Review Minutes To Midnight

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Luke, May 6, 2007.

  1. #1

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Okay, lets stop the constant reviewing that's going on all over the boards and focus on them in this thread. Post your reviews here but please try to be somewhat intelligent in your reviews. :)

    I'll get this shit started with a track-by-track review:

    Not the best intro song I've heard but definatly a good one. I don't however think it sets the tone for the album whatsoever because when you hear Wake you think ''holy shit, this album is gonna be explosive'' when in actual fact most of the album is fairly mellow. The intro also has next to no connection with the next track which is dissapointing because more often than not if there's an intro track it isn't just an introduction to the album but to the first song. Still a nice intro song though. 3/5

    Given Up:
    I love the punk-rock influence in this song. The intro to the track is awesome and the chorus is filled with energy. I think the part which really lets the song down is the bridge. The bridge, to me, is all over the place and like many of the other bridges on the album its very repetitive. I also think the part after Chester screams ''put me out of my fucking misery!" needs a solo or something because the whole part leading up to the final chorus seems very vacant and in need of more. Overall though it is a pretty cool song. I am however majorly disapointed that this is the heaviest LP got on this album. 3/5

    Leave Out All The Rest:
    I really love this song. It's a track I could listen to over and over and not get tired of it. The soft verses are slightly poppy but the amazing chorus kicks all of that out the window. This is also one of the few songs on the album that has a great bridge and doesn't have an abrupt ending. I can't single out anything bad at all about this song. Certainly a future single. 5/5

    Bleed It Out:
    I'm not too keen on this song to be honest. I don't like the fast beat or the chord progression in the verses and the chorus lacks energy. The bridge is pretty much non-existant and the chorus just gets annoying after hearing it over and over. I do however like Mike's raps on this track. I just think it's a shame that they were used in a song which to be honest doesn't need rapping. 1.5/5

    Shadow Of The Day:
    I like this song alot. It really reminds me of something U2 would do. I think Chesters singing is top notch in this and there is some great guitar work by Mike and Brad. I also like how Rob breaks in with an awesome beat in the second verse. I have no complaints about this song whatsoever. 4.5/5

    What I've Done:
    Dear god did they say farewell or what?! It was probably the best song to pick as an opening single because this song pretty much sums up the sayonara to the old Linkin Park. I love the piano intro soooo much, it really reminds me of the theme music from the Halloween films or some other slasher film. However in my opinion that great piano work that goes on through the verses needs some rapping over it. That's not to say Chester doesn't do a good job singing but this was definatly a track that probably would have sounded alot better with some rapping in it. There's some great guitar work by Mike and Brad again and Mike's harmonic singing at the end is great, I do however feel that the chorus really rips into the lovely piano verses quite abruptly. Great song stating LP's new sound. 3.5/5

    Hands Held High:
    This is a nice track but the marching drums just don't do it for me. Mike's rapping is awesome but it needs a good solid beat for it to go over. I also think that the chorus needs to be in between the verses and not played over at the end. It's a shame because with this alterations this song could have been a really powerful rap track. I'll go along with everyone else in saying that it would probably have a more fitting home on a Fort Minor Album. 2.5/5

    No More Sorrow:
    So finally LP have a political voice through this song and you know what? This song pretty much sums up what most of us are thinking. I really love the almost Metallica style guitar work by Brad and the awesome drum work by Rob that sounds like guns going off. I find this to be a very atmospheric song too and probably the darkest song on the album. The only problem I have with this track is that, to me, something should have been done to layer Chesters vocals into the song a bit more because it seems as if his vocals are overlaying some awesome instrumental work instead of coinciding with them. This song is also one of those tracks that has an abrupt ending. Overall a really great track though. 4/5

    Valentine's Day:
    This is a great song but the structure, like certain other songs on this album, is not right. The song shouldn't be building up to what, I think, should be the chorus. However once again Chester's vocals set an atmospheric tone when he sings the lyrics that many people who have broken up with partners can relate to. Overall though I find this to be a pretty standard tune: good but could be so much better. 3/5

    In Between:
    You know what? I really like this song. Mike has a great singing voice and seems to genuinly be apologising for something when he sings this track. Once again though the repetitivness spoils this song slightly. It's Definatly the softest song on a soft album and is a nice reversal of roles with Mike doing the main singing and Chester backing. 3.5/5

    In Pieces:
    It's a decent song but once again it's unnecessarily building up to something. To be honest the structure of this song seems very incomplete. The chorus played the third time around with heavier guitar work should be played the second and third time around etc. so to set the tone for the solo. Also I'm not too keen on the indie style guitar work. Seems to me that LP tried to just intwine the latest craze of indie music into their music somehow and produced this song which in my opinion is a weak track. 2/5

