Yeah, it's fucking awesome. Then again, Nolan could have released a video of Bruce Wayne taking a shit and I'd be excited. It goes without saying how much I'm looking forward to this film.
Cool trailer, bro. [thumb][/thumb] EDIT: A mask won't necessarily stop him from talking. Hardy is more than talented enough to use his eyes and body to emote just fine, though I get the vibe that Bane might not be much of a talker in this. And yeah, Bats is about to get fucked up. He looks knackered at the end. [thumb][/thumb]
Brilliant Screen caps! Bane Vs Bats looks like it'll be incredible. Though just because he has the mask doesn't mean he won't talk. I Hope he'll be just like the bane in the comics, who only wears his mask in battle, plus hes a criminal mastermind, he need as few inspiring lines to say at least.
Well you're not getting you're wish, guy with the weird username above me. SPOILER LINKS BELOW, SHOWS BANE IN FULL COSTUME.
This. Christopher Nolan is such a beast with turning the fictional into the feasible. *leaves to watch Inception for the billionth time*
Brilliant pics! Saw them on Total film today. Interesting costume. Very "Hush" like actually (another Batman villain in the comics) I'm sure he'll look even better on film as these are just dodgy cam pics from the crew. I'm not disappointed. Its different yet faithful to the original. I don't think a wrestler mask and a leotard would have worked in the Nolan-verse at all so they made the right decision to go with this - Photos and videos of Bane and Batman fighting!
Holy crap! those look even more epic! That video of that insane mob fight scene looks like it could be when Bane & Batman first meet. Just had a crazy thought... The original tumbler in the brown army Camo could be Banes car, not Batman's. Hence why hes standing on it in the first picture. Plus it Matches the color of his coat. I can't see Batman getting another tumbler unless its not black.
Knightfall storyline looks to be in place. Someone else is making their debut in this film besides Bane and Catwoman, pictures are out there if you're curious. Levitt might play a bigger part in this than originally thought, as well.
I don't know why people ruin the first-time experience element by looking at these set photos and videos.
Knightfall storyline minus the psychic healing doctor that can magically cure paralysis. And the fact that Batman has already had to deal with a mass breakout from Arkham in the first movie, making the idea less genius and something more within Bruce's scope of possibility rather than a way to tire him out. In addition, there isn't exactly an established Rogue's Gallery in the Nolanverse, so Arkham is, for all intensive purposes, filled with mafia, ordinary insane people, Scarecrow, and Joker. Joker is already ruled out at this point, so no appearances there. Further, lacking a Robin of any sort will make adaptation of a storyline so heavily influenced by the three Robins that were established at the time difficult. Batman is mentally broken by Scarecrow's gas by rekindling memories of Jason Todd, the second Robin's, murder via The Joker. Nightwing, or Dick Grayson (the first Robin), plays an instrumental role in defending Gotham during Batman's subsequent defeat. Finally, Tim Drake is the current Robin at the time and serves as a foil to Valley and the only way of updating Wayne on Valley's insanity as he and Alfred are involved in a completely different storyline. /nerd
I've just been to Blockbusters there.. I asked the girl behind the counter if I could get Batman Forever? She said no, you need to bring it back!! this new movie looks pretty decent though - should be good!