I sometimes hate school. Do you like school? I only like it because I have to go to do my Journalism thingi. I hate most of the kids.
1/2 of 3rd and all of 4th I was homeschooled....I like it a lot. I've been to 11 different schools in my life including pre-school(it was more like school than you may think) and homeschool..... I go to the University of Nevada, Reno at the moment. I should be staying here. Its rather hard, but as Universities go, it's probly pretty easy.
I liked it last year. This year is tough and I'm trying to keep my head in the game. I'm getting quite sick of it this year and sometimes I wish I could skip it and move on to the next step of my life.
This year is really rewarding for me, personally. With two AP courses and a load of work, I'm happy that I'm actually taking the courses to LEARN the material and to challenge myself, not just to get a letter grade. Two things I don't agree with are school sports and compulsary schooling.
I'm supposed to be doing 8th grade at the moment, because before I left I finished 7th. Right now, I'm homeschooled, because I just moved to a place where I need to learn the language first. We're trying to get into a specific school, and we've decided that if I don't get in, then I can pick a boarding school elsewhere. For the most, I miss school, and the social aspect. However, I despised my old school, and the teachers there. We started out as the best school in the city and finished out as the shithole. But I'm also freaking out as to whether my brain cells are leaking out, and by the time I get back to school, I'll be completely brainless. Through all my school years, I've been an A and A+ student, but I don't know now, I'm expecting whichever school I go to, to be much harder.
I hate school with a raging passion. If you know me, then you've probably experienced my hatred towards school. It's not that i can't be bothered to learn. It's the damn teachers and the way they do things and the stupid rules we have. Thank God i'm in my last year though. Well, my last compulsary year.
I'm getting homeschooled now. you would think it's amazing but for me it really isn't. it's fucking hard. but i guess the good thing is you don't get homework or have to do any written work. you just sit and listen, and if you have questions they get answered straight away. i learnt about 2 weeks worth or normal school work in 2 hours of homeschool.
I'm starting to hate it. I had to go back today and I got really paranoid, thinking people were going to pick on me. They didn't but there's 7 weeks left for that Anyway, I'm currently finding school to be a bit useless, at least as far as the subjects i really need are concerned. I know all the german grammar, i just need vocab. My french teacher is crap. English and maths, i can do everything that i need to. History, they actually teach us fuck all.The only worthy subjects really are my science and my DiDA (computer course) because I'm actually learning something. and religion, because debates rock. Not meaning to sound bigheaded, but I'm way way above the average for my year in most subjects, and it's dragging me down. Pupils should be put in ability groups, not age groups, and not age groups divided into ability groups. FTR: I want to be a german teacher. I'm expected to fly through my german exams with As and A*s. I'll definately get my science GCSE grade C that I'll need, my B GCSE for maths, and the same for english. I want to learn a lot more, but... As long as I don't start using the lack of learning things as an excuse to slack, I'll be okay.
school in croatia sucks...you have 15 subjects in 3. grade gramm. school i'm 16 years old so you can see how f...ed it is -croatian language -english language -spanish language -italian language -maths -chemistry -history -ethics -art -sociology -logic -psychology -biology -geography -musical education and i don't have PE cos i have some problems with my heart,but the others do that too. f..k that school
There's no point in hating school, because it's neccesary if you actually want to go somewhere in life. School's a neccesary evil, save your hatred for something else.
But it's really not a neccesary evil. There are plenty of resources for anyone who wants to homeschool/do independant study, and I can't speak for other countries simply because I don't know, but most colleges in the US are very open to homeschoolers. So no, you don't need school to get anywhere in life. If you want it, that's fine, but it's not the only way.
I forgot to mention that I like school partly because of school sports. I play basketball in the winter for my school and softball in the spring. In order to actually play, I have to go to school so that's a good motivation for me.
personally, i enjoy school. its a chance to learn about stuff, and where all my friends are at. i have great teachers, and its just a good year.
I do like school... you know, I get to see my friends, sometimes I learn something useful... But I think sometimes the pressure can be a bit much for our age, you know? Yeah, we should doing the work because it's what we're there for, but teachers/parents wonder why we slack off more - come on, would one rather be in a 'non-stressful situation', or a 'stressful situation'?