Hi I just wanted to say that I like Linkin Park but I'm getting sick of all the fort minor crap around here. Cant you just make a new fansite for FM so LP fans can get back to liking LP and not get brainwashed by the FM tidal wave around here... Btw I think FM would not be half as famous if Mike Shinoda woulnt be in LP first. FM is just another hiphop band, nothing special.
You have been here since march,so not long. Anyway, I must say that I find that LP give news on FM, but not vice versa.
You're probably right about their popularity. Most of thier songs are about Mike Shinoda being great. Haha. I like them though. They are different from most hip-hop bands though. They don't talk about stupid stuff like "Check my rims bitch." thats why I mainly like them.
I really don't think you understand how much goes into making a fansite. It isn't logical to make a new site for Fort Minor. If you don't like Fort Minor nor like reading news about them, then don't read it nor listen to them. Congrats for stating the obvious that Fort Minor would not be famous if Mike wasn't in LP. It is his side project you know. Fort Minor isn't just another hip hop band, they actually have deep, meaningful songs which is hard to find in hip hop. Someone who is big on hip hop correct me if I am wrong there.
Or better yet, you can make your own site customized to your own liking instead of telling people how to do things. You have no idea what effort we put in to keep Linkin Park fans up to date with all Linkin Park's endeavours, including side projects like Fort Minor. Not all fans are close-minded like you. So if you don't like it, I'd suggest you leave.
this is my view but - if you add guitars and a chorus which chester would sing on, you'll probably find that most FM songs are something close to what LP sound like
I love Linkin Park, and I wish people would stop talking about FM, but there is really nothing to talk about with LP, that's why people talk about FM all the time. When Snow White Tan comes out, I'll be talking about it all the time.
Yes, like we are supposed to provide you with Linkin Park news when it's non existant? Since you feel like whining about the way we run things, please allow me to give you a little update. Linkin Park are in the writing process of their next album that will be produced by their very own Mike Shinoda. They are planning to head in the studio as soon as possible and want to release a new CD by mid-2006. As stated by Mike on loveline, this record will sound like nothing they've ever done as they want to try to make something more organic and break away from their "rap/nu metal" label. This in no way means Mike will quit rapping, but that the record wont sound like anything they've done to date. The first new Linkin Park song in 3 years will appear on an upcoming Machine Shop Mixtape. This song is different due to the fact that the band challenged themselves to work together and complete the song in 3 days. While they didnt finish the song in three days, this was different for them as usually the band works seperately on their respective parts over a couple of months. This time around, they worked together making more of a organic song then they've ever done before. The name of the record is currentely unknown, and Linkin Park are resolving their woes with Warner Bros. in order to have the record released as soon as possible. THIS IS ALL of the information on Linkin Park that is currentely unavailible. Now quit complaining because we work hard enough to provide you with such information. Thank you.
That made zero sense. So you're saying that if Mike created a rock side project instead, you'd say it's not rock just because Mike's at the helm? Fort Minor is totally hip hop. I'm pretty sure that what you hate is "rap," as in the mainstream. Because most hip hop is actually real badass.
Like Will said before me, 'gangsta rap' and hip-hop are two totally different things. 'Gangsta rap' is more like a little back-alley in the world of hip-hop. FM IS hip-hop.
He's right, a few examples: Jurassic 5, Dialated Peoples, Atmosphere, Black Star, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and for the sake of promotion..my Buddy Hydroponikz. ^^ THAT IS HIP-HOP. Not this rap you hear on the radio.