    The Little Things Give You Away:
    Okay, I'll be the first to admit that this was extremely overhyped...I think the terminology was the musical equivalent of a detonating bomb. It's not like that. However it is a fucking amazing tune. I don't think any tune on the album compares to this song. I love the acoustic guitar and Joe's work leading up to the solo. The vocals are spot on throughout and I love Mike's harmonic singing towards the end. The solo, despite not being in the same league as a Maiden or Metallica solo, is amazing. It's simple but so effective and it's definatly the highlight of the song. The song itself is the highlight of the album. 5/5

    B-side: No Roads Left:

    All I can do is plead for the answer as to why the hell isn't this on the album. I think it's probably one of the best tracks they've made and certainly a great example of Mike's vocal work, Dare I say better than the vocal work he did on In Between. The absence of Chester on this track is actualy a good thing (Yeah, I never thought I'd say that either), Mike completly steals the show on this track. Everything about this song is perfect, from the cool guitar intro to the oh so catchy chorus that seems to stick in your head and the powerful strings used towards the end. I think the biggest low point of the album for me is the fact that this track didn't make the final cut because it is just an amazing song. Not quite as good as TLTGYA but certainly next in Line. 5/5

    This is a pretty great album. However if you had given it to me 6 years ago I would never have thought in a million years that it was Linkin Park. Is that a good thing? Yes and no. We all wanted a change from the same style we were getting from Hybrid Theory and Meteora but I think some would agree with me when I say that this is too much of a radical change. LP have almost completely surrendered their dark sound on this album which is a move which will see them lose alot of fans I feel.

    I fear the fact that Mike is very scarce on the album and the Hip-Hop element has been majorly toned down will damage LP's creadibility on that front. Another factor is Joe's scratching - There's absolutely none of it on this album which takes LP away from the electronica element they had.

    I also feel that albums should never have too many ballads but this album is completely swamped with them. Ballads are lovely but should be unique in albums and not overcrowded with them.

    The structure of some of the songs, and to be honest the album overall, is quite bad by LP's standards. Incomplete sounding songs? abrupt endings? constant repetitveness? weak sounds? This is Linkin Park we're talking about. You can't set such high standards for yourself if you're going to fail to live up to them in the future is what I say.

    In terms of who has stepped up their work, Brad has vastly improved. He has completely ridden of his old self and opened up to a new Brad Delson - someone who wont hesitate to play a solo or some other form of complicated guitar work. I also think that there is some very raw drumming by Rob on this album. He's really stepped up his technique and it is obvious to see that he has gotten alot better over the course of the three albums. I am slightly disapointed that it doesn't seem Dave has stepped up, at all. In fact if anything he's taken a step back on this album. I mean it says something that at the concert on Friday Mike held a mic up to Dave's bass when they were playing Crawling because Dave's bass playing was simply top notch back then. On MTM you don't really hear anything significant apart from on Given Up and even then it's a very basic bassline.

    The way I see this album is that this is a transistional period for LP. I don't actualy think that this is the sound of LP's future. I think LP have gone from a child stage into an almost teen stage because when you're a teen you're trying to learn what kind of a person you want to be in the future. Sure enough this was a huge change for LP but something tells me that we could be hearing something even more different and overall better from LP in the future because they will have time to analyse the reaction to this album and work on how to better their music based on that. I just pray that this album doesn't go belly-up and LP decide to call it quits because of it.

    This album has some great aspects to it though. The atmosphere created in some of the songs is awesome. There is some quality instrumental work in this album that would put alot of modern rock groups to shame. I also like that LP have come out of their shells on voicing their opinions about things that are going on in the world. Lyrically this album was huge step up from Meteora and dare I say, in some songs, from Hybrid Theory. So I'm not knocking this album by any means. In fact I think LP fans should be excited for the future of the band because if this is indeed a transistional period for the band then something truly amazing is dawning over the horizon. Until then this album should provide just about enough cover until we wait for the next chapter in the story of one of the most gifted set of people there is.

    Last edited: May 17, 2007
  2. #2
    Version One

    Version One Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    this is a well written review. nicely put.
  3. #3

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Our opinions differ on individual songs but still, good review. The only this I disagree with a touch was your comment on song structure. I think it is good that LP strayed away a bit from their old tried and true strong structures and really gave us something new.
  4. #4
    El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Okay, I've listened to this album several times now and here's what I think:

    Wake : A great instrumental but it doesn't quite show you what's the rest of the album gonna be like. Maybe they intentionally made so different. 8/10

    Given Up : I'm not really thrilled with this track. I can't say it's great just because it's one of the few heavy songs on the record but I think it will be a real fun to play it live.

