Hi My December! I don't like you as much as LOATR. I wish the vocals included in you were in the Messenger as well.
I always seem to find myself in complete and utter agreement with all the insightful and philosophical opinions you share, especially when they're your usual double post
"Leave Out All the Rest" is one of the band's best ballads, with beautiful production and lyrics. I was crushed when it wasn't a regular in the ATS tour.
LOATR has some of my fav lyrics ever, and I always say I want it played at my funeral. That being said, I don't listen to it that often. I think something about it could be better, like the mixing or maybe just more instrumental complexity. It feels a little thin/short. Maybe a solo of some sort, or the quiet chorus thing that they've done a million times now.
Alright, at Tony's request, and I hope hawk doesn't mind, I'll be doing the next song: Bleed It Out! A short, two and a half minute long firecracker, Bleed It Out, was an attempt of to give the popular formula of their previous records a new spin. Beginning with a fast, catchy Brad Delson riff, much different than anything he's done up to that point, the song goes into a fiery rap verse from Mike Shinoda, reminiscent of his at-the-time recent Fort Minor material. The song completely comes to life at the chorus, during which Bennington screams "I bleed it out, digging deeper, just to throw it away!", supported by the unmistakable combo of guitar, an ear-pumping bassline, and handclaps, which would become a loud drumline from Rob Bourdon by the second verse and chorus. Ringing back to Hybrid Theory and Meteora, the song quickly goes into an agressive, screamed breakdown, during which Delson incorporates some classic powerchords into the song. The booklet notes for the song read: "One of the band's goals on this record was to enjoy it. This track is one of the places that is most evident." In the Kerrang! track by track analysis of the album, Mike Shinoda spoke on the song: Needless to say, having been released on Minutes to Midnight, an album vastly different to what Linkin Park did up to that point, the song quickly became a fan favorite at the time of the release of the album. A six-second sample of the song leaked as early as April 26, 2007, 3 weeks before the release of Minutes to Midnight. The song was previewed along with the rest of the album a week later on May 3rd. The song had it's live debut on the popular show Saturday Night Live, on May 13, 2007, a performance that recieved much praise from the fans. Information about the video shoot leaked on June 28, 2007, through no one but the very LPAssociation we're on right now. The video was officially announced on July 30, 2007, and scheduled to premiere the next day. It was directed by Linkin Park's turntablist and long-time video director Joe Hahn. The video sees the band performing the song in a small bar, while a bar fight is going on in front of them, in reverse. The reason for the bar fight remains unknown until the very end of the video, when it's revealed one person threw up on another persons shoe, causing the bar fight. The video won Best International Video – Group at the 2008 MuchMusic Video Awards. But perhaps the most fascinating versions of Bleed It Out are the song's live performances. Through the years, the band has had a lot of fun with this song live, and as Brad Delson recently explained, "You can not fuck up this song. You can do stand up comedy for fifteen minutes, then come back to the beat, and everyone's still with you.". And somehow, the band managed to extend the two and a half minute song into almost 9 minute long performances. One of the most memorable, and surely the most seen, happened at Milton Keynes back in 2008 when Linkin Park was performing at the National Bowl and filming their live album, Road to Revolution: Live At Milton Keynes. The band did what they did for the majority of the Minutes to Midnight touring cycle, play the full song, followed by an incredible drum solo from Rob Bourdon, after which Mike and Chester would each take their side of the audience and hold a... loudness competition? Yeah. After that, Chester would sing the entire chorus again, which the entire crowd had to repeat, and then go into the extended outro of the song. It was frequently played as the show closer, replacing One Step Closer, which became the opening song. For the A Thousand Suns touring cycle, the band mostly played the song with the first verse and bridge of A Place For My Head played after the bridge of the original song. One of the best examples of this was captured in Moscow, at the premiere of Transformers 3, for which the band contributed Iridescent. A less frequently played version of the song was with the Burning In The Skies chorus played after the bridge of the song. Possibly the best recording of this we have comes from Linz in 2010, and can be seen here. A personal favorite of mine, and I believe this goes for a lot of people, was the way the band performed the song