Now that we got a lot of new members here, it’s probably time for the old members to reintroduce themselves, so you can get an idea of who you’re actually dealing with here. I’ll start with that: My name is Michele, I’m 29 years old, and I’m from Dortmund, Germany. I joined the forum in 2014, exactly 10 years ago, just before the release of The Hunting Party. Before that, I was a quiet lurker for two years, closely following the release of Living Things. During my time here in the forum, I’ve met a lot of crazy and positive people, some of whom I would even consider my friends today . When I first signed up, I mostly stood out for constantly making LP puns, whether they were appropriate or not, and I probably annoyed some people because of it. But over time, things haven’t improved much, so please forgive me for that . Otherwise, I’m very open and approachable, so if anyone ever needs someone to talk to, I’m always happy to help. I’m definitely glad to be part of this amazing community, and I’ll definitely continue to be. Best regards and feel welcome, Michele
Hello all! I'm Minus, though if you've lurked you may have see me around as minusxero, minusxerø, (+/-), Passport, #votedecaymostcontroversial, or Derek The Infamous. He/they pronouns. I'm 36 (fuck) years old, born in California, currently suffering in Texas, and joined the LPA back in the olden days of 2003. I think I'm as probably as "elderly" an active forum member (in terms of being on the forum, not actual age) as you can get before getting into LPA staff. If you ever see the partyminus smiley on here, that's me. I did not consent to the smiley but it's a part of LPA lore now and it's funny that I'm in that space. I have very strong opinions in regards to Linkin Park and music in general. A general distaste for the old nu-metal records, reverence of the best LP album A Thousand Suns, thinking OML was actually a good record. These are things I will harp on constantly, and will (jokingly) berate others for thinking differently. Despite being intentionally abrasive towards folks, I tend to think I'm actually a pretty easy-going person? I haven't been permanently banned YET, and I've been around long enough that my account on here can legally drink in the US, so I must be doing something right. That all said, it's an exciting time we live in where Linkin Park is back and I think that's something we can all celebrate together as newfound friends and as a reuniting community. Thank you for joining, welcome, and feel free to drop into the Shoutbox sometimes! I promise we don't bite, unless it's biting someone else we've known for years. Like Jesse or Filip or Blake.
Hello! I am Gibleson, often shortened to Gibs (unless I decide I want a puny username ). 29 years old, also suffering in Texas. I joined up on here during the Living Things cycle. You will often find me either in the shoutbox or shitposting in Random Chat about what prog rock album I’m currently listening to. You won’t see me often post in Linkin Park chat, though not out of lack of love. Hold habits just die hard. Just a few months ago it would seem inconceivable that we would be at the start of a new era for this band, yet here we are! I’m looking forward to what this new iteration of the brand brings, not just the music, but the community that comes along with it.
Hi. I'm Chris. I am not Scandinavian; our Swedish overlord admin Kevin bequeathed my current username upon me because he wouldn't let me steal the existing Chris or Christopher's usernames. I'm 26 years old and am originally from the lovely swamps of the US state of Louisiana. I currently live in Tennessee, chasing after bluegrass and working in the business side of the music industry as a day job to support my LPA addiction. I joined LPA in 2014 as a high schooler after lurking for a few years. I became a fan of the band in 2009 but was too young and clueless to realize they were releasing a new album soon, so was oblivious to the actual release of A Thousand Suns. It still became my favorite album by LP starting with my first full listen in late 2010. Other fun things...I have a lovely helping of ADHD, which gives me an inclination to frequently hyperfixate upon topics, music, projects, ideas, etc. It can be very productive when it aligns with my goals or cripplingly unproductive when it distracts me from work. As such, I like the nerdier discussion threads around here because they scratch the little itch in my noggin to deep-dive. I also fed @Wasabi GOD 's pun addiction back in the day but unlike him, I regret nothing and have no shame. I like to talk and mess around in the shoutbox, as well as engage in various musical and/or research-type projects both on LPA or just on my own. I've stuck around LPA because I personally feel it has the best people and sense of community among the various different places where LP fans congregate. People here know each other and love to talk and hang out, whether it's Linkin Park related or not. I'm really excited that LP is back, as well as LPA. Good to see the old faces but also exciting to see new ones that we'll get to know better! Come say hi in the shoutbox, and welcome! Also: the user above me is a rapscallion, don't listen to anything he says.
Hi! I am Quentin (new info !), 33 years old, from the french-speaking part of Belgium. Been on this forum for about 13 years, at times a bit more active, at times less. Beside talking everything-LP, I do enjoy guitar playing, working out, learning the Finnish language. Couple of times a year, I end up rocking out at live shows, in Belgium or abroad. So, we may one day meet up in the pit!
Sup! I'm ZERØ, I'm 36 (fuck indeed). I live in Austria and I've been a fan of LP since 2001. I had In The End taped on VHS among other music videos at the time, but I wasn't a fan yet. But one morning before school I saw a video on MTV and it was for Papercut. I instantly got hooked and still to this day it is my favorite song ever. I followed them closely ever since, listening to them daily, watching videos and interviews, everything. People knew me as that guy who loves Linkin Park Anyway, almost a quarter of century later, I'm still a fan.
Hola. I am Pat - 31 years old for about 20 more days by the time i write this. Living in Germany! I have been a fan of Linkin Park since about 21 years (2003) but i found this forum about 2011. I found Linkin Park themselves thanks to a Super Smash Bros. Combo Video and Faint was the music that was playing in the background Since then i am hooked. Just as many others, i listen to them daily, i also produce a bunch of remixes of LP yada yada yada. I do not have a true favorite LP album, although ATS and MTM are high up there for me. PS: I love Emily
I'm Elaine. I'm 32 years old, I make a buncha random crap in random fields and sometimes I'm paid for it.
I'm Derek, one of the co-founders of the website. I'm 38 (fuck), and been around since it opened as a website on an Angelfire server (fuck again - I'm old) in 2001. Not currently suffering in Texas, but I am suffering in Pennsylvania, or as many on here will call it, Amish-land. Jebediah finally got internet and electricity, and in-between milking cows, butter churning, and plowing the fields, I frequent this website that has been a part of my life for 24 years. I've also gone by Derek The Infamous. If there's nothing else you need to know during your time here it's this: Minus is a fraud. However, he does have good opinions on Linkin Park albums. ATS and OML are incredible albums, and Emily is incredible too.
Hello there! I'm Themata, but I first joined this site under the name LPBackintheCut in late 2011 when I was 14 (I turn 28 later this year, oh lord...). I live in the UK and I love to play music, especially on guitar. I have been a Linkin Park fan since 2005 and was lucky enough to see them at least once, at Download Festival in 2014. My favorite albums of theirs are HT and ATS, but I think every era of the band has something amazing to offer. Also, my old posts were very annoying and cringeworthy. Glad I'm not like that anymore - phew!
Oh, that's so cool - you must be very fond of those official live recordings they released from that show