    Leave Out All the Rest : The verses sound really good but the chorus ruined it for me. It just sounds like it's made straight for mtv and I can't quite get my head around it. The ending although is quite nice.

    Bleed It Out : My favourite song on MTM. Mike's verses are really energetic, the chorus is catchy as hell and I don't mind it's repeating over and over again. I woudn't mind it repeating for 10 minutes :lol:. The screaming part is also awsome. Love the guitars, love the drums. Excellent song, I bet it'll sound even better live.

    Shadow Of the Day : My least favourite song on the album. And I'm not saying this because it's a slow pop songs. I like some slow songs but this does nothing to me. If it weren't for the strings and the Brad's guitar part before the last chorus it would be even worse.

    What I've Done : I didn't like this song when I first heard it but as time went by it really grew on me. Smart move using it as the first single because this is the song that sounds the most like the previous two albums.

    Hands Held High : Mike's lyrics are much better than any of them from Meteora and most from HT. Although I'm not a great fun of political songs, this one sends an important message and I respect that. The ending is also awsome, he sings better than on In Between. :)

    No More Sorrow : Politics again. Not their best lyrics ever but I guess they felt the need to sing about this. I love the guitars and Mike's backing vocals although.

    Valentine's Day : After hearing the 30 seconds clip I thought this song was a piece of shit, but after hearing th ewhole thing... I was amazed. It's such a great song and I really like the lyrics on this one. The part when Chester starts singing "On a Valentine's day.." is the highests point and the most powerful part on the album IMO.

    In Between : Not really a fan of this song. Mike's not singing bad, I guess I would find this song kinda boring even if Chester sung it.

    In Pieces : If only the lyrics were a little better this would be a 10. And maybe it could have been a little harder. I love Brad's guitars especially the solo.

    The Little Things Give You Away : The first half of the song is kinda boring. I expected some better stuff lyrically. The second half however is much better. The solo may not be complicated but it's quite emotional, and the ending part with Mike and Chester singing with some screaming in the background is also awsome and closes the album pretty well.

    Overall: 8/10

    I won't be lying, I expected this to top HT and it failed in that in my opinion but it's still a pretty decent album. I'm not disappointed. They tried some different things like they said, and some of them worked and some not.
    I also think Mike should have rapped on at least a couple more songs, maybe not full verses but like in From The Inside. Mike's and Chesters voices work really well together and they should have used that more in this album.
    Overall, it's not the greatest thing ever but also it's not a piece of shit. I'll definitely be buying it.
    Over and out.
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  5. #5

    hybridtheory_gc Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    hybridtheory_gc's review

    01. Wake

    This introductory instrumental starts of with a needle going down on a vinyl record and is very different from the other 2 instrumentals found in their previous 2 albums. Scratching elements are barely heard, its not hip-hop sounding and is shorter than either Cure for the Itch or Session-a fact that they should have changed because it could have really made this instrumental better if it was a bit longer. Its not really dark as previously described, but it has that sense of spookyness to it in the beginning before it finally breaks off into a full on, guitar themed instrumental. Not the Mr. Hahn spotlight track that fans have been used to.

    ---> 3/5

    02. Given Up

    A song that sounds pretty new for LP but also sounds pretty familiar and is also one of the heaviest songs on the album. The bass lines on this riff heavy, punk sounding song is excellent and the un-LP like clapping sound in the beginning/through out the song sounds pretty good and suits the song well. The chorus has Bennington screaming "What the f*ck is wrong with me?!" and the screaming bridge which I previously described as "heavy as f*ck" really is the heaviest part of the album and seals this one as one of the best songs on the album. In a little bit of LP history, its the first LP song that has the F-word in the lyrics.


    03. Leave out all the rest

    The first of several poppy-ballad songs on the album, this one manages to be pretty good. lyrically, its one of the best if not the best song on the record. Chester Bennington describes the lyrics: I'm singing 'Pretending someone else can save me from myself' during it because it's supposed to feel like an apology letter, as though I'm moving on but I want people to remember the good things and not the bad things. A lot of the song is about humility." And thats really what the song is about. Musically, this song is electronically based and sounds a lot like some pop-RNB hits of today-it can even be a hip-hop song if you take away the singing and replace it with rapping. With that said, it still has its share of guitars during the chorus. As always, Bennington's vocals are excellent and he nails this one well proving that he really is one of the most versatile singers as far as Rock bands go.


