Rock Sound Reviews Minutes To Midnight

Discussion in 'News' started by Mark, May 9, 2007.

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  1. #21

    SiriusLPer Active Member

    Mar 1, 2007
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    "Linkin Park have finally grown up, have you?"

    I love that quote. I'm going to keep that in mind, once I hear the album May 14th.
  2. #22

    Ryan You Greasy Bastard LPA Super VIP

    Feb 17, 2003
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    I agree this is a great album, the last two tracks are easily the best. I think it is their best recording to date, but also in my opinion these guys are serious musicians who I think can still put out a better record than this. This cd just seems to be missing a certain something.
  3. #23

    steve12 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's as if people can't accept that some people don't like the album. It's got nothing to do with the lyrics it's the actual songs I don't like it.
  4. #24

    [Tezzy-Tez] Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I love how people are tearing into people who dont like the album, labelling them kiddes or "hardcore".

    I've loved LP since the Crawling single, so I guess by peoples standards that kinda makes me hardcore since I've loved them from the relative start (of their mainstream sucess, I couldn't of liked them earlier since I was too young and not into music at that time) and haven't ever given up on them.

    and labelling people kiddies for not liking it is laughable, if you dont like it, it doesn't mean you just want the same stuff all the time.
    I means you expect a band of such quality to produce better because you have higher standards, and arnt just some little teeny fan kid who loves anything they do because its LP. So its all the little fools going omg! best album ever! who're the kiddies.

    Now if you like the album, then fair enough, of course that doesn't mean you just like it for the sake of it, but a lot of people are in fact doing just that.
    I'm not high on the album, some great tracks but some utter garbage is on there, stuff I know LP can do better than, they've changed way too much from their roots because the label they were thrown into died, that to me isn't cool.

    A few really good tracks... but if they wanted to change that much, have their new style of ballads and soft songs, then they (in my opinion) should of threw 3 harder tracks on there to balance it out... this album just feels awkward and missing something which it so easily could of had for me.
  5. #25

    Fox Love & Trolls LPA Super Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Minutes to Midnight = Breath-taking, as for now...
    It has proved how the band has grown and it's just personal and beautiful
  6. #26

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    i agree. but i can also see where [Tezzy-Tez] is comming from too...
  7. #27
    Fleur de Lys

    Fleur de Lys Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    The last two lines pretty much explains what Minutes to Midnight is about:

    "Linkin Park have finally grown up. Have you?" Great review/preview.
  8. #28

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Quite a good review, but like some said already the best- and 'most obviously filled with the new sound'-track wasn't even mentioned. The Little Things Give You Away definitely made the album for me...
  9. #29

    steve12 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Meh, not really! It can mean much more but I don't really wanna express my opinion.
  10. #30
    Fleur de Lys

    Fleur de Lys Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    Do you mean that the words "Minutes to Midnight" mean much more or the line?
  11. #31

    steve12 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The line, ignore me though i'm just being picky lol.
  12. #32

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Another great review! awesome :mike:
  13. #33

    Importskyline22 LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I consider myself a hardcore LP fan. And i for one love the cd. Its an amazoign work of art. So what if its not "like there old stuff". It just adds to the diveristy when they play songs in concert.
  14. #34
    Fleur de Lys

    Fleur de Lys Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    Well, expressing opinions is what forums are for, so go on man.
  15. #35

    catfish24 Member

    May 8, 2007
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    I agree with you that it's stupid to stereotype people into the "little teeny fan kid" category, but at the same time, it's stupid to classify the people that like the album into the "little teeny fan kid" category.

    In my honest opinion, and I think most would agree, weather you like the album depends soley on the genre of music you like, not weather your teen fan or anything of the sort. Obviously not everyone is into the genre(s) of music LP has on the new album, but that doesn't mean it's horrible to everyone.

