The title should make it obvious - which do you prefer when you go and see a show? I've always heard that smaller venues are better, but why? Do specific things make a difference for you personally, like what type of genre the band(s) will be, how many will be preforming, etc.? I'm debating whether or not I want to go to a somewhat local tavern to see a few bands in a couple weeks, and it's 600max. Since I've only been to places that easily fit several thousands of people I was just wondering what the majority of other people prefer. ..Also, I'm not sure it this is in the right place or not. Sorry if it doesn't belong here.
I think both are good in their own way. Large venues are great for band such as LP etc (although people at the back of a 20,000 capacity stadium may say otherwise). Its not always fun watching small ants run around the stage! Smaller more intimate venues are my favourite as you can generally get up closer and get a better experience...I think it all depends on who you are going to see. If you like these bands playing at the tavern, then go! Dont worry about how many people will be there
Small venues generally, simply because I hate large crowds. With the exception of Warped, but you never end up in the back of the crowd because there's so many stages.
Small is awesome for seeing the band and such, but the huge sing along's you can get in a giant venue are also amazing.
Yeah, I assumed the best thing about it overall would be the lack of people. Which could be good or bad in my situation, since I'm not exactly tall and would stand less of a chance to get squashed like a bug under a bunch of drunk morons. But then again it's floor style tickets so it won't really matter. Maybe some steel-toe boots will come in handy, though, just in case.. In this case I'm thinking it actually wouldn't be that bad of an idea to see these bands in particular at a small place since they haven't made it to mainstream radio around here yet, so odds are the place won't be filled to capacity in case that would end up being a issue. Of course the $12 ticket price is also a bonus, even if I do end up going only go wanting to see 2 out of 5.
Small. HARDCORE DANICING FTW. jk jk. I don't go to many concerts and have never been to a small venue so i'm not real sure. Although my sis has met a few bands at small venues so i guess they're probably better.
Well smaller.. because it pretty much elimnate all fake fans and keeps it down to the exteme hardcore small works... but large arenas and venus are ok though...alot more noise