    04. Bleed it Out

    This is one of the most unique songs that Linkin Park has ever done, it doesn't sound like any of their previous songs. It starts off with the sound of band members conversing and is the fastest and shortest song on the album and is also the first one that has Mike Shinoda back on the well..the mike. The rapping sounds pretty different too, more in your face and it lyrically its like a party-rap song as far the rapping is concerned. The drumming will make you bang your hand or clap your hands more times than you'd expect while you hear and an 80s rock-like guitar riff and people clapping and singing along in the background. Its like they played the song with fans in the studio clapping and singing along. Thankfully, the screaming vocals round up this very unique song. Shinoda also comments on this song saying "When it finally came together I said to the band, 'I don't think anyone but us could have made a song like this'. It's fucking bizarre death-party-rap-hoedown!".


    05. Shadow of the day

    Another poppy ballad, its also a very slow song-probably the slowest on the album. Its one of the most melodic songs on the album with a simple/slow drum pattern, violins playing in the background similar to Breaking the habit but it also has this brief guitar solo similar to that of What I've done that plays a couple of times, first during the bridge and then in the song's outro. A song thats very easy to listen to especially for people who like poppy music.


    06. What I've Done

    This song was the perfect first single because it encompasses everything that the album has. It starts off with a haunting piano hook and gently breaks off into a full song. The drumming is pretty different for LP with a much more complex pattern. The lyrics talks about someone saying goodbye to his former self and things that he's done in the past in an apology-esque way. Finally, the scratching sounds make a return at just the right time-during verses/right before the chorus. The song's best parts are the chorus and the bridge and after that Delson unleashes a short but sweet guitar solo of sorts. To close it out, Mike Shinoda sings "nanana" in the background and in a way that really compliments Bennington's soaring vocals. Pretty minimalistic but still catchy. Excellent track. On a personal note, I've probably listened to this song for more than 200 times during the month that its been out.


    07. Hands held high

    This is the second and final song with rapping on it and it is indeed another slow-ballad type of song. The drumming/beat on this sound reminds me of that "Like toy soldiers" song by Eminem which i know is just a sample that Eminem took from another song. Lyrically, im not really sure what this song is about although i think its about a war, probably the Iraq war. Pretty simple song in terms of music although its chorus has choire like vocals singing "Amen" in the background while Shinoda sings. Not excellent at all but this might grow on you since the rhymes are pretty good.


    08. No More Sorrow

    Finally, another heavy song-the heaviest on the album! And a very good one at that. It starts off with a guitar solo (although im not sure if you can actually call it a solo-more of a riff really) that has this Ebow guitar effect that sounds really cool followed by heavy drumming. Rob's great drumming has really shown in this record and especially on this song. It also has that clapping sound throughout the song similar to Given Up. I've already heard the band play this live and it sounds awesome especially because of the heavy guitar riffs and the screams of "Thieves and Hypocrites!" during the bridge. Lots of anger in the lyrics too this is still Linkin Park after all.


    09. Valentine's day

    This is probably the closest LP has come to a love song, very appropriate title! Its poppy but it still sounds like a rock song mainly because of its chorus. It starts off with Bennington singing "My insides turn to ash" in a very sad, almost weakening tone. The verses are full of melancholy with slow drumming in the background. It has this somewhat-fast piano hook in the middle before it goes into the chorus that saves this song from mediocrity. A chorus that actually sounds like its still rock music. Once the chorus plays, the song suddenly sounds good and complete. Lyrically the song can be summed up in 6 words, being alone on a Valentine's day-something I've been able to relate to.


    10. In between

    This song features Shinoda singing for the first time. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a dissapointment. A very boring and simple song. Shinoda's vocals are okay and sounded good at times but the problem is the lack of particapation from other band members. There's barely any guitar or drum playing to speak off and Chester's vocals have been burried in the background, somewhere it doesn't belong. (Sounds like an LP song?) Im really wondering why they made this song this way or why they even included the song in the album. Easily the worst song on the album.


    11. In Pieces

    Ah..this is the highlight of the album f*ckers! Arguably the best song on Minutes to Midnight, It has excellent progression from pop, to a reggae vibe, to a full rock song joined tied together by an excellent guitar solo which is pretty long too! I didn't know Brad Delson could play guitars that well. This song just shows how Linkin Park has matured over the years and how their musicianship has improved. The lyrics are about Bennington's divorce and 2nd marriage. The moment it blows into a full-on, in your face rock song, you'll be blown away.


