Hey everyone, my name is Ashley, from Montana, yep the good ol' hick state. Huge Linkin Park fan, here. Obviously, otherwise I probably wouldn't have joined this site. Some people call it obsession, I call it passion. Hehe. I'm addicted to message boards, so I'll probably be posting here quite often. Fun on a bun! Anypoo, I can't think of anything else to say here, so I'm out. Later.
Wanna a Cookie. Welcome. Read the rules and post like your IQ is higher than Mark's Shoe Size. Also: We Have Your Parents. Break a rule and Somethimg BAD WILL happen. (Yeah. I know. I'm mean To Newbies. )
But my parents are making dinner in the kitchen right now....Lol...*shrugs*.... ...I do have a problem though. My IQ is lower than Mark's shoe size. 0.o
You mean my parents aren't real?! *has heart attack* Actually, I think I can deal with that. Thanks for informing me, of this whole....Matrix deal. hehe
Damn right B) Anyhow, welcome to the boards that is home to many hormonal teenagers, board admins with extrememly amusing cases of teenie-bopper phobia, writers, music lovers, people quick to temper, people who just want to chill, people who say whats on their mind, gays, straights, bis, newbies (like you and me), and veterans (people with insane number of posts) and, most importantly, friends, all united by one common interest (whether it be in a negative or positive way): Linkin Park. We are one big dysfuntional family who hate and love each other...glad you decided to join the fray . Let yet more chaos ensue. Yes, something BAD WILL will happen. Haha! Get it! Big Bad Will (he's one of the admins) will happen. I crack myself up
That was beautiful, goso, thank you. I'm a weirdo, I guess I just kind of feel like I owe my life to Linkin Park. Their music has saved my butt so many times, I've lost count. Anything from simple, or childish problems to huge conflicts, etc; their music has always held a comfort zone for me. That's basically why I'm here. That, and I have no life, Lol.
Welcome newbie! *pokes at you with a stick* read the rules or i'll have to eat you :chemist: keep in mind people here have a slight obsession with the colour pink!
Hmm... I have been noticing a lot of pink today.. what the $hit is with that? lol Anyway, Ashley, hey, hi, whats up? haha .. welcome to the LPA, read the rules and FOLLOW them or bad things will happen. Later.
Hey there im Tony have fun here and dont spam or anything cause that is bad.be nice to everyone and type normal thats bad not to type normal ive learned they hard way but anywho jus post alot w/o spamming and stay out of trouble and were not real everything is the Matrix(except Will)
hey...welcome...i'm Arhaz...hope you like it here...even if you don't...you'll like me....j/k actually, you'll hate me first, even before this site... i mean ...no one has ever hated this site....right? i hope so... :chemist:
Sup, Ashley! Welcome to LPA!! Have fun posting here, and since nobody's offered you a cookie yet, [shame on all you people-j/k] want one?
Hiya im Sam and welcome to LPA! Follow the rules and be good Also many of us have got through problems with help of Linkin Park! We bow down to them! Anyway have fun.