At my high school you'll see a fight possibly once a month and thats just usually fist fights. In Australia you don't hear about this sortta stuff i was outraged when i read about everyones school fights it freaks me out.
At my school we'd see a few fist fights each week, but hardly anything that happens *in school* ever turns out serious. Unles you did what I did when some chav started on me in school I just laughed in his face and then like 2 weeks later he pulled a knife out on me in an alleyway, so I run. But I've not seen much of him since because he's been expelled from my school, I'm still yet to find out why though.
At my school, there isn't much violence except for a minor fist-fight every few months. My friend got involved in a small fist-fight but he didn't fight back, but he defended himself. The person who punched him got four days of off-campus suspension and my friend only got one day in-school suspension. At my brother's high school, there was a bomb-threat but there wasn't really a bomb. Thank God.
There was a bomb threat when I was a junior in High School. A freshman made it because he forgot to do his paper. He got expelled.
theres hardly any school violence in australian schools. just mainly punch ups. but i think australia is alot safer than the USA because we need to have a license to have guns etc. im in grade 9. i am known for fighting. i beat the living crap out of grade 12's. i would have to say that i probally get in no more than 2 fights every year. inside, and outside of school hours. but there are no guns, blades or anything..... sydney (a city of australia) is becoming a gang city. a few months ago there was a neighbourhood of gangsters against riot police. it was one step away before they had to call in the swat team. that was the most violent thing that has happened in australian history.
In my school there's hardly any violence which i think is very good if there's a fight it's just 2 people not like gangs or something and it won't take any longer than 2 min or so
What if the kids behind these violent acts were facing some trauma?...and then they get expelled, with no one understanding what they have to go through in their personal lives. they have no educational oppurtunities after chance at all...
Its rare when I defend this country, but that's what I'm doing right now. For your information, in the US, you do need to pass a thourough background check to purchase a gun, even then, the gun isn't to leave your house unless it's for hunting. If you wish to carry a concealed weapon in states where it's unfortunatley legal, you need a license. Don't just assume we're all a bunch of gun toting rednecks, just the 50% who voted for bush are. However, just like anything, licenses do not prevent criminals from getting guns. There's the black market, they can borrow from someone else, or just rob a gun store. And I highly doubt that a gang going up against police is the most violent thing in Austrilan history TransArhaz: So what if they were facing trauma? We've all had shit happen to us. That is not an excuse to go shoot up a school. I have no sympathy for someone who gets expelled and then goes nowhere in life. There are options if you're expelled...other schools, get a GED, ect. Life is not over when you're expelled. It's just slightly more difficult.
i agree.. but they are kids...many people in the community take a lot of things they say lightly...they need help. they see things, no one wants to believe them. they just demand attention. and maybe they never intended to hurt any body. maybe their plan of just getting noticed didn't work the way it's had to...i'm not talking about the bullies. the other kids...
the most violence in my school whould have to have been when paul called james a wanker , and everyone around was like oh my god , he swore! . not jokeing.
There was a bomb threat when I was a junior in High School. A freshman made it because he forgot to do his paper. He got expelled. [/b][/quote] Like seriously do some people not think before they act?
Not that much violence in my school. One time a drunk guy came in and scared girls in the bathroom, but thats it.