    12. The little things give you away

    Final track, the longest one too. Being the most hyped track on the album, this song really has a lot to live up to-fortunately for Linkin Park, it does. Clocking in at a minute and a half, its the longest song that LP has ever done. Its not a loud-heavy rock song. What it is is a very melodic, synth-driven ballad that starts off with an acoustic guitar. Whoa? LP and an acoustic guitar? Yup, you heard me right and the acoustic riff sounds great. Its a very epic song in a lot ways, it has this long, melodic guitar solo and eventually leads to both Shinoda and Bennington singing in a duet. Bennington's towering vocals in the background while shinoda gently sings "the little things give you away". Finally, the song ends in an accapella which is best listened to on headphones. You'll hear shinoda singing "The little things give you away" on your left ear, "All you've ever wanted was someone to truly look up to you" again by shinoda on your right ear and finally Bennington's epic, high notes in the background. YES, its that sick. Lyrically, its about the hurricane katrina tragedy in New Orleans in 2005 although there might be more on a personal level.


    Final thoughs: Minutes to Midnight is Linkin Park's most melodic album. It mixes pop, rock, hip-hop, punk, reggae and almost every genre I can think of and gave it a progressive feel. People will really need to approach this album with an open mind, not expecting too much of their previous sound. The Diversity of the album is incredible and you'll find a song that you'll really like nomatter what your favorite style is. There have been many firsts on this album, some good and some bad. Some people might need the album to "grow on them" for them to fully appreciate it and once you do, you'll find an album thats as good or even better than their previous 2. After all, every band's goal is to not sound the same every time out. Stop whining if you're 16 and you think you're too cool to listen to pop music. LP never cared about genres too much anyway.

    Overall: ----> 4/5
  6. #6

    wayzamTCS Member

    Jun 19, 2006
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    TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I listened to the whole album and i couldnt stop cringing the whole time. given up and no more sorrow are the only two good songs. the tracks where mike raps suck. they build and build and build up to NOTHING!! mike's singing is a joke. they're trying too hard to NOT sound like linkin park and you can tell. the album sounds empty like its lacking something the whole time. it took them 14 months?? it sounds incomplete like they wrote and recorded it in 14 DAYS. it was not worth waiting 4 years for.


    linkin park should step the fuck up and recognize that this album was a mistake. they abandoned the numetal/rapmetal sound because they were seeking critical acclaim (which i'm affraid they wont get much). they need to realize that the style they had on HYBRID THEORY and METEORA was what they did best. before all you get pissed at me, you have to agree with me there. that is why we are all fans of this band in the first place.
  7. #7

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    You're obviously primrily a fan of heavier music, judging by the songs you like from this album and the cds you've recently bought.
  8. #8

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    I do not agree with you entirely.

    Yes, Hybrid Theory is the reason for Linkin Park's overflowing popularity. However, the follow up to Hybrid Theory - Meteora did nothing. I enjoyed Meteora, but it sounded nothing more than a second edition of Hybrid Theory. Therefore, they had to change their sound otherwise their illustrious musical career as a band together may have been over.

    What you are failing to understand is that it's their past genre that made them successful... but it will not gain them that success in the present and future time? They had to change... and from what I have read, MOSTLY, they have changed for the better.
  9. #9

    PhillyBirds0536 New Member

    May 6, 2007
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    lp used to be different than every other band out there n now they r just like all of them with this album... first off they should never ever work with ruben again cause all he did was kill there music career by influencing them to change their style.... second off there is not enough mike on this album what ever happened to the duel lead singer thing well thats gone now n i hope mike leaves the band and persues his solo career because he is a great rapper and should be able to show that n hes not gonna do it with lp..... they really need to go back to what made them if they dont they r gonna loose a lot of their hardcore fans n have a fan base of 13 year old girls with the backstreet boys being their opening act
  10. #10

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    See this is a model example of what I didn't want posted here. You're all welcome to your opinions but if they seem unintelligent and primative then who the hell will want to read what you're saying?

    From now on I want to see proper reviews. I don't care if I sound like a mod here, I created this thread so that people could review the album and voice their opinions, not to make close-minded remarks and write in a style that looks like a child could have written it.
  11. #11

    Zakrisk Smoke weed.

