Hey! Mobile Suit Gundam here! Following protocol by introducing mahself AAActually was a member of the LPA about 8-9 years ago now? but have no idea what name I had or anything since, well, it was 8 or 9 years ago... Anyhoo, hello again, and don't hesitate to shout at me for any errors I may (probably, definitely) have made in the process of conducting this introduction. Mobile Suit Gundam.
Hey! Welcome to LPA, again. I don't think you did something wrong. By the way, hope you stick on the boards!
Thanks! Yeah will do this time around, my attention span has matured over the years! Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome back to LPA also known as The Land Between Dazed and Confused! Since you couldn't remember what name you used, you truly belong to LPA! LOL
Haha! Thanks Vdalem! Yeah, I checked this site every once in a while, until today I was like, "Wonder when I last signed in?" *blank* hmm *Sign Up* XD Edit - Have just read the rule about re-registering. Sorry! Not sure if the rule applies in this case or not?
Hey Mobile Suit Gundam! Welcome to this site, AGAIN haha I hope this time you'll stay here for a longer time! xDD