I've been using Azureus as my main torrent downloading program for a while now. I usually get really fast downloads. Around 70kb/s average, around 300kb/s when it's a brand new release with tons of seeds. Recently my downloads have been going amazingly slow. I tried to switch over to uTorrent to see if that would do anything, and it did for little bit then started doing it again. I've done my port forwarding and followed the instructions perfectly yet it still says they aren't open. I've turned off all of my firewalls and I'm still getting speeds of 5kb/s on torrents with seeds of 60. I don't understand what the sudden problem is. Anyone have any suggestions to get some faster speeds?
Hmm... Well I got a.....brand new podcast...not Breaking Benjamin's Phobia album...at 300kb/s just yesterday and the problem started a few days ago. It seems that it's having troubles connecting to some seeders and peers and things. I lost all of my.......podcasts.....and have been needing to get them back. Right now I'm downloading.....a different podcast....not Nine Inch Nail's discography...and it has 9 seeders and 76 peers on uTorrent. It's going at 0kb/s, connected to nothing. I turned on encryption like you said. No help.
Just say you downloaded the Breaking Benjamin torrent. Geez, not like a staff member's going to jump down your throat, they speak of the sites themselves, if you look in the leak topic. Which router are you using?
Network Everywhere NR041. I found the page specifically for that router and followed the instructions.
Well I don't really know technically. But whatever speed gets around 550kb/s. That's what I get on most of my direct downloads, and most new torrents go at around 300-400kb/s. Average regular torrents around 100-200kb/s. Right now I'm getting like 11, 20, and one at 100. But alot of them arent even connecting to seeds and peers. They usually don't do that, and my downloads are usually much faster.
It must be DSL then.mine is a cable connection 128 kbps and it downloads at.....hold your breath 10kbps.I'm planning to shift to DSL soon
lol. I have cable, I thought you meant what the connection speed was, which I don't know. K Now it's not even connecting to any seeds. Whaaaaaat is going on? Edit: I correctly forwarded my ports. I was putting instead of That successflly opened up my ports. Instantly everything turned green and the torrents started downloading. I'm currently downloading 4 things: 1: 20-30kb/s 2. 25-30kb/s 3. 20-30kb/s 4. 5-10kb/s 5. 50-60kb/s So, while the 5-10 is pretty annoying, I'd say that it's all looking good pretty much. Thanks Tomi and Tout Le Monde!
That doesn't mean a thing except your ISP sucks. I have cable and get 3 mbit download (~375 k/sec) and my ISP is rolling out 10 mbit (~1250 k/sec)
Is it odd that my downloads never want to go past 108kb/s now? Like total? It's always going that or less, and maybe it'll go over for a second but then goes back down. I don't understand it. It was never like that before. Hm.. Edit: Ooooh, wow. I had it set to 112kb/s max by default. I'm an idiot.
Fuck, I've used DC++ before, I like torrents MUCH better, thank you. -_- Hey, don't be complaining, my new connection here is a fucking 1.5MB/s connection, meaning I have a max speed of 155kB/s-ish. I want to go back to Winnipeg, far better connection than here. Telus sucks and it's fucking overpriced too.
have you tried optimizing ur internet settings? there are some programs out there that do it for you.
DC++ is only good if you're at a college/university and you can somehow locate the ip of a local hub. Then you have local shares which might seem really fast but are essentially on a LAN, so its not really downloading per se.
I've been getting 5kbs per second and Im using BitCoemt, anyone know whats wrong? Im downloading the South Park All seasons and episodes to date torrent
Well, there's a number of questions to ask in this case: - Are your ports forwarded? - Have you encrypted your connection, incase your ISP shapes? - How many seeders are you connected to on the torrent? - Is your torrent program properly configured? If it doesn't work oh so well on your computer, try on a different computer if you can, because I know my computer has problems sometimes while my laptop works perfectly fine.
[ note: i assume that you're using uTorrent ] Well, first off, for port forwarding, if you don't have a router, this doesn't apply for you. If you do have a router, make sure you look in the port forwarding section of your router settings to verify if the port set in the uTorrent config is forwarded. Also, uTorrent has an icon at the bottom of it's window. If it's green, your port is forwarded fine. Else, it'll give you a yellow exclaimation mark. In order to check if you have your torrent connection encrypted, the setting is under BitTorrent in uTorrent's settings dialog. Last item: Protocol Encryption. I usually set it as Forced. In order to check how many seeders you're connected to, look at the seeders column in uTorrent. Rather obvious. Make sure there's at least 1 seeder, or don't even bother with the torrent. If you look around, there are guides to configuring uTorrent, so take a look around.