an old lp fan, a former new metal fan as well and ive been growing musically all this years as lp so I totally understand and apreciate this change, and they were right when they said that the full experience of the album makes it better!