
Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by goso88, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. #1

    goso88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Ok, so I just recently read the "Which singer is the sexiest thread?" and I just HAD to say something. It just annoys me that when someone uses homophobic language (omg, thats sooo gay!) you get a warning, but when you say something much more harmless (so-and-so is sooo hot) you get slapped with a ban. Its just illogical.

    And another thing. When someone deliberately and unjokingly calls another person a jackass, I find that much more offensive, rude and hostile than if someone calls a singer "hot." Yet the jackass comment is ignored while the "teenie" is banned, even AFTER she says "Ok, ok, I won't."

    This "teenie" was friendlier than a lot of people I've met here. I don't know about you, but if I was her and someone had called me a jackass, I would have probably come back with an equally negative and scathing remark. But this new member kept her cool and specifially said she wouldn't do it anymore. I can't believe a user like this would get banned because she called someone "sexy." Common logic tells me that this is a whole lot less offensive than calling a new LPA member a "jackass."

    So my question is, why does teenie-bopperism earn you a ban while things like homophobic language gets you an warning? Homophobic language is just as common as teenie-bopperism and even more offensive, and it specifially says in the rules that homophobic language is not allowed. Sounds to me like it should be the other way around--calling someone "hot" should get you a warning--if even that--and homophobic language or something equally negative should get you an automatic ban.

    I've heard a lot of people saying that if you allowed teenies boppers into the forums, you'd get teenie boppers everywhere. Giving them a warning sounds like a perfectly reasonalbe way to keep it out of the forums. Its worked with other things, right?

    Anyway, this is not a personal attack against LPA or its administrators. I'm not looking for attention. And I am not trying to cause a stir. So please don't treat this thread as such. This is simply feedback.
  2. #2

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    I've been wondering about this myself for a while, though I have never actually gotten around to making a full discussion about it. This is a pretty good prompt I think =P

    Some of the points you've raised there are the exact things I've wanted to say, and since you've worded them so well, I sure we'll see a re-structuring of the no-teenie rule in the future

    Cheers for that ;)
  3. #3

    Leones Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    If you work on a teenie, you can un-teenie them. But that only works on the more clever teenies.
  4. #4

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Because this forum is for discussing the music of Linkin Park, not the looks.

    Homophobic language gets a warning because that's a lot easier of a problem to fix than someone just wanting to bone Chester.

    Lastly, both are in the rules. If someone fails to read them, it is their own fault for being banned.

    I think we try to be as fair as we can around here, but this is a place of discussion, not for gawking. Go to the image gallery then.

  5. #5

    goso88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Yes, and this is one of the reasons why it just annoys me. If BOTH are in the rules, why does the teenie get banned while to homophobic-language user just gets a warning? We can't be sure if the latter person did or didn't read the rules either.

    As I said before, the girl specifically said she wouldn't do it, so it cant be that hard to fix, right? Why was she banned if she wasn't going to do it? And I'd think that homophobic language would be harder to get rid of because it comes from a deeply rooted subconscious or conscious prejudice.

    No, but its not a place to call people jackasses and to use gay as a derogotary term either. And as i said before, there are much more offensive and hurtful things that are treated with less severity than someone wanting to discuss whose hot or whose not.
  6. #6

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I remember when the staff gave out warnings for teenies. The teenies never stopped being teenies after the warnings were given. So it is easier just to ban them than to keep warning them. When a member uses homophobic language, most of the time when they receive a warning, they stop.

    As for the jackass comment, I do agree with you. It is hurtful but she didn't seem offended by it. I assume if she was offended, a warning would have been given out.

    Edit: Basically everything Omar said is right.
  7. #7

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Woo, here we go...!

    Would you seriously want teenies to be here? If so, go to the LPMB before you answer. Which would be better for you to see in our "Linkin Park Chat" or something--"What song do you like the most?" or nine hundred threads on "Who is the hottest band member?" If you want to see hundreds of threads on the band's looks, go to the LPMB.

    Now with the differences with homophobia and teenie-bopperism (lol, that sounds like a religion... All hail hot band members? :lol:). Homophobic language, well, the examples you have stated are minor offenses. Half or more kids who call something "gay" have no knowledge of what they're saying. You can blame that partly on ignorance on their parts. Being a teenie is not a show of ignorance. You are clearly aware of what you're doing, what you are and we do not appreciate those types of things around the LPA. A real homophobic would be banned from these forums just the same. It's just that the two examples you give are on different levels. The considerable example you've given is to only prove one's ignorance, whereas your teenie example only proves that either one is aware yet breaks LPA's rules, or one does not understand, and sadly we cannot control those actions.

