Nice alliteration, eh? John Allen Muhammad has been sentenced to death today for his part in the Washington-area serial killings of 10 people in October of 2002. The judge had commented that the actions were beyond comprehension and that he's never seen any crimes of the same magnitude. His accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo was sentenced to life in prison without parole months before. Muhammad's lawyers had tried the insanity card earlier in his trial. He deserves it, for sure.
i dont know much about this but killing inocent people he deserves it for sure. can you keep this topic as i dont hear much about it
The punishment fits the crime. :wth: Yeah, but I also think the death penalty is the only way to ensure that some hard-hearted criminals don't re-offend. For a lot of people convicted of murders and rapes, life doesn't always mean life. The sentence can always be reduced and life imprisonment could easily become 20 odd years in jail plus early parole for good behaviour. There have been a lot of child killers who wouldn't have been able to kill the people they killed if they'd be given the death penalty. So like I said, the death penalty does make us seem a bit hypocritical but in some cases, it's the only way to rid society of scumbags without overcrowding the prisons. :wth:
man, that guy sure deserves it. :angry: I was living there in virginia when it happened. It was just awful. My mom was scared to go outside and would not let use go anywhere by ourselves. Simply put, he is.....(was) a F'd up dude.
Example, what if the sniper was your dad? Or one of your best friends? Would you still stay:"Good, that ###### deserves it." Its still really stupid to kill innocent people, but that guy needs some serious help instead of giving him some 10000volt through his body. If im being unrealistic, slap me
yay. its good news for me. that will serve the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents well. fair enough. edit: hmm... whats with the illegitimate offpsring of unmarried parents crap? i didnt use that word. i used something else.
Death is too much "the easy way". He will not suffer, he will not learn that what he did was bad... Life in prison would be the best.
nah... i think its alright. i mean if they would give him 200 years of prison, then he wouldnt even be able to use what he learned... i think its alright if he just dies. and anyway, its a warning to all psychos out there.
I do believe that in crimes such as this, the perpetrator deserves the death penalty. However, we as humans can never be 100% sure on whether a person actually committed a crime or not. Therefore, every once in a while we judge a person wrongly. We should never use the death penalty because of this, as soon as we put one person to death wrongly, we are murderers and are no better than the snipers. That's my stand on the death penalty.
Nope. They are killing him the wrong way. They need to release him so that he thinks he's free then kill him unsuspectingly from a sniper bullet. Just so he knows what it was like.
I heard that they tried (Excuse any misspellings) eletricuting some guy and he survived so they let him go. *Shrugs* My history teacher told me that. I think death is just the easy way out.
I am just glad he is gonna get what he deserves killing all those innocent people. My mom had a friend whos father was killed by that man.
they don't do the electric chair anymore. it was outlawed. anyway, i'm against the death penalty (one of the few things that i am against). i think they should've just given him life in prison without any chance for parole.
they don't do the electric chair anymore. it was outlawed. anyway, i'm against the death penalty (one of the few things that i am against). i think they should've just given him life in prison without any chance for parole. [/b][/quote] Same. Your only as good as him for killing the man who did the crime, and its not like your avenging the deceased's deaths or anything.