    P.S. I love the album, can't get enough of "In Pieces".
  16. #36

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    Its perfect, I'm actually pretty happy with how many hard songs there are... maybe one more on the second half of the album, but thats all it needed.
    TLTGYA is beautiful, this stuff is amazing.
    Lp grew up, and I think I have too :lol:
  17. #37

    oneandonlyproductions Member

    Mar 9, 2007
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    Wow, where to begin. This is almost like going out on Christmas only to find that not only were you NOT left any gifts but infact Santa Clause had ROBBED you! I've read many of the other posts on Amazon about this cd and many other people agree, but a lot are saying that the band is "growing" or "evolving", I just thought I had to give a response to that because I am SICK of hearing this about bands. "Feeling out your sound" is something drunk people do while singing karaoke at their local bar; when you're a professional band like LP you KNOW what direction you are heading in. I absolutely can't stand that bands think they need to "evolve" their sound to sell records, but first let's define what I mean. This gets confusing because I believe that bands DO need to evolve as they progress into their careers, it's inevitable. They improve upon their sound, make it better, look at what they have done and say "how could this have been better?" - that is POSITIVE evolution, the kind any band will naturally do. The type of evolving they need NOT to do is what LP just did, which to me is essentially selling out to what they think the listener wants to hear and not what THEY want to do. They lose their vision and with it goes their sound - this is the current state of musical "evolution," no good at all. LP had a definitive sound, a sound that we have all grown to appreciate. Do I want another Hybrid Theory? Actually I'd rather have had them release a bunch of lost tracks and EPs off of that cd than to have them release this new POS; and I KNOW that many people can agree. I always read about people bitching how they don't want a "cookie cutter" cd in the image of Hybrid Theory, then go on to say how Hybrid Theory was their greatest work so far and favorite cd. If the term for that is a "cookie cutter" cd then this cd is definitely different, so different it's not even a cookie: it's turned into black licorice that isn't even similar or representative of LP at all and is just salty, bitter, and disgusting. I also hear quite often that Meteora is a carbon copy of Hybrid Theory, I couldn't disagree more. I believe Meteora to be a definite article all it's own, it is a good example of a band growing in the correct manner. This is probably because they were working with all the left over fruits of labor from Hybrid Theory, took them, EVOLVED them the right way, and made them into songs all their own but songs that were definitely LP. It is sad that they will fall into the catagory that most bands do when their 3rd cd hits (or rather misses). The third cd is the one I fear most, the one comprised of ideas put forth by a producer - instead of the band - and molded into something that is no longer the image of the band. Examples? Metallica's Black Album (and yes I KNOW that this was NOT their 3rd album! But it still makes a point!), a *perfect* example would be Black Eyed Peas who were once considered ESSENTIAL hiphop by most, that is until the third cd and "Fergie", a name even non-fans of the Peas know and despise, came along. I hate to use this one because I enjoy this band as well as their 3rd cd, but Slipknot's 3rd album totally PALED in comparison to the first two, but especially the first album that was metal greatness! Look at any band and you can see this trend (mind you not ALL bands do this, just 98% lol). Stand against this all you want, support the band, make excuses, but it's TRUE. In a year or two this cd won't even be in your player, Meteora or Hybrid Theory will; just like Slipknot's selftitled first and second IOWA cds are the only two in my player. Time will tell, and definitely this fact alone will: which cds of LP will you be listening to the most when the glamour of this one fades?

    Now that I got that out what will you find on this cd? Well it actually might be easier to tell you what you WON'T find: for starters Chester Benington's powerful vocals. It is sad that someone with such power and absolutely CRAZY oscilloscope-tweaking voice can be misused this way; may we hope for a solo project produced by someone who will help promote this ala Queen Of The Damned OST (Ross Robinson perhaps?) Another thing gone is the instrumental, and I mean it is gone altogether; replaced with synonymous sounding powerchords. Those of you who complain about "cookie cutter" cd, finally your term can pertain to something, unfortunately it's this cd's lack-of-thought instrumentals. Even the use of Mr. Hahn that caught my ear from the first cd - from his adlib piano strikes, to the awesome dubplates, and the even cooler and way original scratching of the guitar and vocals live on set - are GONE; unbelievable but yes they are gone. I can remember FORCING my friends who talked bad about LP listen to those parts on Hybrid Theory and say "How can you not respect that?!" Another thing that is gone is Shinoda's vocals, same scenario as Chester's just replace his name with Mike's on the above discription and the words "power" with "delivery" and you get the picture. Lyrics? Seriously, I'm asking: "lyrics?" Has anyone seen any good ones on this cd? There are a few but finding them is a bit like reading "Where's Waldo?" Let's see what else is there. . . holy crap that's about everything that makes a band and music in general listed here as not existing on this album, meaning that NONE of what makes Linkin Park - Linkin Park is present on this cd. Obvious conclusion: It's a damn shame! Let us pray they go back to their roots on the next cd, as well as pray it doesn't take NEARLY as long to release as this one (as far as I can see, wtf were they working on for so long?!) As Chester says on everyone's favorite single off this cd let's hope he can *cross out what I've done, erase myself and what I've done*, because if they don't do that and learn from this cd unfortunately they WILL have erased themselves into the past; put into the group of "what could have been but are no more. . ."

