With these new setlists out I'm thinking there's gonna be a few songs we never hear played live by LP again. I'm Thinking, With You, By Myself, Runaway, APFMH, Forgotten, Hit the Floor, Easier to Run, Figure .09, Nobody's Listening. Also I doubt we'll ever hear Valentine's Day, In Between, or No Roads Left. They need to bring back some of those classics, hold a secret concert or something for LPU members.
I'd be willing to bet they'll play Valentine's Day, there's nothing about the song that would make it difficult to pull off live. In Between will probably be like the Breaking the Habit of MTM, it'll be the last song off the album they play live after everybody assumed they never would. I also doubt that they'll NEVER play most of those again. They're overloading the setlist with Minutes to Midnight songs right now because it's a brand new album, but LP's touring cycles last for quite a while, they'll probably be on the road well into 2008. By the end of this cycle, MTM won't be as new anymore and they'll probably bring back some older stuff. They brought back Step Up and It's Goin' Down on PR04, they played My December on the Meteora World Tour, they even brought out Reading My Eyes for the Summer Sonic shows. And even if they don't bring older stuff back now, it's not like their touring career looks to be coming to an end anytime soon. I've seen some older bands bring back songs that they hadn't played in over 20 years. Metallica has been doing it a lot the past couple years, I think it was last year they brought back a song they hadn't played since like, 1984. With You and APFMH are LP's 2 biggest moshpit anthems, I don't care what anybody else says. They'll probably bring those back. And they played Runaway at Bamboozle, so it's not like they forgot about that one either.
Yeah, maybe so. But I'm sure Hit the Floor won't be played again. It was only played on the Meteora tour right? But right now it's just MTM and singles basically. Hopefully it'll change
It probably will change as the touring cycle continues and about hit the floor i guess maybe not but you never know just gotta wait and see
the ones i feel sad that they dont play anymore are With You, Runaway and APFMH i mean those are LP classics
Wish they'd scrap Somewhere I Belong rather than say, APFMH. I know it won't happen though, due to SIB being a hit single and all.
Not twice, on 2 full tours. They were played at every show from Februrary 23rd to April 26th, 2003, meaning they both got played a few dozen times. There just aren't a whole lot of recordings from those tours.
I've seen one high quality video of Easier to Run, I think it was an LPU exclusive if I remember right. Never seen Hit the Floor in HQ though.
Yeah, Easier to Run was one of the enhanced videos on LPU 4 (it's the same version that appears on the Numb single). There's only one live video of Hit the Floor that even exists, it's from the State College show on PR03 and it's an audience recording. HTF and Easier to Run were both played at the MTV $2 Bill show as well, but weren't shown on TV.
I got a feeling they will play With You and APFMH at some point. But I really do miss With You being the intro. Man I just can't get enough of Chester screaming "Come on"
"hit the floor" is the worst live song, close to "somewhere i belong" and "lying from you", when it comes to moshing to a rock song.
With You sounds Awesome Live! I've never heard Hit the Floor or Easier to Run, but from what you guys have said Hit The Floor doesn't sound all too nice. I'm eager to hear Easier to Run done up live in a Minutes to Midnight style though. It's kinda sad to see that they don't play all these songs anymore... With You, APFMH and By Myself I'll miss especially (If what were talking about here all happens)
I think lying from you is pretty good now, it didon't used to be but I think it sounds great now. I really wish they would cut Somewhere I belong, it just seems like a mediocre song from them.