this section, the next album, is getting cluttered with rumours about the new album. i've created a rumour thread, anything you hear about the new album which you haven't heard from a member of linkin park or seen in a magazine or heard in an interview will go here. no more threads about rumoured names, post them in here. thank you.
We have people on the LPMB and LPU claiming the album is called The Morning After, Ojobile, Havby and The Fate of Existance. these are to be treated as rumours, and not actual fact. personally, i think all the names are fake.
The Morning After: Probably fake, why would they name it after a song from Chester's old band? Unoriginal. Ojobile: Sounds like some teeny bopper pop band name. Havby: Again, sounds like a band name for a teeny bopper band. The Fate of Existance: Sounds cool and might be the only one of those that could in fact be the new name
Ahh whoever thought up this thread must be very smart.. 'The Fate Of Exsistence' is the only name out of those that could possibly be the real name I think. They wouldnt name the album after a song Chester wrote. And all the other ones just sound stupid.
I think it's going to be called "Hey, Look, It's Our Next Album. Stop Trying To Figure Out A Name For It Because This Is The Name We Chose." How about we just wait until they tell us and be surprised?
there is no point in listening to rumours coz they are most likely not gonna be true and yeah it would be kewl if it was a suprise like will said but im still gonna say if i thought one of them was the title it would be The Fate of Existance coz the other ones sound crap
Hey...I heard a rumor that there will be a song just like in the nd, with the same beat only called "the begginning", now I knwo osme of you peopel think thats dumb, but personally thta would be phat...jsut to see how it all started out, cuz they talk abotu in the end what happened, i wanna hear about how it happened in the beggining. that'd be cool, o, and i also htink the name of the album should be "havby", whatever it means, it soudns cool. PEACE
Okay, you’re really weird. There is no song like “In The End,” and “The Havby” is just plain stupid. Also, why do we care about that fairy Rob Van Dam? Wrestling is so fake and unexciting that it isn’t even funny.
lol. i hate wrestling too. although a song which kinda plays off "In The End" would be cool, the Havby is just nonsense. if you like cd titles because they sound cool, instead of not having any meaning at all, you need to rethink.
idiots because you don't agree with us? you flamed moderators, consider yourself warned. although i would like to commend you on posting in the right thread, it's good to see that.
consider yourself warned, yet lucky. If I was an admin and there werent any set guidlines, I would have banned you, no warnings <_< In The End is a damn good song, but I'd rather hear something new and original, not the same song with different lyrics
oh cool that you know more than the rest of us..... [/b][/quote] No, I'm just saying that there's no song like "In The End." Why would Linkin Park put the same song on three albums in a row?
I think this is all rumored BS and we shud all just wait and see....I'm sure the album will be nothing anybody could have predicted...not even LP... [0M1]
How the f*ck can you like "The Havby"??? I mean c`mon! That sounds like something those gay bands like the White Stripes or The Hives or whatever would name it. By the way, I hate those kinda bands. EDIT: Though if they do call it that..I never said what I said. *points up* Last edited by ×X×Crawling×X× at Jan 2 2003, 01:34 PM
did you ever read the rules like i suggested to you? there is to be no homosexual slurs whatsoever on these boards, consider yourself warned, 3 warnings = ban.
I think we're pretty close to the new single. Possibly a couple of weeks. The video should come out first, and I heard it was already in production. Maybe its not, but its a rumor. Art should be released soon, Reanimation's art was released quite a while before the actual album. So we're close to getting what we want.