Stream Linkin Park's The Hunting Party on iTunes in Full

Discussion in 'News' started by Zane, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. F1st3R

    F1st3R Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    really enjoyed the album (like every other one ;) ) it feels heavy the whole time through it has some softer moments and brad sure is my "MODERN GUITAR GOD" now haha! im regretting listening to it now a bit cuz i have the most important exams in my life the day after tomorrow and i can't get this album of my head now hahaha
  2. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    KTTK - My head exploded
    All for Nothing - My head exploded again, dat rap!
    I love the way it blended with GATS. That song has grown so much on me
    War - not too impressed tbh.
    Wastelands - still love it, so groovy
    UIG - my least favorite so far, just because the lyrics and the fact that it doesn't feel like new musical territory. At the same time I love it because it reminds me of New Divide/What I've done
    Rebellion - my favorite so far, Mike singing, the drums, and the bridge, not to mention the lyrics are awesome and meaningful
    Mark the Graves - Dat intro - reminded me of LITE without the synth, this song is very dynamic, here's the track that satisfies the whole complaint about verse/chorus/verse thing.
    Drawbar - Cool, but I suspect I will rarely listen to, just like all of LP's instrumentals to date
    Final Masquerade - A great soft track, reminds me of Coldplay for some reason - love the lyrics
    ALITS - dat Mike singing, dose lyrics, dat change with the drums, dat fake ending

    I love it
  3. lilj4425

    lilj4425 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    KTTK...that is all.
  4. NikoLpSoldier

    NikoLpSoldier Daimonas

    May 7, 2014
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    Keys to the Kingdom, ALITS, rebellion and War are the best tracks by far imo
    That last 7 second scream in War made me happy :)
    I have the feeling chesters screams were much to quiet especially on ALITS, couldnt even really hear them
    This is the Album i have been waiting for since meteora/Mtm
    Also, War sounds like something Metallica would do
    1. War/ Keys to the Kingdom
    2. A Line In the Sand
    3. Mark the Graves
    4. Rebellion
    5. All For Nothing
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
  5. ragsta

    ragsta Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    I feel like they could've done something more with A Line In The Sand, when Mike starts singing it gives me goosebumps, but after that they make it too much metal in my opinion.
  6. VorteXLP

    VorteXLP Cheetas strapped to space rockets.

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Mark The Graves is like Robot Boy meets Lying from You. Everyone probably disagrees :p
  7. ToTheCitadel

    ToTheCitadel Wisdom, Justice & Love

    Apr 5, 2012
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    I may have to listen to it a few more times, but I don't get MTG.
  8. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Everything I could say about this album has been said already. With The Hunting Party the band went head-on without being overtly contemplative. 14 years later after the inception of Hybrid Theory, and this is how far the band has come without the bells and whistles of A Thousand Suns or Living Things. This is the band at their most organic, comfortable state. This was an amazing record.
  9. F1st3R

    F1st3R Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    When will there be a THP making of stream? haha or are they leaving it out again :x
  10. Emiltayeb

    Emiltayeb Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    i hope so too!

    Mark The Grave Make me really feel so good..
    KTK Is A Beast Song
  11. Smarky

    Smarky Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Glad you are all enjoying the album. I am going to listen to it on Monday (When I get back from Download) or possibly whenever Mike does the Twitter listening party.

    Currently blasting out the new Arch Enemy album. It's amazing. Enough to keep the metal flowing through my veins for now! :)

    As well as hybrid theory ready for them to play it on Saturday! So i can get my LP fix! :)
  12. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    At the moment, this record is just a goosebumps-machine to me. And it feels damn good!
  13. SKaRR*oKi

    SKaRR*oKi Everything.Falls.Apart

    Aug 2, 2010
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    My feelings after 1 listen

    1- wham bam where the hell did that come from. If I like it as much on the next listens as I did the first it's overtaking best opening song. I would say comparable to Papercut, ending gang vocals over Chester, there's brilliant melodic singing from Mike, he spits out a decent rap verse, the melody and music generally is just... Yes

    2- never listened to Helmet but I might now. This sounds to me like a heavy remix of "What I've Done" with rap verses. The guest vocalist definitely adds to the song

    3- already heard it A LOT but I must say, when I first heard the song the long into I thought detracted from the song cos it took too long to get going but it really helps the flow of the album

    4- The Summoning is a bit wierd, not sure what to make of it but I like the almost ATS experimental element. Even though it's ATS experimental I wouldn't expect it and it wouldn't fit on ATS if that makes sense

    5- without doubt the most disappointing over-hyped waste of track listing ever from linkin park. Not even heavy in my opinion. It felt like a B-Side demo from Chuck-era Sum41

    6- wastelands heard before and is a welcome back to Hybrid Theory esque music without going back to their roots too much

    7- until it's gone grew on me through this single listen through. Definite album filler but what the album needed

    8- rebellion is then the end of the 3 I've religiously overplayed these last weeks. They fit with the album well.

