Awesome! I'm pretty sure Staind was recording a portion of their album in my town. That's pretty sick if they did...I live 10 minutes from the studio.
Yeah. I hope they get harder and sound like their old stuff. The name of the studio that they might've recorded at is named after one of the Administrators. Can you guess which one?
I loved Break the Cycle and Dysfunction, and despite what others believe, 14 Shades wasn't that bad, so I'm looking forward to this one
Amen to that...14SOG had a couple good tracks (Falling Down, and Price To Play) but here's hoping for something better!
Yah I'm really looking forward to this cd. I'd love to see another track like "Can't Beleive" on this album.
Yeah, that song grabbed my attention as well. Be interesting to hear what it sounds like. [/b][/quote] Same here. ...I don't even really like Staind a whole lot.
Im also really REALLY looking forward to that album! I absolutely love the touching lyrics Staind has. I think Staind is the second best band after LP ofcourse I cant wait till June...