Seeing how school starts exactly one week from now (for me), post your classes for this year. Math 11 Principles Science/Technology 11 Music Appreciation 11 Socials 11 Band 11 Career and Personal Planning 11 Law 12 English 11 Strings 11a
Mathematics 3202 English 3201 Chemistry 3303 Biology 3202 Physical Education 2100 and 3100 Economié Candienne 2202 Francais 3100 and one more I forget...maybe Integrated System 2200
First Semester: Spanish I English III Chemistry Advanced Computer Software Applications Second Semester: Spanish II Advanced Accounting Math III Psychology
Woohoo college here I come ^^ Liberal Studies 1: Human Dilemmas (Required for all incoming freshmen) Classical Mythology Intro to Theatre Italian: Conversation & Composition That adds up to 15 credits.
i don't know. i'm not going to look at my schedule till homeroom tomorrow. but i can tell you now: it's all stupid classes. why? because i'm a dumb, stupid, little kid.
Theres no point in me posting my schedule. Its nothing special...I WANT TO TAKE LATIN BUT MY STUPID PUBLIC SCHOOL ONLY OFFERS STUPID FRENCH AND STUPID SPANISH!!!!!!! :argh: My school isnt stupid, but I love Latin, and with all the money they have I cant believe they cant find a teacher.
First Semester: Math Art English Outdoor P.E. First Aid Second Semester: Geography Science P.E. Intro. To Computer Science
Geometry Honers English Biology Comp Lit(i dont need it, its a requirement tho ) multimeida1 + 2 P.E. French I think thats it, i havent gotten my schedule yet...
I'm sorry, but what you've just said is very disrespectful to people who speak either French, Spanish or both. Because of this, you will be receiving a shiny new warning. Wear it well. Have a nice day.
1. Design Arts - This is an art class which I did not sign up for, I suck at art. Im going to try to get out of it. 2. English Literature - Easy as hell it seems. The teacher's awesome. 3. Newspaper - Yeah, I'm asst. tech editor on the staff 4. Academic Lab - Study Hall 5. Computer Graphics - Easy class since I know most of it already. 6. Web design - I took this class for an easy A, and oh my god is it so damn easy. I know how to code HTML with nothing more than a text editor and we're learning the basics in Adobe GoLive and kids complain that's hard. Wait until they see the real code. And everything we learn is against the W3C web standards for decent code. I deserve to die if I don't get an A in that class 7. Intro to Calculus - Probably really hard, but the teacher's cool. Makes it bearable 8. Physics - Hard, but again, good teacher
I'm sorry, but what you've just said is very disrespectful to people who speak either French, Spanish or both. Because of this, you will be receiving a shiny new warning. Wear it well. Have a nice day. [/b][/quote] I'm Spanish and I wasn't offended...just letting you know. I'm sure she/he meant no harm in the comment. Edit: Math 12 Bio 21 Bio 21 Lab TA 5 (Acting) Hum 1A Lecture Hum 1A Seminar
I'm really stupid. I have low classes except for like... one. Algebra... again :argh: Biology Health (first semester, Physical Education the second) English X (one level below honors) US History Computer Arts The only class I'm going to dislike is P.E. because every year the teacher never likes me for some odd reason.
Lemme take a look at the subjects of an honor student going into grade 9.[/braging] Math Language Arts Art/Music(Half the year for each.) Social Studies Core French Pyshical Education Science Technology/Home Economics(Half the year for each.) Health/Religion(Half the year for each. Health = Sexual Education, in other words: plenty of dirty jokes.) That's it.
1) US History 1 2) American Lit 3) Photography 1 4) Biotech 1 5) French 5 Honors 6) Advanced Algebra 1 Honors (dropping to non-honors) It's weird. They didn't put me in yearbook for some reason, so I'm gonna have to fix that. And this year is gonna suck because they put me in classes with either people I really do not like, or people I do not know.
H World Studies H American Literature H Geometry H Spanish I H Chemistry Music Appreciation PE / Driver Education +.-
My classes are boring, but the teachers are really nice. World Lit. 2 Physical Education (what's the point of that class?) There's this special science class but I forgot what it's called. Algebra 1 Japanese 1 Modern World Yea. That's all, folks. Nothing interesting.
When we did Health/Sex Education back in Grade 9 went I went to IJ Samson, they totally skipped over the sex part and kept talking about communication and crap. I'm not sure if the curriculum over there is different or changed. I think I'm going to drop and add a few classes...
I have to pick my subjects for next year tonight! This year I am doing: Math English Science History Japanese PE Home Economics Animal And Agriculture Studies Drama
When we did Health/Sex Education back in Grade 9 went I went to IJ Samson, they totally skipped over the sex part and kept talking about communication and crap. I'm not sure if the curriculum over there is different or changed. I think I'm going to drop and add a few classes... [/b][/quote] What school were you going to?