    We can't tell how serious and subconcious a person who violated our rules is; c'mon, that's not something we control. We can't control the members, we do the best we can to keep things in perspective, and teenies are not part of it. Teenies destroy good forums, just take a look at the LPU forums. Just because someone calls something "gay" does not justify they are prejudice in any way. I used to call things "gay," but that was because I was young and easily influenced by my peers, not homophobic.

    Now if you still want to argue with homophobia and flaming, just look at the level of the situation. You got a little kid calling things "gay" without knowledge of what they say, you've got people angry for breaking rules (note that they wouldn't have been called a jackass for nothing--not only did she start out calling Tom Cruise a singer, she called both Cruise and Bennington "hot" AND SHE POSTED IN THE WRONG PLACE). She already violates two rules in one post, which obviously means she didn't read the rules. I don't think I need to say more.

    But if you still want to challenge everything I've said, in my own view, I don't want to come to LPA and see polls on who is the sexiest or who has the biggest package. LPA doesn't need to know those things and if you're so damn curious, there's always the LPMB. Plus like Andrea stated, teenies don't stop. Not to mention once you admit to being a teenie, your respect level probably drops here just because majority of members probably don't want to hear how you lust for a band member.

    Ah-cha cha cha! Teenies are like, ewwwwie. ^_^
  8. #8

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Look buddy, it's obvious you're angry about a specific incident to which I'm oblivious of knowing, but our rules are uniform. We don't make exceptions based on the nature of the offense.

    If people don't like the way we run our site, they are free to leave. Also, I believe calling someone a jackass, as bad as it may sound, is not as bad as using a deragatory comment, as I think everyone has been called a jackass at least once and deserved it.
  9. #9
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I definetely see your points, but we prefer to ban someone for thinking the band members are hot, because it is increasingly annoying for the members who make it a point to post here everyday. We tried going through just warning the teenies to stop, and like Andrea said they never caught on as to the idea that what they are doing was wrong. Infact, I strictly remember some of them actually fighting back and disrespecting us after we warned them because they thought that we were acting '********'.

    Something that I know is annoying, is how quickly Mike Shinoda's "Fort Minor" forums have become ruined since their opening a few weeks ago. Due to the fact that both the LPMB, LPUMB and FM Forums have no rule for teenie boppers in place, we already have whole discussions there about how 'mike shinoda is so damn cute' or how someone is 'going to have 5 kids with him someday'. Its sickingly annoying to see someone have that level of obsession in my opinion, and you almost feel as if you need to slap them and tell them to 'grow up and stop acting so pathetic'...but unfortunately we've tried that before and they just dont get it.

    I will side with you in the fact that perhaps we've been a little too lenient on people for being homophobic. I'm not quite sure if we could ever ban someone on the first offense, but perhaps we could be a little more stricter on that aspect.

    The reason teenies are banned on site is because we dont want to be like the LPMB. We want this site to be a place for TRUE FANS ONLY and not people who want to bone Chester or have a family with Mike Shinoda. That shit is disgusting and we'd frankly rather just have REAL fans here instead.

    Hopefully you understand :).
  10. #10

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I don't think it's right that people can be fucking jerks to teenies just because of how they act. They're still people. If I acted the way Franny used to act to some teenies, I'd probably be gone from LPA since I'm on "probation". I just don't think it's right. Yeah, they're annoying, but I also think you're not giving the teenies a fair shake, and then you let the people who are being dicks to them off, scott free. That's just me though.

    I really don't care about the homophobic thing, to be honest. I don't mind them, but I'm not going to call them the 'f' word. I call my friends that on MSN jokingly, but that's about it.

    I don't know, perhaps I'm the only one that feels this way. This isn't the first time I've mentioned something like this, so yeah. I don't expect you guys to change the rules or anything, it's just nice to be able to vent on the boards instead of to Derek on MSN all the time.
  11. #11
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Well, here's my view on it (even though the staff's thoughts are the ones that really count).

    What the thread-starter said...he/she made a point. This poster obviously kept her cool, but she still got banned. From what I've read, she claimed she would stop with the whole teenie thing but she still got banned. It seems a little unfair to me. Homophobic language gets a warning, teenie-bopperism gets a ban. Seems a bit unbalanced there, don't you think?

    But I do agree with Omar and Kaeton. Why would you want a shitload of teenies scanning the forums and posting random remarks such as, "Oh, my favorite video is Faint. Chester looks so fucking hawt in it!" Would you really like to see comments like those every time you want to view a topic? It's gets annoying and it's quite repetitive on the Linkin Park forums. Makes me wonder why they actually allow those kind of posts.