    9- I definitely liked mark the graves. I immediately thought LOCKJAW but heavier for the opening minute or so. When the singing starts it's Chester with what I feel is more decent lyrics and then it kinda fades in and out of heavy instrumentation with Chesters vocals and Mike backing vocals. Not really a standout at all for me but a great song none the less and I can see a lot of fans loving it

    10- drawbar is absolutely beautiful. I great break from the album and is now tieing with KTTK as my favourite song on the album. Blew me away. The piano melody compliments the synths and distorted guitars in a way you couldn't predicted

    11- and then this follows up and ties with drawbar and KTTK. What a great melodic vocal display from Chester. Maddeningly catchy and soft enough to listen to in most moods. Chesters vocals just sound raw and emotional in a way he's never quite displayed before

    12- this for me just summed up the whole album in a few minutes. Mike sounds great and completely unexpected. Then the rap is good. The way this track is put together and the different linkin park sounds in it make it a definitive song for the band and a perfect closer. These 6 are the only people who could create a song that diverse and make it work. It is up there with the other 3 standouts I highlighted
  14. JMWLP

    JMWLP Member

    May 24, 2014
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    KTTK - Made me jump in fear and pee a little.
    AFN - Mike fuckin' KILLED IT. Page or Chester could've sang the chorus. Either way, this song is badass.
    GATS - Really loving this track now that I see how it flows into the album.
    War - Never been a fan of Punk Rock, but HOLY SHIT Chester sounds like he's going to eat someone, oddly I dig it.
    Wastelands - Once again, Mike kills it love the WTCFM feel with Rock Punch-In-Your-Face Juice
    UIG - Sounds like WID, Numb and ND had an orgy. One of my favorite tracks.
    Rebellion - This song really wants me to go out spend 2k on a drum set and play again. I'm getting more impressed with Mike's vocal performance.
    MTG - This song started off a bit odd to me, but it finished amazingly well, may have to give it a few more listens.
    Drawbar - Perfect way to slow our heart rates down and a perfect interlude to FM...I mean PER-FECT.
    FM - I'm a sucker for cheesy failed-relationship-soppy-lost-love songs, so it's an A+ for me.
    ALITS - Mike needs to seriously just do a separate album of just him singing......AND WTF DRUMS AND GUITAR AAHHHH.....Ok holy shit, Chester....Holy. Shit. Yeah, this song is perfect to end the album. It hits you so hard that once it's done, you're dazed and confused. lol OH SHIT IT'S NOT OVER YET? Oh, ok just felt like I got kicked in the balls and then got a pet on the head as it kicked me into a road side ditch.
  15. LPFAN5000

    LPFAN5000 Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Hey so I just listened to the whole thing and it's amazing. I feel like this deserves its own thread but I must say that 'Mark the Graves' is DEFINITELY a 'Blackout' continuation.
    Same Key
    Same Tempo
    Same Melody (at parts)
    Same Chord progression

    I even overlaid the heaviest part of blackout with the heavy part of mark the graves and it lines up perfectly. Its forms a whole new song! it's fantastic. I would love to share the link but unfortunately... rules...
    If you want to do it yourself play Mark the Graves from exactly 0:27 in, and blackout at exactly 2:18, and play them simultaneously. The start at cut-off at the same time perfectly and the chords sound amazing over the glitched screaming. I feel like this was too careful to be unintentional and there's probably more to this.
    Try it!
  16. TheLPStanFan

    TheLPStanFan Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Am I the only one who absolutely ADORES All For Nothing? LOL
  17. outcastboy

    outcastboy Sure God's all powerful, but does he have lips?

    May 14, 2014
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    i wont make a review because i think it would suck, and i would focus on the bad points of the album, mostly chester's performance

    Keys To The Kingdom 9/10
    All For Nothing 4/10
    Guilty All The Same 7/10
    The Summoning 6/10
    War 7,5/10
    Wastelands 7,5/10
    Until It's Gone 5,5/10
    Rebellion 8/10
    Mark the Graves 9/10
    Drawbar 8,5/10
    Final Masquerade 9/10
    A Line In The Sand 8.5/10
  18. JMWLP

    JMWLP Member

    May 24, 2014
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    I loved it!:clap:
  19. Death Slayer

    Death Slayer Julian

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Whaa.... What dafuq have I just listened to !?!?!? 0.o

    On a serious note, this album is way too heavy and raw for my liking lol

    For a one-time thing it's certainly a welcoming and refreshing approach and I applaud them for that. But I would not be looking forward to a THP part II...

    And what's with the baby lurking through the whole album!!
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
  20. Garrett Dash Maichel

    Garrett Dash Maichel Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    I'm kind of surprised how many people like Drawbar. A lot of reviews were saying how disappointing that track was.

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