Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but anyway A new study shows the relation between intelligence and music taste. Read the full article and check out the chart here. What are your thougths about this? Do you think the average Beyonce listener is indeed probably dumber than the average Radiohead listener?
I wouldn't say music taste is a great gauge of intelligence, that's just pain absurd. Some of the smartest people I know listen to utter drivel. It's not really intelligence that causes people to listen a certain kind of music, it's what they're wanting to get out of that music. Music is almost completely subjective. What a bullshit study.
They're correlating Facebook likes with colleges. Then they're taking the average SAT score at each college and making a connection that way. It sounds logical, but really isn't. The smartest people at a college may not use Facebook. Or they may not "like" all the artists they enjoy. For all we know, the group of people who receive perfect SAT scores at say, Berkley, all are huge fans of Limp Bizkit but don't click like on the page. For all we know, the lowest scoring SAT scores at UT don't have Facebooks, so their inherent love of Radiohead isn't tracked. It's a very inaccurate study. As one redditor said, "My musical tastes have varied greatly in the past 25 years since I took the SATs. My score has not."
^This. I was going to edit something along these lines in my post, but you beat me to it. This is a very poorly thought out "study."
Totally agree with you, however the chart is still intresting. Here is another ridiculous experiment/'study'/whatever it is.
I suppose a much better way to do this would be to have a large random sample of people write down their top-10 bands then have them all complete the same IQ test. Then correlate.