Firstly, how are you? It's been a while. What has changed for you over the last 2 years and a bit? Secondly, what are your current thoughts on the future of LP? Are you optimistic or pessimistic they will they get back together? Do you even want it to happen? Think it'll it be as a five-piece or with a new vocalist? Thirdly, are you still listening to LP? Have other bands encroached on their airplay time? Has "One More Light" grown stale for you? Do any songs or specific parts of songs trigger you? I'll go: 1) I've been well. I got married. We included a few Linkin Park songs on our wedding playlist. I travelled to Spain and Iceland. I attended the Hollywood Bowl show which was one of the most emotional and powerful nights of my life. I still watch that show when I'm on long flights. 2) I'm honestly not sure about the future of LP. I'll have to wrap my mind around it if/when it happens. I think it would feel very bittersweet. I want the absolute best for the band members and if it's something they need to do I'm on board 100%. I'm also am not envious of whomever joins the band as lead vocalist (if that's the route they want to go). I hope our fanbase is kind to that person and looks at the new LP lineup as a new chapter, not as competition against original LP. 3) I'm only listening to LP these days when they come on shuffle on Spotify. I haven't searched out an LP album to listen to in a while. Every once in a blue moon I'll get a bit of LP fever and build a playlist of my favourites, but other bands are taking my attention presently (which was a trend even when LP was still on the go). These days I'm listening to a lot of PVRIS, Normandie, Bring Me The Horizon, Koethe, The Amazons, Mumford & Sons, Starset and Amber Run. I found out about a lot of these bands after switching to Spotify from Apple Music earlier in the year. Iridescent's bridge makes me very emotional, still. As does Roads Untraveled in its entirety. Chester's death is still a very sad thing to think about. Anyways, just trying to get some conversation going. Share your thoughts.
1. I've been doing quite well. The past 2+ years since July 2017 have been a time for a lot of personal growth. Finishing my undergraduate for music business admin this next spring. I've been working to battle anxiety here and there, starting finally going to see my favorite artists perform, and putting myself out there professionally in pursuit of my dream of working in music publishing and copyright law. I have a lot of promising prospects right now. Money has been an issue but we're working through that. 2. I've come to terms with either option. I think whether they continue Linkin Park or not, I'm okay with what the band wants. I think most likely they won't but I'm open to being surprised. I'm just happy to appreciate what Linkin Park did do. 3. I haven't listened to a whole lot of music at all recently due to being involved in a lot of high-demand projects--both for college and outside of school--but overall since 2017 I've tried to come back to LP a few times. I've been appreciating A Thousand Suns a lot (and it was already my favorite Linkin Park album). It's mostly been progressive metal, film score/orchestra, and New Orleans jazz (lol) though, with a dash of some other rock here and there. Mostly film score though honestly. I have found an intense love for score and background music loops for things like theme parks. To name names, it's been Haken, Dream Theater, Rockin' Dopsie Jr., Enter Shikari, and then composers like John Williams, Alan Silvestri, Danny Elfman, Alan Menken, and the like. And mostly those pretty consistently. I still don't stream lol. I also have really appreciated the bridge to Iridescent in recent times actually. I feel like I've been taking that song for granted now.
Hey Mark! Congrats on the marriage! 1. Life has been very up down in these past couple years. Lots of family issues, stress with college (currently in my second year as an animation major), and a struggle with self-doubt. I'm in a bit of a rough patch right now, but I'll pull through. My girlfriend helps keep me afloat through all of this, I'm thankful to have her in my life. And I'm slowly figuring myself out as an artist. 2. Honestly, I'm not sure. There seems to be talks of them getting back in the studio "soon" all the time, so it seems like the interest is there, but I'll accept it if they can't go on. I'll remain optimistic, but who knows. 3. They keep popping up for me. Every once in a while I'll go through a phase of listening to one of their albums or all of their music, but that's just the way I get with music. It all still holds up to this date. Other than LP, I'd say EDEN is my favorite artists atm, but I'm listening to so much other stuff too, and going to a good amount of concerts now. I've been away from this site all summer but I gotta remember to keep checkin on y'all
Overall I'm good. Still have the same job that i'm really growing tired of, there's just no future here but I'm stuck until I find something else. The only real thing that's changed in the the last two years is that I moved to a bigger and better (although the kids in the apartment above are loud as fuck) apartment. I'm 95% sure they'll be back. They've all said that they want to come back after they've "figured it out". If they do return I think the most likely way to go about it would be to have Mike as the lead vocalist and bring in someone else to fill his instrumental role live, so that he can really move around the stage and not be stuck behind his keyboard or a mic stand. I never stopped listening to LP The only new (for me) band that I've started listening to is Slipknot. When "All Out Life" came out last year they really got my attention and I've enjoyed listening to them. I think One More Light has actually gotten better for me, whenever I think it's not a great album I put it on to think about ... but when Nobody Can Save Me really kicks in all that go away and I remember that it's a fantastic album. Due to a cancer scare in the family, One More Light (the song) really started getting to me. For now everything is fine though. I do wish this site would be more active again, that's one of the things I look forward to if LP comes back. So much of the LP community seems to mostly on Twitter and Reddit now, and now on here.
