"Session" - Song by Song, Let's Talk Linkin Park

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by hawk, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I got no complaints. :halfkappa:

    EDIT: "Until It's Gone" is a definite favourite off "The Hunting Party" for me - along with "Rebellion" - and one of my favourite LP songs ever. Basically thought it was great from first listen, and it's one of the extremely-few LP songs that I feel resonates with me. No matter what anyone else says, there's nothing in it that I mind. :lol: In the context of the album, though, I hadn't considered it before but I do agree with people saying that, in terms of mixing, "Until It's Gone" differs a lot from the other songs. The heavier sections just don't sound as rugged

    Anyway, I remember when the song premiered on Radio 1 (Zane Lowe nostalgia) and, before I got to hear it for myself (when my copy of the album arrived), I read people's descriptions which included mentions of a 6/4 time signature, "Meteora"-esque synth melodies, synthetic choirs, bells, organs ... and I imagined it to be something completely different than what it was.

    The video is one of my absolute favourite LP videos as well. The band's performance and the way the shots are cut up makes the "drop" sections super-energetic (especially Bourdon), which I love. :) The other videos from "The Hunting Party", in contrast, were huge disappointments for me, personally.

    I don't really like the live versions too much. I noticed that Shinoda slacked off a lot on doing backing vocals during the chorus sections and, once they shortened the song for the later sets, I could hardly stand to watch it.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
  2. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I really dig the guitar tone in this one.

    But yeah, the cinematic production really clashes with the rest of the record. It takes some of the raw punk energy away, and it's a bummer. Final Masquerae, while also softer, manages to keep that raw feel going.
    Gibs likes this.
  3. Alexrednex

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    I am very indifferent about UIG. First time I heard it I remember being massively disappointed since Derek basically made it sound like the track would be the second coming of Jesus in his description of the song. To this day I am not sure how I feel about. It's very repetitive but I love what I am hearing. The first verse is beautiful but the lyrics are also kind of underwritten and a cliché. On the other side I love the alternative meaning of the track. The cinematic sound of the track is also great but doesn't really fit the album and the song does kind of fall into the "wall of noise" trap once the drop comes in. The guitar riff(especially intro) is great but the guitar solo is boring. The backing vocals are AMAZING but doesn't get enough time to breath. The one consistent thing about the track is the drums which are spot on.
    Nicholas and Gibs like this.
  4. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Until It's Gone is a great track, on the wrong record.

    My favorite bits are when the instrumentation pulls back, and you have Chester quietly singing "Until It's Gone" multiple times. Dynamics are key, folks. Same reason why the silence / pauses before choruses in War are so effective.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
    Christøffer, Iopia and Alexrednex like this.
  5. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Aw damn. No Wastelands?

    Anyway, UIG is actually one of my favorite songs from the album. When I first heard it, I fell in love with it. I wish it was slightly more written out but those verses are wonderful and that instrumental is beautiful. It does have a "Meteora" sounding synth in the intro but once the guitar kicks in, it feels to capture the album's non-nu metal heaviness. Surprisingly, this song does have a lot of meaning to me and there aren't a whole lot of LP songs where I can say that anymore. Definitely a Top 5 song on the album for me.
  6. Nicholas

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    This is one of my favorite songs on the album even though it does stick out, but I'm not surprised they made a song like this for the album. As in something one would come to expect from them, but I don't mean that as a criticism. I just find a song like this kind of "typical" of LP, it doesn't really take any risks and seems tailor-made to be a single, but again that doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

    Lyrics aside, instrumentally and vocally I love how it builds up, then so abruptly explodes (reminds me of "Powerless"). The beautiful synths and backing vocals give it this shimmery, chilling atmosphere. This song showcases how versatile Chester's voice is, and the solo plays into the song really well and doesn't feel shoehorned in.

    As for the lyrics, they are repetitive, but it's self-aware (I've heard it said a 1000 times, but know I know). Chester does a really great job at giving energy to a familiar saying, and the double meaning of the song proves you don't need intricate lyrics to be thought-provoking.
    Christøffer and Deliveranze like this.
  7. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Until It's Gone is a great track. Had it been on Living Things or another album it would have been at home...but I can deal with it not being as #visceral as the rest of the album because songs like Final Masquerade and Drawbar exist which destroy the theme much more than this.

    Until It's Gone just feels...expansive. Wide. This was kinda the point of Meteora's songs too, but I feel like Until It's Gone really perfects that idea of having a "big" sound. The bridge is one of my favorite parts, with the vocoder blending with Chester's vocals with just a filtered synth right before the entire span of instruments kicks back in. I love Until It's Gone in its entirety and I don't even have any complaints about the lyrics.

    I was looking forward to voicing my unpopular opinion on Wastelands though, so I'm disappointed that we skipped it. :lol:
    Deliveranze, Gibs and Nicholas like this.
  8. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Why skip over "Wastelands"?

    Y'all are dead to me
  9. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I'm sure it was just a mistake.
    Tocaraca likes this.
  10. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    light-hearted humor
    Christøffer likes this.
  11. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I meant the song was just a mistake by LP. :kappa:
  12. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    It's also one of my favorite songs on THP. I know there are complaints about the simplicity of the lyrics in the chorus... but I don't think fitting in a bunch of words would've worked. The chorus gets its strength from the melody that Chester sings, where the notes are mostly sustained. If more words and notes were put in there, that would've been lost.

    I also like the bells and organs. It's a nice throwback to their early new wave and synthpop influences like the Cure and Depeche Mode. The guitar tone that Brad came up with matches nicely with those sounds. Lastly, I appreciate that the drums don't break into the song until halfway through.
    Christøffer likes this.
  13. Atticus

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Can't believe I completely forgot about Wastelands... oops!! Kind of humiliating considering my adoration for this album. It'll be up next!

    Have to say I'm shocked at the praise for Until It's Gone. I've always thought the track is one of Linkin Park's best instrumentally, and I've always been able to look past the rudimentary lyrics, but I assumed the rest of the forum would still tear it apart.
    Tocaraca, Nicholas, Kevin and 2 others like this.
  14. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I guess that, in this thread particularly, we really try to see the best in everything.
    Deliveranze likes this.
  15. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    For sure. I'm just happy to listen to LP.
    Christøffer likes this.
  16. Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Until Its Gone is a good track (live and on CD) but i think its one of the weaker songs LP had make. Lyricalwise its pretty boring beside the verses and instrumental its better. Not one of my favorites but i can listen to it.
    Christøffer likes this.
  17. ZERØ

    ZERØ LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Until It's Gone is my least favorite song on THP and one of the weakest LP songs...
  18. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Let me introduce you to Burn It Down, One Step Closer, Don't Stay, and all their friends. :lol:
    Deliveranze likes this.
  19. Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    One Step Closer, lol
    Christøffer likes this.
  20. ZERØ

    ZERØ LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Burn It Down sure, but One Step Closer?! What?!
    Wasabi GOD likes this.

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