What do you think about them? I think they were cool like 3-4 years ago, cuz the new songs sound pretty much the same. But the old songs are really cool Scar Tissue Around The World Under The Bridge Otherside ......
RHCP are a weird band. I first knew them with their video when someone is trapped in a car and the driver is crazy. that video was okay. but then their other single after that one is a video full of colors!!!! what the hell is that? In my opinion it sucked completely. and now their recent video is also a very weird video... :wth:
So they make some wierd videos, don't judge them through that. Many, many rock bands are wierd. Just accept that fact right now. Try to focus on their music more than their image, though...
This is the "new" Red Hot. I don't like it either [not cuz they are weird, weird is cool , but because the music is the same, and the same, and the same, and the same......
LP, limpbizkit, drowning pool , godsmack, crazy town, disturbed, evanenscense, POD, puddle of mudd...
RHCP are an old band and they were awesome way back then and still are. For that one person who said they first knew them with the video with the trapped passenger in the cab, you should do some exploring because you're way late with RHCP.
by the way that song with the trapped in the car is called by the way i have californication and theyre new album, i like the new one better but they really are very similar in all the songs
Their best album by far is Blood Sugar Sex Magik! A mix of funk, rap, rock, and punk all in one album! My favs on that album is the opening rap/rock song The Power of Equality, ballads Break the Girl and Under the Bridge, and the funky Fellowship Slinky in B Major and Suck My Kiss. All of the songs are awesome though, you have to buy it. Flea has some amazing basslines (a bass solo on Naked in the Rain), and Chads drumming is way better than By The Way. The closest thing to BSSM on By The Way would be the title track and a bit of Can't Stop. On Californication, the track Around The World is a BSSM-like song. Just go get it, you'll love it.
I was ONE STEP CLOSER to see them but i didn't go to the concert, cuz i went on a trip to Germany It was fun...
Aw. I guess I would've picked a trip to Germany over RHCP, too. <!--QuoteBegin--Todd@Apr 20 2003, 09:15 AM I saw them live a couple years ago with the Foo Fighers. It kicked ass[/quote] Cool beans. I like FF but not enough to make me get their album.