Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Mar 2, 2018.

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  1. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    Okay so I give you an example,
    I caused MASSIVE trouble at VISCERA's publishing on LPU. Why? Because things didn't go right.
    I hate things not going right but at the same time I do not want to harm anyone too.
    So I care for both sides ~

    Back to this topic.
    so what do I do? I throw out this hint and hopefully this thing gets cleared up "by itself" so I don't have to be a bigger asshole as I am already.

    Edit: It does not have to make sense to all of you.

    Edit 2: See it positive, at least you have an other contestant for LPA's Most Controversial Thread 2018
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
  2. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I can promise you that's not how anybody involved with that process remembers it. I was avoiding mentioning Viscera for obvious reasons, but since you brought it up...let's be frank: you made it a nightmare, and it almost didn't get published because of your behavior.

    Now drop it now and move on. Because you're derailing this thread.
  3. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    I can assure you by all means, that I care for BOTH sides is true and legit.
    To make it quick and harmless - my ex-girlfriend worked day and night for the artwork and that work of hers was about to get wrecked.
    Since she did not want to speak up, but (since i sat next to her and she was MORE than upset) i took the guts and spoke up.
    Of course I wanted this thing to get published, but I did not want to ruin someones work because of an LPU release.

    Makes me look like a bad guy? Yes
    Am I happy with my actions tho? Yes........

    Some people on the VISCERA group hate me now. But I would have totally done the same for them....damn it

    Will do.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
  4. LizziCloverman

    LizziCloverman The one that ruins any sausageparty

    Apr 13, 2012
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    You've officially reached a new level of immaturity. I'm not gonna get into Viscera because it'll just wind me up how you're trying to justify what happened and how you BOTH acted during this project, towards me and the whole team.

    I am gonna say though that, taking the last few years into consideration, I'm not surprised by your behaviour today. I just hope you can find a way to stop your self-contradicting stance ("I care but i don't care") and grow out of your passive aggressive attitude.
    Hybrid likes this.
  5. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    Seriously, after all the hatred you have directed towards me in the past years, i did not expect you to post in general.
    You may call it immaturity but fuck it, talking about viscera, if she would not have been - you would have taken her place.
    And in case shit like that would have been part of your artwork, i would have stood up for you aswell. And it does not matter if you could have done that by yourself or whatever - im just saying that to make a point.

    If someones work gets fucked for whatever reason, and I have at least the guts to say something - I will do it.
    And im sorry, i couldnt care less if it would have been on LPU or not. I could have just said fuck it, nobody gets any benefit but

    I FOUND A DAMN WAY TO MAKE BOTH SIDES (me and her) and all of the others "happy". It took a while but jeez we were okay.
    You as an artist, should know how it feels if someone for WHATEVER REASON cuts your project work. (?)

    Calling me immature and all is one thing. But opening my mouth and trying to stay as neutral as possible is probably more mature than directing hatred and personal matter towards me.

    We did not talk for a long time, I did not talk to anybody of you for a long time but yet i still like all of you, even if you all call me immature, stupid, pretty much retarded (actual words of someone here) -

    Since I am completely misunderstood all the time (most of the time)
    i will indeed let this go. I am hated by nearly the whole of the community anyway.

    That is unfortunately something i at least experience
  6. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I think the only winner I have an issue with is DPark because they banked on an incredibly questionable (to say the least, and in the kindest words I can manage) gimmick that in no way anyone with an empathetic mind to the situation would put through for Mike to listen to.

    And I'm not saying that because of sour grapes over not winning: While it's the best thing I've produced, the production on my remix was shit and didn't deserve to win. I wish I'd had more time to polish-- that's the one other complaint I have, the length of time between announcement and finish. We had less time than an MMU, which puts people in the position of wanting to make a remix at the time the contest is announced in a really tough spot.

    That being said. Shut up, Pat. You're going to get yourself banned and I don't want to see that.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
  7. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    I really appreciate your care.
    That being said - after my last "trying to improve the MMU", i got taken as a joke, people mocked me and of course starting from that, majority of this forum ignored, blocked and doesnt talk to me anymore anyway.
  8. Kevin

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Are you trying to get the rest of the forum to do the same? Because that's what you're doing.
  9. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    With all due respect you're acting like a mega-douche with an axe to grind and a chip on your shoulder that's risking severing off your head. Take a step back and breathe.
  10. m_macdonald

    m_macdonald Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    'Since I am completely misunderstood all the time (most of the time)'. 'I am hated by nearly the whole of the community anyway.' 'majority of this forum ignored, blocked and doesnt talk to me anymore anyway.'

    Pat, have you ever once taken the time to examine your own behaviour in all this? That is next level victim complex right there. I find it almost impossible to believe that, through all of those situations, you have never once stopped to ask if there was anything you might have done (a) differently, (b) better, (c) not at all.

    Be careful with your words and actions - they have meaning, Pat. You can't just throw a bucket of shit over someone (LPA, various remixers) and then say, 'Oh, listen, I really totally respect you man, I hope you know that! But I guess this will just go the same way as always and people will HATE me.' Yeh. No shit.
  11. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    Oh dear.
    So to make things clear, I can not comprehend hatred if i did not intend to actually be mean in the first place.
    Thats why i am trying to talk as neutrally as possible all the time. I do get that what happened in the shoutbox (2016) was a total disaster,
    but as soon as i am misunderstood in the first place i try to clear it up - and while words are not a mastery on me, i probably make it worse and worse. I can not stop until things are cleared up, which is never really working because things just fuck up even more.