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Wake - Turning this album on in the morning on my way to school was very exciting for me. I'd been waiting four years for this, and I had recently been highly anticipating this album. However, the previous day had left me with doubt, as I hadn't been a fan of the little previews AT ALL. I was left thinking: "ehh.. what the fuck?", but this intro track really pumped me up for a good album. It's a great intro. It doesn't seem to differ much from any intro Linkin Park might make before. 4/5

    Given Up - This is the song to get me pumped for this album. When I first heard it, I was extremely disappointed with the lyrics. I was hoping they would step up their lyrics with this album, and all those little clips that were popping up were leaving me down about my hope for some thoughtful lyrics. Aside from that, I think that the music makes up for it. I find Chester's vocals to be very powerful, and it makes this song one of my favorites. Not a fan of the lyrics, but I'm a big fan of the music.(That's how I'll end up feeling about most of this album.) 3/5

    Leave Out All The Rest - This song did nothing for me at first. The lyrics were embarrassing. It didn't seem genuine at all. Overall, I was disappointed with this song. However, it has grown on me. It's getting better and better the more I listen. I still can't find myself getting into the lyrics very much, but, musically, I'm getting into this track more and more. 3/5 for now, but I'm sure it'll go up to 4/5 with time.

    Bleed It Out - After initially being disappointed with Leave Out All The Rest, Bleed It Out came in. From the preview, I hadn't been a fan of how the rapping sounded, but I really liked it my first time through. Listening some more, I wish that Chester would have done some more with the chorus. I think that with a longer, more diverse chorus, and one more rap verse, this song could have been a masterpiece, but, like several reviews have said, it seems to end too quickly. It seems kind of incomplete to me. 3/5

    Shadow Of The Day - I think this song is brilliant. The lyrics are more complicated than what I'd heard Chester sing so far. It was refreshing. I love it a ton. First 5/5 on the album for me.

    What I've Done - Again, the lyrics fail me in this. The song has grown on me, and I really enjoyed the video, but Linkin Park really needs to work on themselves in the lyric department. I will say, though, that I find this song very powerful on it's simple level. I actually think that I find it a plus in this situation. Haha, that sounded kind of like I contradicted myself, but.. this song gets a 4/5.

    Hands Held High - I'm not a fan of Bush bashing in music. I like System of a Down a lot, but, then again, I feel less annoyed by it because they have family involved with the war, and in the Armenian Genocide. I can't say I like this song at all. It's my least favorite song on the album. The chorus makes me wince. "Amen" sounds so cheesy it's unbelievable. The one thing that boosts my rating for this song is the ending. I think Mike sings it beautifully. 2/5

    No More Sorrow - This song is going to be better live, I think. The drums sound weird. Parts of it sound like it needs more bass. Kind of tinny for me. I really love this song, though. I'm reminded of AFI, and I really enjoy listening to AFI. Lyrics don't disappoint me. Good, good, good! 5/5

    Valentine's Day - This is one of my favorite songs on the album. I love how it builts up to the ending. This will be a favorite of mine for a long time. 5/5

    In Between - I was really looking forward to hearing this song. I was very curious to hear what Mike sings like all alone. Weeeell... I'm very disappointed. It's just not good. I can't get into it at all. I find his voice to be monotone and annoying. Sorry, Mike!

    I can tell why Chester didn't sing it, though. It fits Mike. 2/5

    In Pieces - Another one of my favorites on the album. I love this song. The guitar solo isn't very complex, but I think it sounds good. Having just listened to the solo on Putting Holes In Happiness, Just a Car Crash Away, etc., though, I wasn't impressed by Brad's guitar playing. Great song, though! 5/5

    The Little Things Give You Away - I really love this song. I think this is the best song lyrically. It's just great. My only complaint with it, though, is that I feel like I wait too much. The guitar solo takes too long to get going. They probably could have cut a minute out of the song with all that time I sat there waiting for something interesting to happen. Still, though, because I think this song is badass overall, I give it a 5/5.

    The entire album: First listen I would give it a 3/5. Second listen I give it a 4/5. It's going down and up in my head. It's got a lot of weaknesses, in my opinion, but it's getting better and better. I really am only disappointed by Hands Held High and In Between.
  12. #12

    silverblack89 Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    Well I have only heard three tracks so far. (I'm waiting to buy the C.D to hear them all.) But I'll review them:

    Given Up: I like this song, its got feeling and it also touches back to their roots a bit. It is heavy and sounds really good! I also do believe this is the first time I have heard a curse word come into play. As far as the meaning of the song it doesn't go as deep as past songs. An overall good song.

    What I've Done: Deep meaning great vocals and a great sound. It does not go heavy, it's a light song meant for its meaning. I compare this song to In The End (Hybrid Theory) and Breaking the Habit (Meteora) as far as its "place" into this Album. And just like those two songs LP nails it!