in 2012, during the Living Things touring cycle. After the too-early death of Beastie Boys rapper Adam Yauch, also known as MCA, the band decided to honor him by incorporating a portion of the legendary Beastie Boys song Sabotage after the bridge of Bleed It Out. This version had it's debut at the very beginning of the Living Things tour, at the small show at the House of Blues, only two weeks after Yauch's death. The band continued to play this version through 2012, and a great performance was captured for MTV's World Stage in Mexico, however videos of it have been removed from YouTube, likely to the fact the performance was included on the deluxe CD/DVD version of The Hunting Party. In 2014, on the European Tour and the Carnivores Tour with 30 Seconds to Mars and AFI, the band played an extended version of the song as the concert closer. The performances featured an extended intro and outro, aswell as a different version of the Rob Bourdon drum solo which was followed by the refrain of The Catalyst. An example of this, captured at Rock in Rio, can be seen here. Oh, and a fun little fact to close this... LP Underground members can (or used to be able to) see a video of Brad abandoning Rob during a live show. Rob had finished his drum solo and was waiting for Brad to kick in with the guitar, however Brad was backstage laughing, forcing Rob to keep playing until Brad came on stage. A little while later, on another concert, Rob got his revenge. After Rob's solo, Brad came on stage, started playing the riff of Bleed It Out, and Rob continued to hit his hi-hat in 4/4 rhythm, forcing Brad to endlessly repeat the riff. What goes around comes back around.
Some quick feedback: you should talk about the lyricism and what the lyrics are about, plus the video and its making-of documentary. There's also its origins as a demo called "Accident" and the 2007 VMAs performance, but those are a little less important, I think Actually, this isn't feedback so much as random stuff that I know/remember that you probably don't, so no big deal
^ Also, before the release of MTM, this song was described as old school hip hop, with AC/DC guitars and The Clash type of chorus. Which Bleed It Out is. This song was the biggest surprise for me when MTM came out. Before that LP was synonym for polished production, and when I heard clapping and shouting, I was very surprised...and not in a good way. It took me a while, but I freakin love this song. Easily in my 10 ten. Mike's flow is just amazing, especially the second verse. And Chester kills it with the screaming in the bridge.
This was one of the songs that solidified me as a fan of the band. Up until this point, I had always heard their music, but I never truly started to listen to them much outside of occasionally hearing them on the radio or at a friend's house, but when I came across the Bleed It Out video on Youtube, that is really when it began for me... When I really step back and look at it, the song isn't something amazing, really. It's one riff, one beat... But somehow it is done so well, feels so unpolished and yet so complete. Mike's flow is damned insane, and I wish he'd do that sort of thing again. The chorus is a repetitive, aggressive little head-driller that leads into the Bridge, which takes that and steps it up a level with some of Chester's angriest sounding screams on the album, and this is one song that he usually nails perfectly live. I saw the Bleed It Out/Sabotage mashup live in Vancouver in 2012, and I was blown away, so unexpected and yet so damn amazing, definitely one of main parts that still sticks in my head about the show. This song has an incredible live presence, the simple fact that they carried out a 9:00 minute version of the song back in Project Revolution is just insane, and really shows that it's hard to make the crowd sick of the song. Maybe it's the incorporated live elements in the original recording and the overall rawness that makes the song translate so well into a real live performance, or maybe it's just the high-octane presence that starts the crowd moving, combined with the popularity of the song, everybody knows this one. Great job on the post, Filip! :3 Excited to see this thread get back on track xD
Bleed It Out is on his own not a special song , when it comes to the album version. But its a fun song with a better live factor. I love the part where Rob hits into the song (with verse 2). Just cool. Always i listen to this song i cant be sad, just a fuckin fun song.
"Bleed It Out" is a whiplash single that stands as one of their best songs, in my opinion. It's just fun all throughout, with a great guitar riff by Brad. I love how it's simplistic in a way, and Mike's flow being an improvement over his cheesy pre-M2M days. It's fantastic live as well. Plus, here's the VMAs performance, with Timbaland looking buffed up than usual. Chester's not great in this performance, though. [video=youtube;cvFnaDRAyZg]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvFnaDRAyZg[/video]