Yo I have two things to mention: 1. The main post has a typo it lists on ATS "Jornda del Muerto" one "a" is missing 2. In the post for "Session" (the song ) it says that the hidden track of the Hybrid Theory EP is not a demo of session, but didn't Mike actually say he used elements from that track in it? Not stating that makes the statement in the post false, just that I wanted to point it out.
I came here looking for old posts of Toca funnily enough (I stumbled back upon "The Tocaraca Song" @Tocaraca ). I was really having a good time reading through all the banter, discussion, and whatnot, even while cringing at myself from 2014. It was a bit nostalgic. I know it's a bit soon right now, but I'd like to talk about One More Light in here eventually.
I love Drawbar. It was such a surprise, even when you don't bring the fact that Morello featured in. I also like how it changes key and turns into a nice little piano interlude to Final Masquerade.
I would love that aswell, all we need is someone willing to actually put in the time and effort to write those posts. I don't know if @Atticus or @minuteforce are still up for it? I'm not unfortunately, but I think a sufficient amount of time has passed now since OML that we could discuss it in the same fashion as we did all the other albums.
We already went over The Hunting Party last year. I've been considering it, but these posts are such time sinks. I'd want to give the songs on OML the effort they deserve but I don't want to commit to it and then not have the time for it halfway through. If there's someone inspired enough, go right ahead and start OML but I'll give it some more time to think it over.
Agreed, this should be done! I will listen through the whole album one by one (I haven't listened to the whole thing yet) when each post is made
I just read this entire thread. Yes. All 108 pages. I witnessed the entire Tocaraca LPA Life Story, Filip's rise and fall, and an argument over whether or not We Made It could be considered a Linkin Park song (among other arguments). Clearly I need to rethink my life - but that's another story. Would it be worthwhile to resume this or are the forums too quiet these days to really make a splash? Would it be something we could do around HT20 or does that shift the focus in the wrong direction too much? I would love to try my hand at writing for each track of OML but I also understand that LPA isn't as active as it used to be.
First, yes, but you know that Second, yeah, i guess something really need to be done. Not necessarily in this thread, but to let the members not disappear again
What better way to draw people in than to start talking about the most controversial Linkin Park album there is?
If you feel like you're up to it you're welcome to continue this thread, as long as it's not just copy+paste from various sources. If you read through all the earlier posts you should have a feel for how they're "supposed" to be written.
Adding to what Kevin said, you will certainly develop your own voice and make your own stamp in the process. The things that excite you about a song or any other piece of content you explore will naturally shine through