September 28, 2024 - Seoul, South Korea: From Zero World Tour

Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Sep 27, 2024.

  1. #1

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    2011. That was the last time that South Korea got a Linkin Park show. Twice before that, the band has rocked out in the city of Seoul. In 2003, the band ended their Australian/Asian tour in the city, with a show that was finally officially released on DVD on the Meteora | 20 Anniversary box set. Official recordings are something the Korean fans can be glad that all their Linkin Park shows have. In 2007 the band once again ended a tour in the country, this time their ten date Asian tour, and the official recording here comes from the official DSP program, available to listen to here. In 2011 the band didn't end a tour in the country, it was actually the second date on their 2011 Asian tour. There is a great video filmed from the crowd with the officially recorded audio edited in, and you can watch that here.

    While Linkin Park may not have visited the country since 2011, Mike Shinoda made sure to stop by pretty early on his Post Traumatic tour in 2018, it was actually just the third date with touring members Matt Harris and Dan Mayo added to the lineup. The show was a festival so Mike had to play a shorter set than he would normally play on the tour, but he made sure to keep some favourites in the set like CASTLE OF GLASS, ROADS UNTRAVELED, Crossing A Line and of course the piano version of In The End.

    So, that London show, huh? The band was clearly having fun at this show, being more interactive with the crowd than we've seen before on this tour. Joking around, catching drum sticks, playing with instruments, this was a really good show for the band. Setlist B got played, with Mike even calling it out on stage and giving a shoutout to our friends over at LPLive (but, like ... we're here too, Mike. We also care) Setlist B means that the lyrics being sung over the Inception intros is Iridescent, and that the LOST IN THE ECHO/A Place For My Head rotation spot gets another song added to the rotation. With Heavy Is the Crown being added as the second to last song of the set, Keys to the Kingdom now competes with the other two songs for attention.

    Ok, now we know what Set B means. Thank you for the demonstration, Emily.
    I also want to highlight the song My December here, and the performance of it that the band gave. As you can see earlier in this post, I've included the 2003 live version of the song. Below is the 2024 live version from the London show. This song that the band wrote in 2000 after the release of Hybrid Theory, recorded specifically for Kevin & Bean's album The Real Slim Santa, has had so many different versions performed through the years, and maybe that's something we'll talk in the future.

    This was supposed to be the second the last show of the tour, with it ending in Bogota, Colombia on November 11th. But Linkin Park decided that I need to write some more of these posts, so they announced three more shows for November. Europe, the United States and South America get one more show each, with the tour now ending on the date of release for the bands new album From Zero, on November 15th in São Paulo, Brazil.

    With the advancement of technology, making it easier to livestream than ever before, fans at home were able to watch the Hamburg show on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, getting to experience the show along with the fans attending the show. While we're not gonna ask our readers to livestream the show, if anyone reading this finds a stream or you're streaming it, let us know so we can watch along with you.

    Are you going to this show? Have you attended any shows on this tour? Come and discuss in our forums.

    Shows left:
    September 28 - Seoul, South Korea
    November 03 - Paris, France
    November 08 - Dallas, Texas
    November 11 - Bogota, Colombia
    November 15 - São Paulo, Brazil

    1) Somewhere I Belong
    2) Crawling
    3) Lying From You
    4) Points of Authority
    5) New Divide
    6) The Emptiness Machine
    7) The Catalyst
    8) Burn It Down
    9) Waiting For The End
    10) Castle of Glass
    11) Joe Solo
    12) When They Come For Me / Remember The Name
    13) A Place for My Head
    14) Given Up
    15) One Step Closer
    16) Lost
    17) Breaking the Habit
    18) What I've Done
    19) Leave Out All The Rest
    20) My December
    21) Friendly Fire
    22) Numb
    23) In The End
    24) Faint
    25) Papercut
    26) Heavy Is the Crown
    27) Bleed It Out (Reading My Eyes // Bridge)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
  2. #2

    dutchsoldier Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2009
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    ...and although this is not what you asked for they are truly very much apreciated, valuable and fun to read!!​
    Christøffer, Wasabi GOD and Kevin like this.
  3. #3

    ScatterMatter Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Linkin Park is making a 7 hour drive to Dallas sound “close enough,” but nah, no way I could do that. :lol:

    I’ve been checking the live show videos lately to revisit the songs that made me the most unsure, and holy shit, Emily is getting better every time.

    There are still things that just can’t be helped. Like, “Given Up” in Seoul here. My first impression, I forgot where already, was I didn’t want it. She did the bridge really really good in Seoul, though. But there’s still just something about a singer doing the same kind of thing at the top of their register with all the force that comes with the compression, where for her it’s lower.

    I can’t say I don’t want to hear it anymore, though!
  4. #4

    Casualty Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    I just watched the show and some guy got on the stage right at the end. :phoenix24: Need some better security.
  5. #5

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    The crow was LOUD on this one. Damn.

    Also, that performance of BIO felt such like a big party, they're having so much fun ahah
    Abel, Wasabi GOD and minuteforce like this.
  6. #6
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    So you gonna say

    This is what we asked for, heavy is the crowd


  7. #7

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Dammit Michele :lol:
    Wasabi GOD likes this.
  8. #8

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Nice one :lol:
    Wasabi GOD likes this.
  9. #9

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I watched a some of this set throughout this past week, and I feel like Emily's doing a bit better in terms of giving off a vibe on the stage. The recordings I watched had such loud crowds that I hardly heard her singing, but I did notice her choke during the last chorus of "The Emptiness Machine"
  10. #10
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yeah, the venue staff has a lot to answer for as to why this happened. I do not blame the band's security, I blame the venue. They should've tackled that guy before he even reached the steps to go up the stage.
  11. #11

    Casualty Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Yeah that's on the venue. The guy could have done something well before anyone was even close to him. Luckily he seemed pretty harmless.
  12. #12

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    It's clear that if a person with bad intentions had gotten on stage so easily...

    You guys are right in that it needs to be an attention point at the next venues. Despite all the fun, this comeback has fueled some less nice reactions as well. Better be safe than sorry :/
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2024
    Sasuke likes this.
  13. #13

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Oh man, I've been enjoying watching all these new live performances. It takes me back to the old days of watching the performance of Rock Am Ring 2004 on daily basis. :clap:

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