Depending on how you take it, it can cause lung and heart disease in the same way as cigarettes. In my experience it isn't as addictive, though. I guess it depends on how responsible you are, and if pot is illegal they might as well make it the same for nicotine. [/b][/quote] he should have said that the first time we asked, the second, third, fourth and blablabla He meant that (example) a stoned driver killed a 12 year old. But he never gave an article to proof.
A stoned driver killed a 12 year old? Oh shit! Drunk drivers have injured or killed at least 1 person from the time you started reading this post. Why don't we make alcohol illegal?
Isn't the statistic something like 12 people are killed every minute by a drunk driver? If that's the case, 43,200 people are killed every hour by drunk drivers. (Please note that I don't know if 12 is the actual number; it could be higher or lower. That's just an example. What should concern you more is the fact that, even if it was only 2 people killed every minute, that's still 7,200 people killed per hour.) Cigarettes kill about 50,000 people a year (hence Stand's 50k bracelets) from lung cancer (and assorted variants thereof). Smoking weed causes, like, three deaths a year, because the guy was so stoned he jumped off a house and landed on his neck in a pool, breaking it.
Funny how I never see commercials talking about how many lives alcohol ruins every year. Those stupid beer commercials should tell it like it is. They should show people drinking and puking and getting into fights and alcoholic slobs beating their wives and cars being crashed with bloody mangled bodies strewn about the road. Yeah, beer is great and it will get you women like in the commercials. But marijuana is the devil. Remember that kids.
The dudes in beer commercials are always so subdued. That's the biggest false-advertisement ever. I mean, sure, there are people who only drink one or two beers and are nice and calm. But there are also those who abuse alcohol. They're called alcoholics, Budweiser. Alcoholics.
If you were the government what would u decide? To ruin people's family because that person was addicted to weed, and it turned out to be all your fault? How would you feel? Would you feel proud that you ruined someones life and now that person doesn't have the brain to think for himself?
I don't see how weed can ruin a family's life unless the daddy was a dealer or something. Weed is ~10$/g. Now COCAINE is like 80$/g and I can see THAT ruining alot of shit. But not weed.
I don't see how weed can ruin a family's life unless the daddy was a dealer or something. Weed is ~10$/g. Now COCAINE is like 80$/g and I can see THAT ruining alot of shit. But not weed. [/b][/quote] Decent weed is 20 dollars a gram. Amazing weed is 40 a gram. But hey, let's not talk about prices.
I don't see how weed can ruin a family's life unless the daddy was a dealer or something. Weed is ~10$/g. Now COCAINE is like 80$/g and I can see THAT ruining alot of shit. But not weed. [/b][/quote] but u also gotta think that weed leads onto experiencing more drugs. dont argue with me about that. Cos we all thats true.
Who's "we"? Weed does not lead to using other drugs. Stupidity does. That's like saying drinking water will lead you to drinking beer and becoming an alcoholic
but u also gotta think that weed leads onto experiencing more drugs. dont argue with me about that. Cos we all thats true. [/b][/quote] I'm pretty sure you didn't read my entire post, and the three or four people who agreed with me on my point that weed doesn't lead to other harder drugs. It's stupidity, not the drug.
but u also gotta think that weed leads onto experiencing more drugs. dont argue with me about that. Cos we all thats true. [/b][/quote] I'm all for standing up for what you believe is right but your shit's been ruined so many times in this thread that it's hard to keep count of how many times your ass has been handed to you on a platter with all the trimmings. I mean, you've provided no solid evidence supporting your claims at all and yet you expect us to agree with you. That's not good debating, that's just winging it and won't get you far if you really want to debate and support what you believe in here on the LPA.
but u also gotta think that weed leads onto experiencing more drugs. dont argue with me about that. Cos we all thats true. [/b][/quote] I know that's not true. I've smoked many a joint in my life, and the only other 'drug' I've ever tried or wanted to try was Salvia, and that was only because I sell it and needed to test it.
In the end when you make things legal it takes the fun out of it in a sence hencing they stop doing it. Here I was 12-20 trying to sneek some beer or wine in now that I'm 22 trying to sneek a drink isn't on my mind and whatnot so I don't do it as much. I'd say porn probably falls into that catagory too with age but I can't use that as an example hence me contradicting myself . And on that note I am out.
That didn't make any sense. It doesn't get you higher just because you're sneaking it and alcohol doesn't get you drunker if you're sneaking it. It might make you deader if you're sneaking it. Cigarettes, too, since sneaking a cigarette doesn't matter as it'll kill you in the long-run no matter what. If it was legal it'd be much easier for people to get a hold of. It's a recreational drug as opposed to cigarettes or alcohol which clearly aren't.
If its an illegal substance Think why it was made illegal to start with btw: Myth : No One Has Ever Died From Using Marijuana The Kaiser study also found that daily pot users have a 30% higher risk of injuries, presumably from accidents. These figures are significant, though not as high as comparable risks for heavy drinkers or tobacco addicts. That pot can cause accidents is scarcely surprising, since marijuana has been shown to degrade short-term memory, concentration, judgment, and coordination at complex tasks including driving[10] There have been numerous reports of pot-related accidents - some of them fatal, belying the attractive myth that no one has ever died from marijuana. One survey of 1023 emergency room trauma patients in Baltimore found that fully 34.7% were under the influence of marijuana, more even than alcohol (33.5%); half of these (16.5% used both pot and alcohol in combination[11] This is perhaps the most troublesome research ever reported about marijuana; as we shall see, other accident studies have generally found pot to be less dangerous than alcohol. Nonetheless, it is important to be informed on all sides of the issue. Pot smokers should be aware that accidents are the number one hazard of moderate pot use. In addition, of course, the psychoactive effects of cannabis can have many other adverse effects on performance, school work, and productivity. Source
The marijuana didn't kill them. Their own stupidity did. Once again, your long post crippled with an ounce of common sense. [edit] This is the first thing that comes up on your 'source'