Tuesday, Texas voters will be voting on whether or not to ban gay marriage. I think we all know what the outcome will be Discuss.
Yeah, I know I've been arguing with some Texans on another forum I visit. You should hear the crap they spew. Stuff along the lines of: "The roman empire fell because of gays I don't want that to happen to texas!!!" "I own a store and if I could, I would ban gays from my shop. I hate them and I have complaints from moms whos kids see gay couples in the shop and I'm not sorry for feeling this way" (well what the hell kind of shop are you running in the south where you see so many gay couples) Just completley stupid stuff coming from them....
They need a lethal injection since Texans love executions so much I know you're strongly against capital punishment and all, but even you have to make an exception
Haha, funny, but I could never violate my principles. Why waste a human being when you can educate? At least, that's my stance, I think much more good could be done with ideas than guns.
Educating southerners? Might as well try to educate a gorilla Wait, bad example. Some gorillas are actually pretty smart and have been trained to communicate with sign language. (I'm from a southern, redneck state, I can say that and get away with it )
Two words: ballot fraud. :chemist: Yes, we all know how this is going to end. Frankly, it disgusts me that some people are so insecure that they have to vote to ban something that would not harm them in any way. Of course, you won't ever convince these people that gay marriage isn't going to bring down heterosexual marriage. Goddamn, I'm feeling cynical today.
Educating southerners? Might as well try to educate a gorilla Wait, bad example. Some gorillas are actually pretty smart and have been trained to communicate with sign language. (I'm from a southern, redneck state, I can say that and get away with it ) [/b][/quote] I was about to take offense to that, coming from Texas. But then I read what was at the end of the post. I'm from Texas and I support gay marriages. People in Texas can be stupid though.
I am not affected by gay marriages because i think the only reason that Bush banned it and Howard, is because of their own opinion against the opinion of their countries. I dont have a problem with homosexuals. I have friends who are Bisexual. Well thats what I think.
I think it should be allowed. I mean really, who cares? It's pretty sad that people have nothing better to besides complaining gay couples. t's really not as big of a deal as people make it.
Gay marriage should be legalized across the whole freaking country. I think the bans that have been going down are very unconstitutional (sure votiing is a right, but gays are equal human beings) at least give the gay community some sort of commitment recognized by the gvt. please. These right winged nuts frustrate the hell out of me. I wish that we could do something about it. MORE DEMOCRATS NEED TO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!!!!!!! Seriously, you can't not vote and go out and bitch about the shit thats going on out there. you know that if all of the registered democrats voted in the last election Bush would have got his ass kikd out of the white house. OH WELL WE STILL HAVE HOPE FOR 2008 RIGHT? VOTE FOR HILLARY!!!!
Gay marriage in my opinion should be completely legal. Gays are human beings just like the rest of us, and they shouldn't be considered lower than us because of sexuality.
This is really sad. I agree with Todd. I can't believe that people would vote against the humain thing to do, but these people did vote in Bush twice. ....It's just so sad. :'( This kind of this is why I love California.... (And why I hate Nevada <_< )
So Texas and the rest of America is preparing to discriminate against a huge part of the human race. What else is new?
i think it should be legalized. i have many gay/bi/lesbian friends who are just like you and me. there is nothing diffrent about homosexuals, and they should totally get the rights.