New job w/ probably the nicest co-workers and managerial staff I've ever been around, been gymming fairly regularly over the last couple of months. Very optimistic - I'm always reminding people that LP is still a band, because people assume they've broken up, and that I'm personally looking forward to new music. I don't think they'll take on a new member. I only have a few LP albums on my phone for on-the-go listening and songs from "The Hunting Party" pop up on shuffle (I've been listening on shuffle a lot lately) more than tracks from any other album. I don't listen to "One More Light" at the moment because I've been working on remixes, and, as a rule, I never listen to original versions whenever those are in progress - otherwise, I would put those songs on every so often. It is still probably my top-favourite of all LP's albums. No LP songs are in my main regular-rotation playlist. There's nothing in LP's discography or videos that I can't get through due to emotional reasons. I do not ever take that for granted, because, two years ago, it was a struggle for me to get back to that place and I'm proud that I managed. I feel the same way about the band now as I did before Chester's passing.
1.) Not bad. Finishing up college, getting my major in Professional Writing and Creative Writing. Not really 100% sure of what I want, but I'm trying not to fret about it. Still, there is a bit of anxiety. Right now, working at an internship for my college library. Overall, emotionally feeling better than I did last year in general. 2.) I am optimistic about the future. If not, there is always Mike Shinoda's solo music. I think Post Traumatic, regardless of my actual thoughts on the album, paved a road for new music in some form. I think LP will return. Hopefully as a 5-piece band. If not, I hope the new vocalist can be as diverse as Chester and not just pigeonhole the band as "rock." Either way, I do hope for LP to continue. 3.) I listen to LP regularly. I am at a point where my feelings are in the place they were pre-Chester's passing. OML, as much as I love the album, is hard to get through. It was such a beautifully optimistic record in May 2017 but feels too bittersweet in 2019. Battle Symphony is a bit triggering because it was the newest LP track out when I fell into a dark place. Overall, MTM and Meteora are two albums I still listen to on the regular. And I always need to hear Nobody Can Save Me if I do turn on LP.
So, how am i? I would say that many things changed, mostly to the positive. I am studying now Social Work (after not finishing Law and Economy) but now i think its the right thing. Many new and cool people. Meeting Mike in March was definitely a highlight in the last years. Such a cool guy. Towards LP. I think they gonna continue, and i gonna support the guys, if its 5 or 6. They deserve to do what they want and is definitely all their choices. I absolutely listen to LP almost everyday. I cant imagine not to listen to the guys. Theire music is part of my life and i dont want to cut it out. One More Light didnt changed for me. Its an good album, but still my least favorite, but i can respect it. Mostly i listen to ATS or Hybrid Theory, but every album got their playtime here and there. I guess i listen to a lot more music than some years ago, so there is a bit less place for LP, because there is so much good music out there. But as i said, LP is always on rotation.
1) Pretty okay I guess, I've been better, I've been worse. I studied animation at one point before I drifted away from it and started focusing on level design and on occasion, producing some pieces of my own. I've also been hitting the gym regularly. 2) As far as LP goes, they've been quite the inspiration for me with their music and whether they continue to make music is totally up to them, obviously I hope they do, I believe they will somewhere down the road. At this rate it looks like Mike will be taking the wheel from here on out, might be a while until they find another lead vocalist. Either way, I look forward to it. 3) I still listen to LP songs here and there but also I'm rather grateful for discovering a lot of great music from other bands as well (e.g. Ice Nine Kills, Memphis May Fire, Bring Me The Horizon, Our Last Night, Get Scared, Blessthefall...). While it's not a personal favorite, dare I say it's one of their weaker records, I still do enjoy a select few tracks on their "One More Light", in particular, Good Goodbye, Talking To Myself, Battle Symphony, though it's difficult to single out which one I like the most, but those are my top three picks on that album. I even performed the latter at a local Open-Mic night event. In My Remains still gets me everytime.
