Hey, I ordered Mike Shinoda's Glorious Excess Art Book about a month ago and it still has not arrived! My dad has called BandMerch and he said they are not picking up so we can't ask them why the book is taking so long to get here. My dad thinks this is a scam. Is it actually a scam? (I hope not)
Well, considering I got mine less than a week after I ordered it, I'd be safe to assume something went wrong during shipping. It's not a scam.
The expectation is that you will call them if something goes wrong. If they ship it out and it doesn't get to you, they won't necessarily know. You have to call them and let them know. Make sure you have all information regarding your order. Also, just for future reference, anything not pertaining to specifically the Linkin Park Association forums and website but pertaining to something Linkin Park related should go in the appropriate forums near the top of the page. This isn't specifically an LPA concern. However, I hope you can get it all sorted out!
Thanks. Although my dad called them and they won't pick up. P.S sorry for posting in the wrong forum D:
As a tip: sending an e-mail to Bandmerch is much more likely to get a response than trying to call them.