    Knowing that majority of LPA just wants me to leave probably throws me off more than expected, trying to be probably TOO detailled even if there is nothing more to say.

    Listen guys.
    I never intend to attack anybody
    Neither do i want to start hatred and whatnot
    But thats why i tried to talk neutrally - it did not work and i am sorry.
  12. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Nothing about what you've said has been neutral. Trying to talk neutrally allows people to make their own meanings out of what you say, and if you already have an unfavourable position in the community as you suggest (I can't say one way or another), it's important to be as specific and as non-neutral as possible so that there's less risk of people taking you "the wrong way".

    Neutrality is nothing but an illusion from people who either don't want to commit or are in a position where they benefit from people just kind of assuming their actual position.
    Austin Vicenty and Hybrid like this.
  13. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    You're right
  14. LizziCloverman

    LizziCloverman The one that ruins any sausageparty

    Apr 13, 2012
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    I do not recall any time I directed any hatred towards you. Like you said we haven't spoken in years, so that doesn't make any sense. If you talk about what I said about not wanting to work with you anymore in discord (because of obvious reasons) that wasn't hateful at all. That was my personal wish not to get dragged into any of your shenanigans again.

    (As for the art thing, actually, fact is that I was supposed to do the art from the beginning and then you did your song and dance and we gave your GF a chance instead, which turned out to be a huge mistake.
    But this isn't the issue here!!)

    But anyways, arguing doesn't solve the issue. I honestly hope you'll find a better path in your life. This just isn't it. I'm out, dude.

    "There's always a crazy person on a bus, and if you can't see that person, it's probably you."
    Hybrid likes this.
  15. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    That was discovered already long time ago.
  16. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Pat I don’t think anyone hates you and no one is asking you to leave or wants you to. We mostly just want you to change and think about your behavior. It’s not good for the community but most of all not good for yourself. And this is not meant as an attack on you. Only you can really help yourself and that takes some painful realizations and truths. I don’t agree with everything that’s been said on here but a lot of it is true. Just think about it.
    Hybrid and Elaine like this.
  17. Søuł

    Søuł As rogue as they come

    May 24, 2012
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    Just been silently lurking and figured I'd throw in my 2 cents, if I may.

    I think both sides of the argument have some merit here. I was part of the judging process as a judge for LPLive, and I just want to say musicianship is not a requirement for judging. You don't need to be a musician to know what's a good remix or not fundamentally - from there, it's preference. Could favoritism be apart of it? Sure. Psychologically it's pretty hard to NOT be drawn to think more highly of something made by someone you know.

    The way we did it, the judges of LPLive made a list of about 20 remixes we listened to from the 300+ remixes we all sat through and voted on those, then the remixes that scored the highest amongst all of us won. It just so happened to be Astat's - which makes sense, considering he knows music production and its a fine musician in and out. Could there have been better remixes? Given the extremely short timespan, I really doubt it. Even zweir.z's remix wasn't up to par IMO, because his productions take a long time of thought and work to make and he just didn't have that here by no fault of his own.

    Now personally, the winning remix isn't one I'd have considered myself to win. My thoughts are just thought while overall the song is well produced and is a fine piece of music, it just doesn't fit WAIF. The work put into it is immense, however, and regardless of my own thoughts it earns my respect in that regard. I don't think it's as daring as some of the other remixes, nor as creative, but as a judge, musician, and music reviewer myself, that's just my own critique of it. Others clearly thought differently.

    There's also fault on both sides though. I find it kind of fishy that all Mike has done so far is just retweet and not say anything about the remix itself besides a pretty distant and impersonal congratulations, but hey, I'm not him. I don't know what he's up to, I don't know how many times he sat down and listened to this stuff, I don't know anything about what he did. I'm in no place to judge whether or not this is a sham or not. And you know, whether it is or not, who cares? At the end of the day, it is what it is. Initially, seeing the results, I'll admit I thought it was pretty sketchy. I've heard a lot of things from behind the scenes that are pretty sketchy in and of themselves that added onto it. But all we can do is accept it and move on, you know? I'm happy for all 5 finalists, they put a lot of work and effort into their work and all got the opportunity to have their work listened to by Mike. If it was a setup, I'd hope in better conscience whoever was responsible would come clean and say something, but if not, then so be it. Fair play. Unless in the future we start seeing very clear, damning patterns then none of us can say for certain.

    These are just my thoughts, no disrespect meant to LPA or Mac Oddy or anyone else. Just wanted to chime in to provide an outside view looking in :)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
  18. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Avo, Nicholas, Deliveranze and 5 others like this.
  19. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    I admit, I laughed a lot.
    Gibs likes this.
  20. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    So I went way back to your original post that stirred up this shitstorm, and there are WAY more other examples you’ve made available here... Is this where I get to call you a hypocrite? A back stabber? Two faced? So you know, trying to play the middle ground comes with many names. You’ve attacked people here whether or not you see it, or want to see it, the fact is you have. People don’t respond too well to that.
    РΛТ likes this.
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