1) I'm feeling pretty good right now. I had a mental breakdown (depression, anxiety, etc. ...) about one year ago and went to a stationary clinic, where I met absolutely fabulous nice people. The staff really helped me battling my inner demons. After my studies (teaching profession) I felt lost since I didn't want to become a secondary school teacher anymore. I was searching for different jobs but no luck. My self esteem sank even lower and depression got ahold of me. I've always had those mental problems but now they came full circle and completely wrecked me. The clinic stay was really helpful. Now I'm doing an apprenticeship as an early years teacher (in Germany we call it Erzieherausbildung). Right now I'm working with children from 1.5 to 3 years. They're so lovely and honest. When they show love and affection they really mean it. I'm glad I found the right job. 2) So far I'm loving Mike's solo stuff, so I wouldn't mind more from him. He's an all around professional and musical genious. I think they'll continue as LP given their respective time. I'll always support the guys no matter what - whether they continue as a 5 piece or 6 piece (with a new vocalist) 3) I still love their music, though I have to admit I'm not listening to them on a regular basis. I can listen to them, but hearing Chester's voice makes me miss him a lot. Knowing we'll never get to hear his powerful, yet beatiful voice again on a new release... I got into lots of different bands and genres (e.g. Black Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Drum&Bass, UK-Rap). Though LP will always hold a special place in my heart. They're still one of my favourite bands of all time. Maybe I'll binge their discography when I have the time.
1. Life's had its ups and downs. I got married a year ago, but other than that life isn't really falling into place the way I had hoped. Job opportunities aren't working out while my peers are seemingly gliding into well-paying, permanent positions. Certainly not depressed or anything, but definitely frustrated that my efforts aren't paying off. 2. I miss Linkin Park. We would likely be listening to the eighth record by now, if not be foaming at the mouth nearing the end of the hype cycle. I want them to continue as a five-piece - I think Mike proved over the last two years that he is more than capable of being the band's frontman moving forward. I'd be satisfied with a rotating lineup of guest vocalists though depending on tours - i.e. tour with Bring Me the Horizon and have Oli come out to perform some heavy Linkin Park tracks, etc. I think we could see a surprise 2020 release. 3. I haven't stopped listening to them. The majority of my daily playlist is still Linkin Park - mostly Minutes to Midnight, A Thousand Suns and The Hunting Party. One More Light is probably my least favourite album by the band now. If it wasn't Linkin Park I would never listen to half of it, and the other half just feels derivative compared to something like Waiting for the End or Iridescent. However, the title track is a masterpiece and I think it's going to stand the test of time as an all-time classic. Outside of Linkin Park, I've really begun appreciating older bands and their influences on modern music. Everything from Led Zeppelin to Nirvana. I went to see Queen + Adam Lambert and it was absolutely phenomenal. Now I'm hooked on Queen's music and in turn appreciating Linkin Park's drastic shifts in sound and experimentation on a whole new level. Still cranking Thrice, but recently fell in love with Starset, Wolves at the Gate, and Fever 333. On a side note, I really miss discussing this band with this community. There's only so many times I can go on reddit without losing brain cells over casual fans forgetting The Hunting Party exists or arguing that One More Light was a suicide note.
Congratulations on your marriage! 1) I've been ok, some days are better than others but can't complain because life is good. Since 2017 I finally stopped travelling to work but lately I've been thinking about a career change because it's become too stressful. I love working with children but hate everything else. Also, I've met a fabulous group of people who helped me to overcome those first months after Chester's passing and we're still a very tight group. I can't even imagine my life without them. 2) I've changed my mind so many times about the future of LP but one thing I'm certain of: they'll come back. At first I didn't want them to bring anyone as a lead vocalist but now I'm ready for it. It'd definitely be a bittersweet experience and maybe hard to get used to it but that's what I hope they'll do. 3) I still listen to LP a lot, can't imagine not to, but sometimes it gets too much so I quit for a while. The only album I still can't listen to is OML but not because I think it's a suicide note (that's completely wrong) but because lyrics sound so optimistic and we all know what happened a few months after it came out.
1) I started going to college last year and therefore had to move to another city which has been such a cool experience so far. Met many new people and made some very good friends. Unfortunately I haven't visited this forum very much since 2017. I hope this changes in the future. 2) I'd like to see LP getting back together again. I somehow don't like the idea of continuing as a five man group though. On the same time I'm not sure if I'm ready to deal with all the (probably stupid) comments if a new singer joins the band. I like how Queen handled the situation with bringing new singers every now and then for tour cycles who aren't supposed to replace Freddie. New artists could bring back life to the LP material and deliver some awesome performances we've never known we wanted. I think that's one of the best ways to honour their incredible work. What I doubt most is that all five members will come back together even if I totally wish they would. 3) Could't listen much to LP the past two years. Mostly stumbeld across some songs in a playlist. Especially the songs from OML have been quite hard for me to listen to. It's just natural (I think) to connect songs to events that happened when you listened to them the most. Fortunately there's so much good music out there besides LP. I really enjoyed listening to Ghost and Avantasia. Liked the new Sum41 and Rammstein stuff as well. Lucky me, I was able to get two tickets for Rammstein and travelled over 1000 kilometres with a buddy to see them. Which raised the question why LP never used pyros at all does RedSquare 2011 count?