i can't wait to see story of the year at the meteora tour. i've been wanting to see them for a while. and now they're playing with linkin park on the same tour which is awesome as hell. if you haven't heard of story of the year, then check them out. they're worth your time.
I think story of the year sent people to flood the forums. I downloaded and burned Page Avenue yesterday, I love Anthem of our Dying Day.
Story of the year is absolutely awesome. They are one of my fav. bands. There isn't a bad song on the CD. And even better... I'M SEEING THEM ON THE METEORA WORLD TOUR TODAY!!! Patriot Center, Here I Come!
MY CONCERT IS TOMORROW HELL YEAH! I know I'm going with one friend and another friend who was going to go all of a sudden said he couldnt go cause of hw. F*UCKING HOMEWORK. So I invited a girl who is the other friend's (who could go) neighbor. I have a crush on her anyway. I listened to the whole thing of Page Avenue yesterday. I already heard the first couple tracks which are awesome, then it got kind of similar after a while.
For those of you who were wondering... STORY OF THE YEAR WAS ####### AMAZING AT THE PATRIOT CENTER YESTERDAY!!! They rival Linkin Park for the best live performance ever in my book. Get ready for them to do backflips, dives and all other sorts of crazy #### mid show. SIMPLY. AMAZING. Best tour I've ever been on. Kicks the pants off of Summer Sanitarium.
Yes set list is correct, I liked it though. Some people said they didn't but I thought it was cool. And yes I did take some, pictures they are on their way... I have pics from the M&G as well as the concert itself. Spoiler written in White The best pic I have is during the end of place for my head both chester and mike get up on the bar at the edge of the pit 2 inches from the crowd. I was no more than 2 inches from chester when he was doing the big screams. We all shook hands with him and screamed with him. Absolutely incredible, and I have it on picture; Chester, 2 in. away from me. Pictures will be coming soon.
That sounds really awesome. If we could use them for our live show gallery we're making of each stop on the tour, that'd be amazing, You'd get credit. *points to Announcements*
I've finished scanning in the pictures, working on hosting them on a server my friend has. Should be up sometime tomorrow. The pictures are a little dark and fuzzy on some, due to my POS disposable camera, but the ones from the M&G are good, as is the special one I mentioned above, and my Hoobastank ones are good too. The LPA is more than welcome to use my pics however they please. Stay tuned...
i saw SOTY in concert. They were pretty good. I liked when one of the guys did a backflip off a speaker er somethin on stage.
I also posted this in Announcements. My Pictures for the Meteora World Tour on Jan. 16 at the Patriot Center are now up. Visit http://www.gotofsbo.com/lp/lp.html
The concert was awesome. I think I was in the same spot as Shade during the "spoiler". SOTY was so great. It was nice to see that people were getting into them since a lot of them had never heard anything from them. The Enter Sandman cover was great and I tried to take a pic of Phil when he did his backflip but I don't know if it came out because some girl hit my flash and my camera closed. I have a whole roll of Story of the Year and a whole roll of LP. I should have them scanned by the end of the week. I think LP played around an hour and 15 minutes. I'm not too sure.