    Teenie-bopperism makes an excellent example of people not using their knowledge of Linkin Park's music (which is what the forum is mostly about) and just using their opinions on their faces and bodies. The fact is, if teenie-bopperism is allowed, people will make fun of the teenies. More flaming, more warnings = not fun. As harsh as the instant ban is, it's only for the betterness of the Linkin Park Association and its members. It's not because we have anything serious against people who think the members of Linkin Park are attractive, or as they like to say, "hawt."

    As for homophobism, it does seem as if the staff is going a bit too light on them with just a warning. Even though a warning usually stops them, you're letting someone with a homophobic comment get away with it and leaving them with two more chances. It seems to light. It would be a whole lot better if the staff gave people that made a homophobic remark gave them a two warning chance...giving them the first warning, and the next warning is a ban. I think that seems a lot more fair due to the fact that they usually stop after the first warning, and tend to be a shitload more careful afterwards.

    And I agree with Derek's comment on how this site should be different from the Linkin Park forums and how we should respect the fact that this forum is for true fans, not for people who want to get married to Chester and be brothers with Mike. It's sickening to see that kind of shit around the forums.

    I hate teenie-bopperism, but you should think outside the box. You're going to ban them immediately and let them continue to be a teenie? Or could you warn them and have that convince them to stop? And oh, I forgot about this. What you could do is do the two warning thing on teenies. Their first warning is for the first sign of being teenie, the second time, you ban them.

    But rules are rules. This issue is for the staff to decide, not me.
  12. #12

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I think it's fair game to say that the next person who verbally assaults a teenie will be dealt a swift warning. You may think they deserve it, but they don't. This especially goes for you, Franny. Last chance.

    Nonetheless, I don't see our policy on insta-banning teenies changing. It's been our policy for the majority of our last three years and we've had very little complaints and lots of praise for it. In the past we would give second chances but 90% of the time they'd just go ahead and do it again. That led to a no-tolerance policy. But we'll discuss it anyways.
  13. #13

    goso88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Ok people--I really doubt that teenies are so obsessed with stars that they're serious when they say they'll marry them. 99.999% of the time, its just a joke.

    I was using the specific incident to bring up a broader point. And please don't call me "buddy" like that-- I just don't appreciate it.

    That sounds like a good idea. I think the main reason why I was so annoyed was because people were acting very meanly to someone who was being pretty friendly; and yet nobody called them out on it. And this is true for a lot of teenie-bopper threads.

    I think its time I did. I've had my fun here, but I've pretty much moved onto other bands and sites. I'll see you around. Thanks for the good time, LPA.
  14. #14

    Cale. Banned

    Jan 20, 2005
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    One thing i've noticed when someone makes a complaint here. Every staff member kind of self-conciously gangs up on the guy making the complaint, and without actually realising. They all basically over-exagerate the problem. And to be honest, who does read forum rules anyway when you first sign up? I'm sure most of your veteran members never did when they signed up. I'm sure if you gave some of these "teenies" a chance they would soon learn the right ways of the force. Just like my mentor Obi-Wan taught me.
  15. #15

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Edit: Forget my previous post. This one sounds better.

    I was going to close this but then people would complain so I'll just say my piece and ignore that stupid, stupid Star Wars reference you added to this thread.

    Skywalker, if you think the rules are there when you sign up to a forum just to be pretty... I hate to see you in life, man... That's like saying you can shoot a guy and only learn on the principles of a slap on the wrists. Over exadurating, am I? You bet, but that's so you know what I'm talking about. If you're not aware of what is and what is not violating the rules and expected protocol of a forum (the forum you are accepting the terms to as well as the community rules), then that's your problem.

    Of course the staff is going to back each other up. What kind of team would we be if we're fighting each other? For your entertainment? We discuss things and express our differences on certain situations, but we do that in our own forums. If anyone has a problem with that then... Eh, you're mighty hard to please. We know the rules, we understand them and we respect them. Not everyone is going to like them, but we cannot change the rules just because a teenie "who was nice" gets banned. If you have not read, the staff is looking into it and they will be changing instances. Skywalker I guess isn't happy with that.

    For the record, I read the rules over at least twice before posting. Not only that, I didn't post for a month or so because I just read what people posted and what they were getting in trouble for. If you're not going to spend time learning the rules to something, especially when it deals with a community, you're gonna' be punished. That's life. People who violate the rules get punished. Again, someone who commits a crime in the world, no matter the level, it's still in volation of rules, and you are punished. When you're a little kid and you do something bad, you would get a "time out." That's punishment. If the kid doesn't learn from the time out, then that's the kid's fault. Pretty logical if you ask me. You live and you learn.