    No More Sorrow: From the beggining it gives a feeling of a "rock anthem" And after about a minute of sick guitar, the vocals begin. It is a different style of vocals for chester but it rocks! It is the perfect mix of feeling with rock

    Note: Given Up, and No More Sorrow were reviewed in accordance to the live version for AOL Music. Whick makes LP rock even harder!!!
  13. #13

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I like this album, but judging by the songs you've heard so far, I'd recommend listening to the entire thing before buying it. You may be getting the wrong impression by those three songs. "Given Up" and "No More Sorrow" are the only hard-rock songs on the album, so if you're solely into Linkin Park for the hard rock portion of their sound, I think you may be disappointed. It's a ballad-heavy album, really. I don't know if you like slower rock songs, but I just wanted to give you a heads up so that you don't buy the album thinking it's something it isn't.
  14. #14

    BeneathYourSkin Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    First, check your grammar and spelling.

    Secondly, don't be unintelligent. Most of this change was not because of Rick Ruben, most of it was because they wanted away from the nu metal scene.

    Why would Mike leave a band he helped to create in the first place? He helped a lot more than just in the vocals: guitar, piano, writing, backup vocals.

    Go back? Hell no. If they stay on track they'll find out who they really are in no time, I'm sure of it. If it's not who you turn out to like, then don't listen to it and don't bash it.

    Please, lose their hardcore fans? I'm what I'd like to call a hardcore fan: Listened and loved from the beginning. They may get a younger audience with some of the music sounds, sure, but they will gain probably a lot of older listeners too. The messages in the music are much more mature that before (less of a teen-angsty feel IMO).

    They've grown, their sound has grown, many of their fans have grown. This gets me to thinking: Maybe you should grow up too. Narrow mindedness is not welcome.
  15. #15

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    Don't forget, many older listeners or non-metal listeners are not a fan of screaming vocals, or even harshly sung vocals.

    With predominantly sung vocals, with only a little bit of harshness, older listeners might be more inclined to give this album a listener. So it won't be just teeny-bopper's listening to this album.

    Hell, I'm 21 and I avoid most screaming vocals. It adds nothing for me. An occasional one is fine, but entire songs that sound like a lion being castrated - or worse, frying squirrels - add no pleasure to my listening experience.
  16. #16

    Matt Official Ghost of the LPA LPA Super Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I'm going to skip the song by song review and get to the whole picture.

    I'll say it right up front: I'm disappointed. I was expecting a lot from this album, considering all the talk of progressing to a different sound and being nothing anyone has ever heard from the band. Needless to say, my hopes were not satisfied.

    First off, I loved Given Up, as it's really a great opener and really agressive. Sadly, the following songs made me think, "What the hell is this?". I was completely let down by Mike's raps in Bleed It Out. What happened to the lines that actually reflected the time they took to write? I understand that this was a big change in style, but it could have been so much better than this. Next, Chester does great, but his lyrics are pretty weak, too, particularly in Valentine's Day. Brad also let me down pretty bad, too. When someone said "Brad doesn't solo because he doesn't like to show off", then hearing about there being a solo on the album, I flipped. However, when I listened to No More Sorrow and Little Things..., I thought it sounded like something I'd have played when I was 12. I mean, they just sound like they were thrown in for the sake of a solo. The rest of the band (Phoenix, Joe, Rob) did ok, although I heard hardly anything from Mr. Hahn. I actually heard bass, which means I can't argue about anything to do with it, and Rob did a good job in general.

    Overall, I have to give MtM something like a 2.5 out of 5. It seemed like a great effort to stray away from nu-metal, but a half-assed effort at actually making a good album. It's true that this album may grow on me, as many things have, but I've listened to it about 4 times, and not much appeals to me. If there had just been a little of Mike's old poetic raps, and Brad's gigantic riffs, or even an exclusive Mr. Hahn instrumental, that could have made a difference to me. I just hope the band recognizes the flaws, and that we don't have to wait another 3 years to hear from them again.
  17. #17

    Dart Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2005
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    and their hair has grown :) :)

    i'm reviewing it later...
  18. #18

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I had written a four-page review in Microsoft Word just now, but none of the text got copied to my clipboard. I'm really pissed off about that, because I put a lot of effort into my review. I'll retype it later this week and post it up so people realize and understand where I'm coming from when I say I don't like the album.

    Anyway, the final score I gave the album was a 2/5.
  19. #19

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Most of us understand, it's just the hardcore LP fans who just joined.
  20. #20

    Feenix Well I Do

    Jul 25, 2005
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    It’s a pretty nice intro track which I would’ve liked to have seen developed into a full length track. The problem with it is that I think it gives you the wrong impression of the album. It’s guitar heavy and is a great opening but might lead you to believe the rest of the album will be like it. Which is isn’t.

