Hypnotize is their best album, followed by Toxicity, then s/t, then Mezmerize, then Steal This Album!. They're probably one of my all time favourites but I barely ever listen to them these days, like Deftones and Weezer.
Really? I liked Steal this Abum! a lot. Oh and By the way, I knew hat stuff about Darron not wanting it to be on the album, but I hate the song, so I just wrote it that way . And X-ecutioners, why did you buy the album if you hated it? I only bought Toxicity and s/t, I downloaded all of the other albums. I still think Soldier Side is the only REALLY good song that came from Hypnotize.
Nearly identical to mine, except I didn't like B.Y.O.B., and Forest is on my favs for Toxicity. I think Soldier Side is my favorite SOAD song.
Oh woops, I meant to put Forest. Oh, and I forgot to mention this, but I do like Hypnotize/Mezmerize (well most of it) but I just like the old stuff alot better.
I'm a biigg fan of them , I love them, their music is just unique ! I have theri discoraph, plus their demos, videos, rare songs, more than 70 concerts , they totally rocks ! My favorite album is Hypnotize, and my least favorite is Toxicity. My top favorite songs are : Radio/Video, Dreaming, Soldier Side, Aerials, Streamline, Sugar, Peephole, Spiders, Ego Brain, Spiders. Nüguns, Forever, Question!.
Hm! I think that's cool. I would honestly have to say that Toxicity is my least favorite right now for me, except I really really really like Chop Suey!, Deer Dance, Toxicity, and Aerials.
Alright. Just making sure. Steal This Album! is good for me because I like Boom!, Mr. Jack, Streamline, Pictures, Ego Brain, and Roulette.
Finally, someone that agrees with me. Thankyou. Steal is pretty much everything a b-side album should be. It's interesting but about half of the actual songs suck and half of them are alright.
The s/t album was godly and heavy. Toxicity was godly and mature. Steal this Album was a good collection of songs that could easily be part of each of the above albums. Mezmerize was, IMO, too fucked up for me to like, but i still enjoeyd a few songs. Hypnotize is back to godly and i think this is the best thing next to Faith No More, just for mixing highly sentimental and "serious" songs with tracks only a stoned junkie can understand.
hehe YEAH system of a down rules favorite songs are = BYOB, Toxicity, Hypnotise, chop suey, legend of zelda, Attack, Dreaming, sum others but those are the top i think i like system of a down because the way they express there messages is so out of the ordinary and its awesome fav part out of any of their songs= ""Life is a waterfall, we drink from the river, then turn around and build up a wall"" idk that part just sounds cool on the song Aerials
I still have the get their Self Titled and Steal This Album!. When I picked up Toxicity, Mezmerize & Hypnotize, Best Buy didn't have the other two, which sucked. Then I saw them at Best Buy a few weeks alter but didn't have any cash on me, go figure. I've known about SOAD for years now, I just havn't gotten into them until recently. I just listened to Revenga. I really like this song, but then again there isn't a song from them that I don't like. They get their point(s) across in such a unique way, and their sound is unique as well.
Steal This Album! , its an album of Toxicity's b-sides, and I really think, that STA it's even better than Toxicity.