    Anyways to sum up this little thing, let me put it to you the best way I can think and it's been said a lot. If you're here to discuss the band's looks, good luck trying to get away with it. LPA isn't a place for such discussion. What LPA cares about the most is the music, and that's what a band should be seen for, plain and simple. The LPA staff believes in it and that's what we want, like I said, any different feelings, if you'd want us to be lenient, take a look at the LPMB, LPUMB and even the FMMB. It would suck to see such chaos, wouldn't it?
  16. #16
    El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    that's true. i first read the rules two moths after i signed up but i never even thought of making such comments about chester and mike being "hot" or whatever because it's just not what i like them for. i like them for their music just like most of the people here. teenies mostly don't care about the music and i think that we don't need them here. i like this board just the way it is and i think if the staff members allow teenie-boopers to become a part of this community many true fans will leave this forum.

    as far as verbal assaults are concerned it doesn't regard the teenies on the forum only but the newbies generally. ok, i'm a newbie here, i've been here for 3 months or so but it doesn't mean that some of the older members have a right to mistreat me. i've been a linkin park fan for almost 5 years maybe even more than some older members that look down on me and other newbies. i don't care if someone is super member it just doesn't make them better than me. it's ruining the forums image.

    i hope someone agrees with me ;)
  17. #17

    Cale. Banned

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I never made reference to teenies at all In my post so wherever you got your idea for the 2nd half of the 3rd paragraph is beyond me.

    I really couldn't give a shit what rules of this forum lays down. Its the internet, its alot different to real life. Getting banned from a forum is the least of my worries right now. Why do people take the internet so seriously?

    Oh shit. Someone double posted. Who really gives a fuck anyway? I can hear the rest of the LPA squad coming down to outnumber me anyway by wasting there time typing up why i'm wrong and how they're right. This is how I feel, I was just giving my 2 cents.

    And for anyone who feels to type up a ridiculously large post like Keaton did then, don't bother. I won't be coming back into this thread anyway to hopefully save myself from actually giving a shit what someone else thinks of my opinion.

    Edit: The Stars Wars reference, was what I hoped to be the signal that my post was light-hearted and nothing more than a small comment on what i've seen while i've been here. Sorry for even posting what I felt, next time i'll remember this thread before i do.
  18. #18

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Well then, just because I actually care about a site I visit doesn't mean that I don't care about your opinion, psh, some Jedi you are. :p

    If you don't care, that means we aren't. You don't have to care because the way you seem to see it, you aren't expected to make everyone happy, which obviously people can't even satisfy themselves with.

    And to ask. If you seriously don't care, why bring it up? If you're so angry at what people do on the internet, why do you care what others do to the point you first call us out on them and then run away pissed off like that? Jesus tap dancing Christ. That makes it sound like you just like to make fun of people because you don't like the same things.

    For the record, the reason I make long posts is because I'm trying to be sincere, but it's people like you who never appreciate sincerity when it's in front of you because it's not what you want.

    I made fun of your reference because you come in saying the exact same thing you always say, so whatever, lol. You are no Jedi! :p

    Anyways, this thread is closed. Skywalker wanted to complain, I responded in a way he didn't like, he leaves which confuses me, the starter of this thread is gone, nothing more to discuss.

    CLOSED! ^_^

    We're staff. We love LPA, that's why we care. *cool peace sign*
  19. #19
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Well, when the problems have to deal with you Skywalker (who always seems to be negative about something) it IS going to seem like we're ganging up on you. It might be innapropriate to drag you into this, but you shouldn't have too much trouble remembering how we had to warn you to start being more positive, because your negativity was bringing everyone down around here.

    And for the record, yeah...not everyone reads the rules on the forums, sure...but you notice who stays here? The people who follow them regardless of reading them or not, and the ones who go out of their way not to be a negative person, or to stir up the emotions of another member. In my mind, you dont need to read rules to know proper forum etiquette. There should be a general concept in your mind of what's right and what's wrong, and if you lack the capacity then maybe you deserve to be warned or banned from these forums in the first place.

    That's why I don't offer sympathy for teenie-boppers who get banned after not being here for even a day. My opinion is, the guys you are lusting over are more then 10 years older then you at some points, and you should know the behavior you're doing is disgusting.

    And trust me, I'm pretty sure they DO mean to lust over Chester and it's hardly a joke.
  20. #20

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    No I don't think this topic should be closed. I think that the way some of us have come off here is appaling. We don't need essay-like posts to try and whittle down a memeber (that's sure as hell what it seemed to me) and I do recall actually agreeing with the topic starter (I can't be arsed looking back, sorry =P)

    I do think this rule needs to be re-structured. And I apologise if any of us appeared like arseholes in this topic

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