Society today

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Anthony., Oct 7, 2003.

  1. #1

    Anthony. .Orestes LPA Super VIP

    Aug 25, 2003
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    What made me think about it is the California recall that's gonna take place tomorrow. 35 million people (That's a little more than the population of Canada), if the trend continues, are gonna elect the Terminator as their governor. Not Arnold Schwarzenegger (by the way how many people can spell his name right?), the Terminator ; the guy we see in the movies, not the politician. Why? Because those 35 million people (well part of them) didn't want the person they chose anymore because he couldn't put an already in poor health state back on track. But now they're gonna elect an action figure with any experience in politics as their leader, at the price of more than 60 millions (instead of taking this money to help the state). Yeah, in a state where energy and pollution are the big problems, they want the guy with a Hummer. I have anything against him, but he's not at the right place. It's only gonna worsten. And even worst, look at the 100+ other candidates. Only less than 10 have some credibility... And this recall was started by a guy that paid people to sign a petition and that whitdrew from the race.

    This brings me to the point of my post. Are we loosing common sense? This movement was stated with people tired of the situation but had no good idea to improve it. The most horrible part of the 20th century was caused by a person who was elected by people who wanted things to change but didn't knew how. And this almost happened not so long ago, in many places. Here, in the province of Quebec (Canada), they almost elected a 25 (I think) years old guy with almost no experience as prime minister. In France, Jean-Marie Le Pen, that we can almost consider as a facist, almost came to power. And such non-senses are caused by people that follow the movement that seems to be cool.

    Are we stupid? In wich way are we going? Years pass and we're getting nearer to anarchy, when political leaders will be elected randomly and one day that random person is gonna be the bad one. Please, think about what you're doing twice. Stop being trend-followers because it looks cool. Be intelligent. Make the right choices. And stop being puppets manipulated by trend-setters.

    Thanks for reading this, I feel better now. You don't need to reply, I said what I had to. By the way, this message has nothing against the Terminator. I repeat it, he's not a bad guy but he's not at the right place.

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