    Given Up:
    My personal favourite by miles. If the whole album had lived up to the energy that this track delivers I would’ve been ecstatic. Lyrically this song is fairly cheap, but the power with which the lyrics are delivered easily makes up for that. The heavy punk rock vibe really makes this song the most exiting one on the record and I can see any crowd going wild to this one in a live show. Chester’s screaming in particular is just unbelievable and his literally 30 second long scream will leave you in awe.
    I only have one problem with this track, and that’s that it’s too good. The album reaches it’s peak right here, right at the start and never lives up to it again. You can listen to the rest of the album hoping that an epic heavy as hell breakdown will make this one seem like nothing. But it never happens. This song is probably closest to what Linkin Park used to sound like, and in my opinion at least, they should’ve written more songs like this.

    Leave Out All The Rest:
    This track’s inspiring and thought-provoking lyrics make it one of the deepest tracks on the album. Musically, it has a kind of “Massive Attack” feel to it during the verses and the chorus turns into somewhat of an anthem. I can’t help but wonder though what this track would’ve been like with Mike doing some kind of rapping. It’s one of those songs that you kind of feel something is missing, which is true of most songs on this album. Nonetheless it’s a song with the kind of depth we’re used to from Linkin Park and can easily be listed to over and over without getting tired of it.

    Bleed It Out:
    Musically, this song can only really be described as “line-dancing-punk-rock-folk-metal”. It’s just strange. There is no variety to the chorus and it gets very tiring very quickly. The inclusion of Mike rapping is the only saving grace to this song but the rapping should’ve just been on a different song altogether. It’s kind of a catchy song but there’s not much too it and I’d rather listen to other songs on the album.

    Shadow Of The Day:
    Great song both musically and lyrically. I was at a beach yesterday and was listening to the album on my iPod. Out of all the songs on the album this one gave me the best feeling in that environment. It’s big, it’s got those epic qualities that some Linkin Park songs give, but in a different way. This is a lighters-out hand in hand arena song that fills you with such a great feeling. This really has the potential to be a timeless classic that touches a lot of people.

    What I've Done:
    This one’s been around for a while now and to be honest, I’m getting pretty sick of it. It’s great while listening to it but if it comes on my iPod, I just skip it. Chester’s vocals are great, the guitar is great, drums are great, everything is great. I just don’t think this song has the depth to keep me coming back to it.

    Hands Held High:
    It’s nice to have Mike doing some rapping but the first verse is a bit weak lyrically. The second verse is meaningful and creates a lot of pictures in your head but the first verse seems pointless. This, as many people have said could be a Fort Minor track. I don’t really think it has a place on this record and once again Mike’s rapping could have been put to better use on a different track.

    No More Sorrow:
    Hooray, another somewhat heavy track. Awesome guitar and drum work here with a great sonic sound. Most opinions of this song I see have a strong anti-Bush sentiment. I don’t know whether it’s cause I’m not American or something but I don’t really care a whole lot for people complaining about their governments, because they always do. If you’re not complaining about president 1 you’re complaining about president 2. It’s always the same. I hate it when bands get political and think it ruins songs lyrically. However, you can apply the lyrics in this song to a lot of situations, so that’s what I’m gonna do.

    Valentine's Day:
    Chester’s opening vocals in the first couple of lines are awful and scratchy. I think they knew this but Rick Rubin told them to keep that take in because they’ve just blindly gone along with everything Rick Rubin said so that they could try and sound as different as possible. The lyrics here are strong and the drum work is solid. I think a lot of this song is too soft and it only really gets good towards the end, especially the last 40 seconds or so.

    In Between:
    This song is dull and boring, extremely repetitive and never builds up to anything. Mike should not be doing the vocals. No offence to the dude but vocals are dead-pan and have no variety to them. The vocals only become alright when Chester dives in to help him out. This is easily the weakest song on the album and really should’ve never been here.

    In Pieces:
    Instrumentally, this song sounds like it’s desperately trying to sound different. It uses steel drums and indie sounding guitar parts and I don’t think they mix well. It’s a weak song and is really missing something. It doesn’t have the same quality of sound that a lot of the songs of this album do and once again, a different sound could’ve filled this space on the record.

    The Little Things Give You Away:
    This song was hyped a little too much, I thought it was gonna be the greatest thing ever. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still amazing, but not in the way I thought it was gonna be. I love how this song goes on for 6 and a half minutes and doesn’t get tiring. The lyrics are truly amazing and I do hope the length of this song doesn’t stop it being made into a single cause it deserves to be.

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