hey there buddies.. my name is.. jessicka.. and.. i like all kinds of music.. i dont like very judgemental people nor do i like people who assume things w/o hearing what the other person has to say.. umm.. people tend to think that i try to be someone diffrent which isnt true.. im jus being me.. .. and umm.. my hair at the moment is.. blue,green,pink,brown,red... yes i like to dye my hair.. it used to be blue and pink but it started ti fade.. sadly theres a typo in the subject lol
JESS JESS I LOVE YOU! if anyone is mean to you i will have a stern talking to with them!but i dont think we'll have a problem here....everyone seems nice, if you get scared, i'm rite here
for now but..here at home.. my "sister" jenny is being an ass! she's saying im trying to be like katie cuz i hang out with her a lot.. then.. katie's b/f jeff.. you already know that story..and yeah..
Well welcome to the LPA just read the rules and have fun. By the way your hair sounds so cool looking
im smart i read the rules .. and my hair is great.. i might have a picamature of it somewhere.. if i dont.. ill get one this weekend.
ANOTHER SCARLING FAN!!!! You completely rule. My name is Lyn, feel free to ask on the fourms or PM an admin if you have any questions Welcome to the LPA.
ooooohness jessa nd i love scarling, jess i think i should attach myself to u from now on just in case we get lost!
No...I mail ordered it, and it just shipped yesterday...so hopefully within a week I'll have it. [/b][/quote] did you order it from the site? i've been thinking of doing that.. and hayley okies ill be your safety
did you order it from the site? i've been thinking of doing that.. and hayley okies ill be your safety [/b][/quote] Naw, I ordered it from Best Buy...
ohh thats smart i looked at best buy and they said they didnt have it.. so i've been thinking about going to http://www.mordamrecords.com/ or http://www.sympathyrecords.com but my mom says that i should jus wait till i find someone with it and sent it to me as a file..