    -BUT- is there a ray of HOPE?! It's a small one and a big stretch but:
    Ok, first off I seriously hope that the leaked version I heard is just some of the excess crap that LP picked through to get the songs that will be on the ACTUAL cd (incase you don't know LP said they wrote around 200 songs and picked only the best; may explain why they sound so watered down I guess - 200 songs???) However if the cd I heard IS infact a decoy it just hurts the band because people are accepting this as the real cd and it is NOT good (which is putting out some BAD word-of-mouth on this, no good!) The bad thing is it probably IS the REAL cd because it has been mastered, and I don't think they would waste the resources on this scale just to make a decoy. Who knows, it is LP and maybe they are mastered copies to check for sound and all that to see what works and what doesn't FOR SURE; hey I'm trying to keep it POSITIVE especially in light of all I said above!! I want to hope that this ISN'T it aka the Final Print, but then again one must remember that release is also a mere 10days or so away and promos are often distributed around this time; also I've read that radio DJs were given this same copy as well, which makes all this look more dreary. But hey in a last glimmer of hope why the hell would they give out promos when they've worked so hard to keep the leaks sealed on this whole thing. I mean I haven't even seen hardly ONE thing about this album that wasn't Officially released; so why blow it 10 days before the release. Especially when it would literally take a few hours for a full leaked version to be distributed in the terms of millions (also harming sales figures, thus damaging the band's image further.) Like I said though just further speculation, but if you think I am just PESSIMISTIC about the band then hopefully these last closing lines should help to affirm that I am NOT, but that I also agree whole-heartedly with what I said above as well!!
  18. #38

    Daniel Run for your life. LPA Super Member

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Whoa dude, it's called a paragraph. And I'm not even going to bother arguing with some of that. God damn.
  19. #39

    MidnightRaven New Member

    May 16, 2007
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    Well of course it's going to be an album with "ideas" didn't the title give it away?

    "Minutes to Midnight" is a reference to the old Nuclear Doomsday Clock that a bunch of scientists put together back during the days of the Cold War. As more and more countries acquired nukes and as tensions rose further and further...the minute hand on the Doomsday Clock would be moved closer and closer to Midnight aka Doomsday. And since there's so much conflict in the world nowadays and global warming is on the rise and everything seems to be going straight to hell....the title and the album is was music that helped to inspire the protests of the 70s and 60s so maybe it just might work again...a lot of people aren't happy with the way the world is right now and some of them are trying to change it or to inspire others to change it....maybe that's what the band is doing with this album.

    Sure the album isn't perfect and sure they're not evolving the way that you would like them to but they don't have to follow the path that you think they should, they'll find their way eventually wherever it is that they're headed.

    Lastly, I think that if you look at the album art...the cover and the final page mainly...I believe...I'm not 100% though...but I believe that those photos were taken at the Bikini Islands Atoll where numerous atomic tests were conducted...which would fit with the title and the reasons behind it, in my opinion.
  20. #40

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    jesus christ relax.. I only said kiddies in a non harming way. o_o. Besides I understand if ya don't like it. Not going to tear a new asshole because "you didn't like it". If you don't like it, you don't like o_O doesn't mean you are not an LP fan.
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