As much as I admire the energy on this album and the band's desire to "build a bridge" (so to speak), I also hope they don't forget what made ATS so great in the first place. ATS is an important record in the fact the band defied all conventions to make an album drastically different than anything in my music library, or anything they have ever done before. If they are truly serious about evolving, I hope that we can expect a similar "polarizing shift" on the next album after this one. I like it when this band takes risks. If I want to hear the old sound, I'll put in the old records. I want to see this band continue down the experimental path they have chosen because this band does some pretty amazing shit when they don't worry about what people think.
Exactly what I'm thinking! I still think A Thousand Suns is their best album. I mean, I love Living Things, but I LOVE progression and experimentation SO MUCH. A Thousand Suns was such a good album. I mean, A Thousand Suns just wont bore me. Maybe its just because I've evolved into progressive rock music myself and make only progressive/experimental rock as a musician myself. I love bands like Pink Floyd/Muse etc etc. and I really would love to see Linkin Park do something very experimental (not just by changing their sounds) but really make some good progressive experimental A Thousand Suns 2 stuff. I'm all into experimentation. Please Linkin Park, don't worry about what people think of you. Experimentation please. Please get back to Progressiva I Unknown (EXTREMIS)
Exactly. LIVING THINGS is a fantastic album, but the second half (coincidentally the half that holds little resemblance to their older works) is the most solid part. I saw a *lot* of promising new things on this last album, and if LP can find a way to bring back some of the progressive sound from ATS, but include the new genres found on LT, album #6 could be their sgt pepper album. I'm very excited for the future.
They didn't talk about where the hell his shirt is. Anyways, nice article. I like more of these insight articles rather than the typical Q&A sessions you normally read about. As far as the future goes with Linkin Park, I still trust them to make music that I love and enjoy. LIVING THINGS did not let me down.
Linkin Park shouldn't do prog, in my opinion, because musically they aren't as talented as bands Like TOOL - and also they would lose a lot of energy from their sets
You have a good point here. As much as I'd like to think that they're super talented, they are indeed not or they just haven't showed it yet.. I mean, I don't know, they're talented in such different ways.
Thanks so much for the hardwork in sharing this. -starts reading- "But where's Chester's shirt?" Awesome way to make my day. -continues reading-
Whilst I love ATS, I think its most likeable feature is that it's like nothing else; as such if the band made another album in the same vein it would no longer have that unique appeal and may appear forced. I have no problem with experimentation and that's cool on further albums, but there's being experimental and being over-indulgent. To create another album like ATS would be similar to Matt Bellamy's Exogenesis Symphony on The Resistance - it's just too over the top! Alienating the fan base once, fair game wanted to really branch out that's cool, but doing it twice I think it would be a step too far. Admittedly, as an example if they took their cue from Castle of Glass (similar to BTH for MTM) then that could work out great, this band thrives on high energy performances and I want them to stay as do the band by the sound of things! Experiment by all means Living Things is amazing, but don't lose the energy again!
Chester made a valid point about some ATS songs being "boring" live. I will always follow LP evolution, but I must admit I would be a little sad to see a band which was considered as an energetic rocking band with killer live shows at the beginning of their career slowly turning into a slow prog rock band with calm shows
I thought ATS was far more interesting live than the majority of Minutes To Midnight. The Catalyst, Blackout, Wretches & Kings and When They Come For Me shit on every song from MTM and the majority of songs from HT & Meteora in my opinion.
Coldplay kicks some ass, love Paradise and Clocks But yea it was a good read seeing how they got inspired to make their 5th record, bringing back the high energy and structure from the first two but the lyrics and creativity from the last two, making it a masterpiece.
Those songs were easily the best ATS songs live. But BITS, Irridescent, The Messenger, and the interludes (w/o Requiem) were all quite boring honestly. Also, NMS, Given UP, Bleed It Out, and WID all rape ATS live, if we compare the crowd reactions.